Who Founded Celebrate My Drive?
State Farm, the insurance company, founded Celebrate My Drive in 2012 to promote safe driving for teens.
When Does It Start?
Celebrate My Drive begins October 15th (the first day of National Teen Driver Safety Week) and runs through October 24th.
What is the Purpose of Celebrate My Drive?
To raise awareness about the dangers that come with teenage drivers, they want the community to understand that more teens die from car accidents than any other cause. State Farm believes that by celebrating safe driving they can open teen’s eyes to the harsh reality of unsafe driving. Workers at State Farm want teenagers to understand that accidents can be prevented, which led to the saying “2N2” which means 2 eyes on the road and 2 hands on the wheel.
How Can Students Participate in Celebrate My Drive?
To participate in this event, you can go online to www.celebratemydrive.com and commit to being a safe driver for the school of your choice. Each commitment will be marked with the time that it was received. Also, students can spread the word of this event to family, friends, teachers and members of the community to ask them to go online and commit for the students prospective school.
How Does our School Benefit From This Event?
The top 100 schools that have the most commitments have the chance to win prizes such as $25,000 or $100,000 in grants. The top two schools also have the chance to win a concert from The Band Perry.
When Will Schools Find Out Who Won?
On November 14, the school representatives from each school will be notified either by phone or email with the information of whether they won or not. If students, faculty members or members of the community would like to see the schools that won they can visit www.celebratemydrive.com for the results.