As the weather drops and cold and flu sea approaches, more students are falling victim to illnesses. Staying clean and healthy plays a key role in preventing illnesses. Follow the precautions below to avoid contracting the cold or flu.
Wash your hands
You should always wash your hands. Especially if you just used the restroom. Since your hands carry more germs and viruses than any other part of you, make it a habit to wash them frequently. Carry hand sanitizer too. Hand sanitizer makes it easy to keep your hands clean whenever soap and water are not available.
Maintain a strong immune system
Drink plenty of water. Water rids your body of toxins and help to keep you hydrated. Getting the right amount of sleep, exercising and eating healthy also helps to strengthen the immune system.
Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
If you feel like you have to sneeze or cough, grab a tissue and cover your mouth. Use the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth if you do not have a tissue.
Get a flu shot
The flu shot will not eliminate the possibility of getting the flu, but it will lower the chances of contracting the virus and spreading it to others. The vaccine injects a small strand of the virus into your body so the immune system can develop antibodies to fight it.
Avoiding touching your mouth, eyes, or nose
Your hands are full of germs and touching your face gives these germs easy access into your body. If you have a habit of touching your face, break it. Wear gloves or keep your hands in your pockets to keep from touching your face.
Avoid sick people
Try to avoid close contact with anyone who has contracted a virus. Stay home if you are sick to keep others healthy.