When I first heard that Nintendo would be coming out with a brand new, top of the line DS System I was curious to see how it would compare to each of the models before its time. I saved my money with all intentions of buying the new device. When I heard that the new Nintendo DS would be a video gaming console with 3D visual effects I lost all interest. I know this sounds opposite to most reactions, but I just didn’t believe that it could be done. To me, a small game system capable of 3D visual effects was completely out of the question and when I found out the 3D images were to be seen without 3D glasses, my doubt for a decent gaming console continued to build. The day arrived for the release and I was devastated when I realized it was an amazing piece of technology which would open the doors to many new gaming possibilities. The three main things changed my mind about the Nintendo 3DS.
1. The system was fully motion-compatible.
Games requiring twisting and turning were a breeze on this new system because, much like the iPod Touch, iPhone and PlayStation 3 controllers, the games reacted when the item was tilted or turned.
2. Dual-Screen
All the DS systems have had two screens but the picture quality coming from the screens has gotten better with each system. I love the crystal clear visuals on the dual-screen system because both are wide screens. The top screen images are what create the 3D effect and the bottom is an LCD touchscreen. Touch screens are a more interactive way to game and the 3D visuals help maintain user interest.
3. Analog Stick
Analog controls are always useful when moving your character, vehicle, or whatever else you may be utilizing in the game. The analog stick has never been used on a DS system before and with its new appearance on the 3DS some of my friends were excited at the mere fact that it can be used to move characters in the latest Pokémon game.
These combined with the all around sleek and simple design make the Nintendo 3DS a perfect hand held gaming system unlike any other.