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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Morgan Richards

Morgan Richards, Newspaper

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

All content by Morgan Richards
College is expensive. Try to stock up on school supplies without hurting your wallet with these handy tips.

How to Adult: College Supplies

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
March 29, 2018

From the costs of sending in applications to the deposit fee for housing and orientation, college expenses add up. Quickly. And with the faint promise of graduation in the distance, more spending — supplies for class, textbooks (and anthologies? Companion books? Gibberish.), furniture to make your...

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Band GoFundMe

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
September 29, 2017

Following their success during the spring semester of 2017, Music For All selected the Legacy Wind Symphony to perform at the Music For All National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis, IN on the Featured Stage between March 14 and 17, 2018. Every student performing in the top ensemble must attend...

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Learn how to make small talk about politics while (hopefully) not angering everyone around you

How to Adult: Talking About Politics

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
September 21, 2017

Small talk, as a rule of thumb, covers simple topics such as the weather and sports. They require minimum thinking or effort on an individual basis but allow for a plethora of ideas and expression. As one of the most crucial conversational skills, small talk not only builds interpersonal relationships...

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Senior Alex Vo sings during band's annual Jazz Bash

Band Holds Annual Jazz Bash

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
February 28, 2018

The cool, blue lights that hung from the ceiling cast a dim glow on the black tablecloths and decorative bottles below. Jazz aficionados and fun-loving students alike sat crowded around their tables, whispering to each other with a low, charged excitement. At the foot of the elevated stage stood a mob...

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5 Great Marvel Movie Moments

5 Great Marvel Movie Moments

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
November 7, 2017

With Marvel’s new Netflix original web television series, The Punisher, officially scheduled to release some time in late 2017, and Thor: Ragnarok set to debut in theaters November 2, Marvel fanboys and fangirls alike have taken to the Internet to post their thoughts and opinions on the latest additions...

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Joshua Trentham, 12, solves a Rubik's cube.

Joshua Trentham: Mixing and Matching

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
January 19, 2017

His hands move like clockwork, cracking away effortlessly at the pattern he’s spent years perfecting. His face is blank but his mind is concentrating on his next move. He holds the cube up as the timer reads 20 seconds, before mixing up the blocks and trying again for a better time. Sophomore Joshua...

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Writing For Myself

Writing For Myself

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
February 5, 2018

My English teachers always told me they couldn’t wait to see my name lining the shelves of a bookstore. After any assignment, they’d pull me aside, a wide smile tugging at their lips and brimming with pride, and they’d say to me, “Morgan, you’re going to be an author some day, I just know it.” But...

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Hope All Around Us

Hope All Around Us

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
November 13, 2017

Throughout elementary school, I had been a bubbly, energetic ball of energy, bouncing off of the walls and running my mouth off whenever I had the chance. I had places to go, people to meet and new experiences to have. The playground was my oyster, the supermarket was the place to make new friends and...

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Living in a Meme World

Living in a Meme World

Morgan Richards, Staff Writer
March 14, 2017

Laughter erupts from the lunch table as junior Ryan King passes his phone around to show his friends a screenshot of Kermit the Frog talking to a hooded version of himself. Exclamations of “same” and “me too” voice themselves at the relatable situation addressed in the caption of the picture. The...

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