Growing up, I’ve always had a particular interest in politics, especially when the presidential campaigns came around. I enjoyed looking at all the nominees and comparing their point of views, especially on how they planned to tackle issues that our government possessed. With the 2016 presidential race currently in progress, one particular candidate seems to always be headlining every media outlet. Who this candidate may be, you might ask? No other than billionaire businessman and television personality, Donald Trump.
On June 16, Trump announced his plans to run for president. Ever since then, he has rapidly gained popularity as the candidate for the Republican party, in which he dominates the polls. After watching several of his campaign rallies and reading some of his strategies to eradicate government problems, I only have one message for all the voters of America: you’re making a mistake.
Trump may seem like a good candidate due to his bluntness, unlike most other candidates, toward America’s main issues. From immigration control and border patrol to foreign policy, he claims to fix those issues to make the US into a better place to live. However, I believe that the way he plans to tackle these issues reflects his inappropriate behavior that he will carry into his presidency if elected.
With his inflammatory and racist comments about immigrants to his degrading remarks about women and his GOP rivals, my respect for him has only declined. Take the following comment he made about Mexican immigrants in his announcement speech, for example.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems,” Trump said. “and they’re bringing those problems […] They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists […]”
With this quote, Trump looks down on Mexicans, stereotypes them and shames their cultural diversity. Mexico does not only send “bad” people, they have brought good people as well that have contributed to the well-being of America. As a potential candidate for the President of the United States, a country that contains thousands of immigrants from all over the world, you should be able to treat everyone with equality, despite their race, gender or ethnicity. Unfortunately, that’s a characteristic that Trump does not possess, which I believe makes him an unfit individual to run our country.
Trump also has trouble with interacting professionally with the media and his GOP rivals. For example, during the first Republican presidential primary debate on August 6, one of the anchors, Megyn Kelly, asked Trump some, what he considered “challenging,” questions. The next morning, he immediately released his anger towards Kelly on Twitter with a series of tweets for asking him those “challenging” questions, thinking she was singling him out when she was simply doing her job – being a journalist.
As a potential future president, I don’t believe it’s appropriate to take out your anger out on someone on Twitter just because you think they were trying to single you out or challenge you. A good president would need to deal with these personalities in a professional manner, unlike Trump would, because they would not only be representing themselves, but the United States. Because of this, I believe that Trump would carry this unprofessional attitude with him when dealing with our fellow countries, potentially worsening our foreign policies and relationships with them. Also, our future president will be faced with a variety of challenging issues, from ISIS to our economy, and they surely can not get angry because a question was hard to answer.
Although Trump may be an extremely successful businessman, I don’t think he will ever be deemed fit enough to run this country. I honestly don’t think the responsibilities of our country will be in good hands if Trump becomes president due to his racist and unprofessional behavior. I’m also annoyed that Trump gets the spotlight all the time when there are other candidates that have more experience and could do a much better job running this country.
In the case of Trump being elected president, I think there would be chaos. With the harsh plans he wants to implement, lots of lives would be affected, possibly causing unhappy citizens or riots. I will be very scared if he becomes president, since he won’t be best for our country. I want to be living in a country where our president will help it continue to prosper and represent it in the best way possible. In the end, it will be up to the voters of America to make the decision, and hopefully they will make one that benefits the country and its citizens fully.
Raegan Guerrero • Sep 25, 2015 at 9:19 am