Rolling out of bed at 6:20 A.M. to rush through getting dressed, and driving to school in the dark will not be something I miss in college. In college I imagine waking up in a sun-lit room, leisurely getting dressed then walking to class with a stack of books in my arms.
In reality I know it won’t be like that. If the rumors are true I’ll be even more sleep deprived than I have been in high school, addicted to caffeine and a first class procrastinator, but college still sounds pretty awesome to me. I’ll have to make it through a couple semesters of prerequisite classes before I can start taking classes specific to my major and I’m looking forward to that.
I love reading and learning, and having four years of my life dedicated to doing just that sounds like heaven. To get up in the morning with the sole purpose of studying a subject I’m interested in thrills me.
High school has been a pretty cool experience and something I’m very grateful for. I have made friends that will stick with me through college and I hope even longer. I got to join Journalism and Key Club and spend time doing things I’m passionate about. I may miss the simplicity of my life now when I’m in college, but I’m excited to take what I’ve been doing and expand it.