“What If…?”, a new Marvel animated TV-Show on Disney+, tackles the endless possible outcomes of different Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes. The series may be young, but so far the episodes have been outstanding.
To enjoy the show, you must have an open mind. All the episodes stand out because of their unique choices. If you choose to have a closed mind, it will be hard to enjoy the episodes because a person would be too focused on how one choice would be too impossible to occur. Episode one tackles the idea of someone else being Captain America. Anyone who continues to think that Captain America belongs to Steve Rogers will be sorely disappointed. However, if you consider the possibility of a different character in the role of Captain America, the episode will satisfy.
The callbacks to original settings in the MCU make many Marvel [fans] pleased with this series. In episode two, it shows the planet Knowhere, originally seen in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1”. A few other settings include places like the Hydra Church and train in episode one which were both first seen in “Captain America: The First Avenger.” This again fits with the theme of a different person in the role of Captain America.
The voice actors stand out as another great characteristic of this show. Many of these voice actors are original characters from the MCU. Actors like Chadwick Boseman, who passed away a little over a year ago, recorded his lines for the show and reprised the character, T’Challa. Other notable actors and actresses include Mark Ruffalo, Josh Brolin, Hayley Atwell and Samuel L. Jackson to name a few. All of these actors have been in past MCU movies.
The show has an art style that sticks out like a sore thumb. The art style can be compared to a bold superhero comic book. Characters each have a variant amount of colors all over them and their features are each deeply defined. Many of the details are made to resemble characters from the MCU. A great example would be Tony Stark’s face in episode three, which perfectly matches his identity in “Iron Man 2.” All of the art derives from an original art style from the artist J.C Leyendecker. Mr. Leyendecker was known for making many covers for public businesses and magazines.
Overall, this amazing show contains the ability to write a new story, make references, include many famous actors and have an outstanding art style. With only so many episodes out right now, many more episodes continue to form. The new Marvel animated show will blow your mind if you give it a chance.