On Saturday, Jan. 25 Legacy will have its first art show, titled Homecoming. The show features Legacy Alumni and the art work that they created since leaving high school. Mr. Mason and the Art Club started planning the show in late October.
Mason said he is nervous but excited about the show as it draws nearer.
“I hope the show is installed without issues but I’m excited to see my former students,” Mason said.
The Art Club plans to organize more art shows in the future, however right now they are unsure when these shows will happen. The club would like to do a show featuring the faculty’s artwork.
The show will benefit the alumni because it gives them an experience to add to their resumé when applying to colleges or jobs.
“Exposure is key to visual arts,” Mason said. What can happen as a result is out of my control but [they’ll] never know if [they] don’t get out there and get seen.”