On Sept. 23 upperclassmen will be receiving their iPads from the school district. Some students have decided they will not get an iPad this year. Madison Jetty made the decision this year that it is too much of a hassle to carry it around and that causes too much of a distraction.
“It brought down my grades because it took too much attention away,” senior Madison Jetty said. “For me a virtual learning source isn’t an effective learning source.”
iPad deployment, for all students who do not have outstanding fees such as a lost, stolen, or damaged iPad, will take place on September 23, 24 and 25. For students who do intend to receive an iPad, these are a few tips:
Take advantage of online registration
Taking advantage of the online registration option will save faculty and students a lot of time. It will keep the line from clogging up when students are turned away and told to come back on one of the other deployment dates.
Pay Outstanding Fines
Students with outstanding fines will not be eligible to receive their iPads. Students should also remember that the iPads belong to the district, not to them, so they should be careful as to how the iPad is handled.
iPad Security
Students will watch a short video that discusses the precautions they should take with their iPad while on and off campus.
“The video will mainly cover where it’s safe to store your iPad if you do not have it with you,” Ms. Retchless, iPad technician, said.
These may seem like fairly simple steps to take, but students can avoid having to come back to deployment a second time and make the entire process go easier, and smoother, if they just follow these steps.
“I highly recommend students get an iPad,” Mrs. Sykes, Legacy’s UIL coordinator said. “The students have access to all of their materials at the touch of their fingers, and do not have to lug books around all day.”