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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Jesse Wright

Jesse Wright, Managing Editor

I’m not the kind of person to talk about myself very much, so this really isn’t my thing. However, it’s required, so I’m going to do it anyway. I don’t like to read fiction. That surprises people, though I don’t know why. I do like to read nonfiction. I like to learn new things and do stuff, and I’m indecisive. This is strange, so that’s enough about my personal details. Now about my work-school life: I’m going to be helping Amanda, the Editor-in-Chief, with editing and managing the paper. I’m hoping this year will be a good one, especially with all of the new things coming. Oh, and I’m excited.

All content by Jesse Wright
Teenagers and Stress

Teenagers and Stress

Jesse Wright, Staff Writer
August 28, 2013

[Originally Posted 3/17/12] Coming home from a club meeting, her third extracurricular meeting this week, junior Cynthia Garza heads straight to her room and quickly falls asleep in her bed. Involved in eight extracurricular activities, Garza often feels overworked and exhausted. A natural response...

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District-Issued iPads Distract Students In Class

District-Issued iPads Distract Students In Class

Jesse Wright, Managing Editor
December 21, 2012

Ever since the district-wide deployment of iPads, numerous students, teachers and administrators have praised iPads for their effective use as a learning instrument. Conversely, many have complained about their equally effective use as nothing more than a distraction and outlet to in-class gaming, messaging...

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The Importance of Elections

The Importance of Elections

Jesse Wright, Assistant Editor
November 5, 2012

The presidential election, the single most important election in America, often goes unnoticed by millions of individuals across the nation. Despite its significance over 36 percent of the 206 million eligible voters - more than 70 million people, over eight million of which were 18 to 24 - failed to...

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New Economics: Teen Money Management

New Economics: Teen Money Management

Jesse Wright, Staff Writer
September 5, 2012

With many worried about the economy, more students begin to learn how to manage their money, but not many know of personal finance. Not knowing enough about how to manage money can easily send students to poor choices, later leading to debt and financial instability. Senior Melissa Tansey feels she doesn’t...

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Legislators To Vote On Concealed Handgun Bill

Legislators To Vote On Concealed Handgun Bill

Jesse Wright
May 1, 2011

[If you're here because you followed the link on the front page of our paper, we made a mistake. The proper link is here. ] The United States contains over 4,300 colleges, only about 70 of which currently allow for concealed handguns to be brought on campus. In 2009 alone, 2,590 forcible sexual offenses,...

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Final Blog: Jesse Wright

Final Blog: Jesse Wright

Jesse Wright, Assistant Editor
June 3, 2013

It’s both humorous and upsetting to think back on my previous years of high school and remember how much everybody lied to me. I don’t hold it against anybody, but countless teachers, former students and my brothers told me at least on a weekly basis that junior year would pose the greatest threat...

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Celebrities Influence Students' Decisions

Celebrities Influence Students’ Decisions

Jesse Wright and John Hoang
January 2, 2013

Sitting on the couch after school, senior Hannah Matula stares absently at the TV watching Jersey Shore. Ever since the show first premiered on MTV, the cast has gathered widespread popularity among teens across the nation. With the advent of modern technology, namely the TV and MP3 players, the ability...

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Custodian Nona Airheart

Custodian Nona Airheart

Jesse Wright and Megan Rathbun
November 8, 2012

Legacy custodian Nona Airheart walks the empty halls: No light streams through the windows. No sound other than the echo of her own footsteps. No people except for the rest of the night crew. Continuing her work she thinks back to when she became a mother. In her senior year of high school, twenty-one...

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Unique Houses Around the World

Unique Houses Around the World

Jesse Wright, Managing Editor
September 21, 2012

Nautilus House - Mexico City, Mexico This beautiful house, designed to look like the shell for which the builders named it, sports a grand opening through stained glass leading to a living room embedded with deep green flowers and a tree, as well as three floors with a master bedroom and bath, a study,...

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Teachers With Second Jobs

Jesse Wright
September 1, 2011

English teacher Stephanie Bonneau grabs her purse and begins to leave her classroom. She turns off the lights on her way out and locks the door behind her. The school has emptied. The students have left to enjoy their weekend, but Mrs. Bonneau has more work yet to come. She makes her way to her car,...

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Jesse Wright - Managing Editor

On The Topic Of Love

Jesse Wright, Managing Editor
February 11, 2013

You’ve all seen them. The people in the halls a little closer to each other than you wanted to see. The ones who think they’re “in love.” They hide in the corners of the stairwells, making things awkward for the lonely individuals on their way to first block. Well, it doesn’t work. Not on me....

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Seniors Jesse Wright and Zachary McCartney play a match of Yu-Gi-Oh! after school.

How To: Play Yu-Gi-Oh! – The Basics

Jesse Wright, Managing Editor
January 31, 2013

For many students, its mainstream popularity peaked during the fourth grade and has died down significantly since then, the classic card game, Yu-Gi-Oh! continues to have a hold on thousands of people throughout the world. For anyone looking to pick up a new hobby, Yu-Gi-Oh! offers a fun and thought-provoking...

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Senior Brandon Snailer marches onto the field, one of hundreds of other graduates.

Brandon Snailer

Jesse Wright, Managing Editor
December 18, 2012

Senior Brandon Snailer marches onto the field, one of hundreds of other graduates. From the stands his parents watch as his drill sergeant dismisses the platoons, ending their ten weeks of basic training. No longer a recruit but an army soldier, Snailer sets out to find his parents and return home. He...

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Vote 2012

Vote 2012

Nick Gross and Jesse Wright
October 26, 2012

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and incumbent candidate President Barack Obama have remained tied in the polls for several weeks now, and, with early voting already started, it’s important to understand the issues each candidate supports and rejects. Gay Marriage President Obama supports marriage...

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TAKS Schedule

Jesse Wright, Staff Writer
March 5, 2012

Sophomores and juniors will take the English/Language Arts TAKS test this Wed. March 7. Students taking the test will go to their assigned rooms, and testing will begin when the bell rings at 7:10. Administrators will post room assignments around the campus by the end of today. Seniors will not take...

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JROTC Battalion Takes Home Honors At Battle Of The Brazos

Jesse Wright
February 15, 2011

JROTC competed in the Battle of the Brazos in Waco along with nearly thirty other schools on Jan. 30. The Bronco Battalion, of which five teams contended, won an array of awards on both team and individual levels. The Battalion’s Physical Fitness Team won first place overall, with Commander David...

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