There’s a point in time where everything seems to come crashing down. Sometimes more than others, and with high school being a big factor in my everyday life, it seems that life itself is never really on my side.
Junior year, so far, has, or if not, been the hardest year of my high school career despite senior year being the only one left. Although it seems that graduation is so far away, life will go by faster than you think. And that’s what I’m here to talk about today.
Some people may ask themselves, ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’, ‘Why do good things come to an end?’ or ‘ Why can’t life be so easy?’ Well, there’s really no answer to any of these things just like there isn’t anything else life may throw at you.
I believe life is fair because it isn’t fair to anyone. As much as it may be denied, life is your friend, not your foe. It teaches you lessons and morals about not only the life around you but also yourself.
You learn a lot through life experiences. Life will pick you up and push you down unexpectedly. Then, eventually, it’ll pick you back up only push you back down again. It impacts you in a positive or negative way, and it might even leave scars along the way.
I know it has left me many.
Life also blesses you with people. You make friends with people you never thought you’d meet and people leave that you thought never would. Most of this happens through change. But sometimes change is good. You may lose something nice but gain something better.
Now, stress and anxiety are probably the biggest obstacles to cross over in life. They throw everything at you at once, and if you have health issues, it makes the experience 10 times worse. You start to lose yourself through the process of trying to move forward.
I have lost myself plenty of times.
I realized once life introduced its brother and sister, patience and time, good things will always come at its own pace.
Good things always take time. You should never rush something you want to last forever. Be patient. Things happen on their own, and that’s the best part. You never know what happens next.
Having faith is a big factor. Faith will basically give you the strength to do anything you want in life. If you want to have the highest rank in your class, work for it, and if wanna walk on the moon, go for it. You can do anything you set your mind to.
There’s a quote I live by that Rocky once said, “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.” You have to keep going even when it’s not okay.
Life has taught me that it’s okay to not be okay.
I guess you can say I’ve found myself again after writing this blog, and that’s the good thing. You have to find your strength through every struggle, and I’m proud to say I have.
Appreciate what life throws at you. Embrace it, and look forward to what’s coming next. Not only will it make you stronger, but it’ll make you the person you are today.
Life is beautiful, and so are you.