Superintendent Dr. Jim Vaszauskas traveled to Legacy to meet with students on March 9, and as the meeting neared, students congregated around the doors of the PAC. The doors were locked, and the theater was secure. But what about the school?
In light of the Parkland shooting, Dr. V visited Legacy on his path around all five MISD high schools, meeting and discussing school safety and security with concerned students.
“I just really wanted to hear from some of the students,” Dr. V said. “I wanted to come talk to the people who wanted to talk to me.”
In his short presentation, Dr. V revealed the specific and personal steps he and the upper echelon administration had taken to ensure essential school safety measures were up-to-date. This included traveling to every school under his care, asking about security doors and cameras, and expediting security repairs. It also involved asking school administrators about students that worried them, that might pose a threat to themselves or others. Throughout the presentation, students asked questions and offered their concerns, most of which dealt with ignorance on the part of the general student population.
“I understand that communication is key,” Dr. V said. “Y’all have made it crystal clear to me that you want the district to communicate with you better.”
The floor was then opened to student discussion, which involved items ranging from the canceled pep-rally on March 2, to more realistic drills, to a proposed walk-out. Dr. V answered questions and encouraged the attendees of the importance of their opinions.
“You have a very powerful voice. It’s important that your voice is heard.” Dr. V said. “There’s not a politician in the country who isn’t listening to you.”
Dr. V closed the meeting with a 3-part safety challenge: Speak up, close doors, and make your voice heard through voting.
“If you see something, please say something. Please do not prop open a door. Then register, and go vote. That’s your most powerful voice,” Dr. V said. “I appreciate your honesty, and that’s why I’m here. I want to hear.”