Social isolation causes strain on everyone during this time of isolation. However, this does not mean we need to let ourselves go. If we nurture our mental health, then we can keep our spirits up and power through this tough time in our lives.

Connect With Others
Even in social isolation, we have our technology to connect us with our friends and family. Using video and phone calls, we can reach out to the people who are out of reach and do so at a safe distance. Contact with our loved ones will keep us from feeling depressed and lonely, and also maintain our desire for social interactions.
Have Fun
Being trapped in a house isn’t fun at all, but that does not mean we should waste away from day to day. Whether with siblings, pets or family, be creative to keep occupied. For example, go outside and play a game, record a TikTok with siblings or walk the dog. Even though we must distance ourselves, staying active will keep us from negative feelings and thoughts.
Ask For Help
When feeling blue, do not feel afraid to reach out to others for help. Everyone is going through this new way of life in similar ways, no one could prepare for this quick change. If you feel overwhelmed, go to your family and friends to help pick you back up. Spending time with loved ones will benefit mental health, emotional health and keep spirits high when feeling down.
Self Care
Taking care of the body and mind will keep your mental health strong and positive. Cook a favorite meal, or do a skincare routine. This will keep your mind active, and keep the body moving. With all this free time, we all have time for our hobbies; watch favorite movies, sing nostalgic playlists and tackle that unfinished project. All of these things will maintain good mental health and keep the body from feeling heavy in gloom.
One of the easiest things to do when nurturing mental health is to rest. This “extended break” messed with our daily and sleeping schedules, so sleep in an extra few hours. Sleeping not only replenishes energy but also heals the body from internal stress, so try to maintain a constant sleeping pattern, and don’t shy away from a few extra hours of rest.
Relieve Stress
Stress causes the most pain to the body, both physically and mentally. Exercise is a way of ridding the body of stress as it wears the body out along with our stress receptors. Meditation also allows us to relax our entire body and get put into a state of security that helps to heal the mind and body. Controlling stress will help prevent mental health from deteriorating and help keep the body and mind at ease.
Eat Healthily
Diet can strongly influence mental and emotional health, but when eating healthily the body will also feel happy and healthy. Though they make up a lot of loved foods, carbs and sugars contribute to feelings of sadness, depression and weight gain. When limiting the intake of carbs and sugars, the body will feel better and give more energy to be productive.