Emmie Powell sits in the front row of Willie Pigg Auditorium as a child, watching her dad wave his arms and direct the choir. Now she stands as a junior on the risers at Willie Pigg watching her dad direct as she sings the music.
“Having my dad as a teacher is a really fun experience for me, and it is nice to have him at school with me and get to spend extra time with him,” Powell said.
Choir Director Josh Powell started teaching at Legacy 11 years ago when Emmie was four years old. He spends his days teaching choir in M107; the same classroom Emmie goes to for her choir classes.
“She is an awesome student and leader of this program, and she knows how to lead her classmates really well,” Mr. Powell said.
Emmie has taken five different classes with her dad since her freshman year including Canto Dolce, Show Choir, Bella Voce, Chamber and AP Music Theory. She has also been a choir officer for three years.
“My technique, musical literacy and understanding of the way music works has all been influenced and shaped by him,” Emmie said. “He has taught me the value of hard work and learning new things, and he also taught me to not be too hard on myself when I feel unsuccessful or bad about myself.”