A loud whirring sounds of the sewing machines came from Ms. Dawn Groves’ fashion design class. The sound almost drowned out her voice instructing the class.
“Control the lever,” Ms. Groves said.
Since this was the first project requiring the use of sewing machines, Ms.Groves walked around the room pausing to help each student properly thread the machine. Students brought two pieces of fabric to match the thread to create a Christmas stocking.
“I liked picking out the fabric and seeing how it turned out,” senior Rebecca Watson said. ”I love sewing and seeing the final product of what I did.”
First, they ironed the wrinkles out of their fabric and then cut four identical pieces. Following Mrs. Groves’ instructions exactly and avoiding stabbing their fingers with pins, students began constructing their stockings. Students laughed and talked to each other as they took turns using the sewing machines.
“The sewing machines are pretty difficult to figure out in the beginning, especially getting the thread situated, but once you get the hang of it it’s pretty simple,” Watson said.
Once the project was completed, everyone marveled at their new creation and compared with friends. Throughout the year, fashion design students sketched outfits, sewed a pillowcase and a tote bag and learn important principles of design.
“I enjoy sewing myself. It can be a relaxing hobby. I love it [teaching fashion design] because I feel like I’m teaching students something new that they’ve never done before,” Mrs. Groves said.