UIL recently announced the cutoff numbers for the newly created 6A class in Texas, as well as every division below it. With the cutoff numbers changed, the new system essentially bumps each school up one division. It also includes 6A, a new division for schools with 2100 students or more.
Legacy used to compete in the 5A division until the opening of Lake Ridge High School. Students left for the new school and dropped Legacy’s numbers under the minimum student threshold that was set in place. Now, two years later, they will jump back up to 5A while other current 5A schools such as Highland Park and Stephenville will move to the recently created 6A.
The new divisions are organized based upon student population as follows:
- 6A 2100 and up
- 5A 1060-2099
- 4A 465-1059
- 3A 220-464
- 2A 105-219
- 1A 104.9 and below
Legacy remains in Region 2, District 14 with all other Mansfield schools, excluding Mansfield High School. District 14 now includes Arlington Seguin, Lancaster, Lake Ridge, Legacy, Summit, Timberview, Red Oak, and Waxahachie.
For more information, visit the UIL website.