Great snacks, a funny movie and friends can create a great atmosphere for the perfect movie night. For a successful movie night, take a pick of these 10 great movie suggestions.
Pitch Perfect (2012)
Pitch Perfect starts with a girl named Becca who becomes part of a singing group called the Barden Bellas. Along the way she grows close to the girls and trains them to become ready for a spring competition against their male rivals from school.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
A group of outcasts from intergalactic space join together to stop a war from breaking out between their world and ours.
Divergent (2014)
Takes place in a world where everyone has a faction that they fit into based on their personality and skill set. Through the course, the main character, Tris learns that she fits into a rare category because of her flexible personality, otherwise known as “Divergent.” This movie includes a good balance between action and drama, creating for an exciting movie night.
The Woman in Black (2014)
A man who happens to be a lawyer goes to a village where he learns of an angry ghost of a woman who terrorizes the people of the town.
Maleficent (2014)
A fairy who has been mistreated by the love of her life casts a curse on his new born baby girl, only later does she realize that the little princess could be her last hope of sanctifying the two kingdoms.
Anchorman (2004)
Ron Burgundy, the most esteemed news anchor in the San Diego area, faces a challenge when a new woman comes in the news world, ready to take Ron’s spot.
21 Jump Street (2012)
A couple of unaccomplished cops go undercover at a near by high school to bring down an ongoing drug ring.
The Proposal (2009)
A forceful editor makes her assistant marry her so she can stay in America and avoid deportation to Canada.
Forrest Gump (1994)
A mentally challenged man who ends up being apart of many historical events but makes it out of all the situations because of his one true love, Jenny.
The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
Two teen cancer patients meet at a support group and fall madly in love after going through many trials and tribulations.