Pet peeves give reasons for people to complain. When I meet someone new, I base my first impressions on what I notice, and most times I notice the obvious pet peeves and the presentation they give of themselves. Needless to say, I have a few pet peeves of my own and some of them seem more common. So judge me on some of my pet peeves.
I can’t stand improper grammar. I get angry at my friends when they use “u” or “idk” while texting me or emailing me. Spell the word out. It won’t kill you. It also bothers me when someone honestly doesn’t know which form of a word to use. We’ve been in school for at least nine years, and every year it seems we’ve had to go over the correct form of two, too and to.
I strongly dislike bullies. It isn’t cool to verbally bully someone because they may not be pretty or skinny, talking about that same person on social media and spreading false rumors so that others will share the negative opinion. Physically bullying might bring popularity to the abuser, but everyone who finds that cool needs to see a therapist or an anger management counselor. People who think they need to hurt other people to make themselves feel good disgust me. Obviously, the person they’re picking on means something to them. They wouldn’t take so much time out of their personal life if they didn’t want to constantly think about their victim and how they’ll hurt them next. Being a jerk doesn’t help anyone out in the real world. Here, you get a detention or BIC. In the real world, you go to jail on harassment charges, you get fired from your job and you have no friends.
Stupid drivers make me wish that I didn’t have my license. I have come close to getting into several wrecks because people don’t use their turn signals, decide that the speed limit isn’t fast enough and don’t think that they should have to stop at stop signs or behind school busses. News flash: it doesn’t matter who you are, you are not exempt from the law.
Drama. I hate drama. I cannot even begin to comprehend why people purposely cause so much of it. On top of causing random drama, they drag people into it. If there is a fight between two people, groups of friends end up splitting up. Friends are lost because someone chose the wrong side. I normally become a part of the drama by refusing to chose sides. It makes friends feel like I don’t love them enough to defend them, when I usually just don’t care. That sounds cruel beyond the point of being cruel, but that’s how it is. I care, but not enough to choose one friend over another.
I hate rumors. This particular type of bullying gets on my very last nerve. Not only is it completely wrong to make up a horrid lie about someone and spread it around, but it is worse to hear something and tell other people. Especially if you don’t really know the person that the rumor is about. “Oh hey I heard that Sally did this and that and got in so much trouble with her mom and then Jim said this to Kelly and oh my gosh like what’s her problem? I don’t even know them but I hate them.” No. Don’t. Just don’t. I’ve had my share of rumors that have been spread about me and I have lost friends and even my ex-boyfriend. After a three year relationship, a tiny lie drove an unrepairable wedge between us. I lost a very close friend because someone misheard something I said and told all of her friends. Soon no one knew the truth anymore and I took the downfall for it all.
I hate liars. People who lie make me want to scream. I’ve told lies, and I know everyone else has too. However, don’t tell one person that you can’t afford something so that they’ll buy it for you and then brag about your last paycheck to someone else. Don’t make up excuses for being late or not having your ID. You’re going to get caught. The lies that make me the angriest are the lies that people tell to get attention. If your friends aren’t paying enough attention to you then deal with it. Don’t tell some tragic tale about how your parents got into a huge fight and your mom left if it isn’t true. Someone has even gone so far as to tell me tearfully that her mom said she was adopted, when I know very well that she was not because I’ve seen all of the photos of her mother holding her as a newborn.
Those are, among all of the things that bother me, the worst of my pet peeves. I don’t care if a bored student clicks their pen in class, I try to ignore open mouthed chewers and gum smackers and I can tolerate a lot of my other minor pet peeves, but these are the ones I cannot ignore. Most of them are just the end result of attention deprived people, but for some reason it all just gets to me. Are you judging me yet?