Senior Makayla Shanahan sits with Legacy’s National Honor Society Dance Committee at America’s Best Coffee to go over plans for the inaugural Bronco Ball. Sunlight streams in through the windows as they talk about ideas to make the dance more affordable and appealing to students. The meeting finishes quickly and Shanahan gets up to head out.
“I felt hopeful for the possibility of the dance and the future events that [it] could lead to,” Shanahan said.
NHS will host Legacy’s first dance, the Bronco Ball, November 5 in the cafeteria. Along with a DJ and photo booth, the dance will have free refreshments. Tickets will cost $15 at the door but will be put on sale in mid-October for $10. Senior Allison Bao, President of NHS, said they decided to make the dance semi-formal so students don’t feel unable to attend simply because they do not own formal clothing.
“The school hasn’t had any school dances ever since the first year that it opened,” Bao said. “We’ve heard a lot of people talking about wanting us to have a school dance, and we figured now would be a good time to try and do it.”
Of the money NHS raises from the Bronco Ball, 20 percent will go toward a charity NHS members will decide on later. NHS plans to use the remaining money later to donate, give out as scholarships or to fund more events.
“One of the pillars of National Honor Society is service,” Shanahan said. “Through what we’ve been doing, we provide service to mostly kids so we’re hoping that at the least our money can go to something that has a good cause.”
With the Sadie Hawkins theme for the Bronco Ball, girls, rather than boys, will ask someone to the dance if they want a date. Of course, dates aren’t mandatory, but the students in NHS felt that making it a Sadie Hawkins dance would add to the uniqueness of it.
“I think it will be cool especially since it’s Sadie Hawkins,” Bao said. “I think it’s a lot different.”
NHS will also accept submissions for the best proposals to the dance once tickets get put on sale. A group of teachers will select the winner, and the students in the video will receive a LaGondola gift card to go out to dinner before the dance. To qualify a photo or video of the proposal, post it on twitter with the tag #BroncoBall2016.
“I thought the competition will bring in more people to do it. We’re worried that a lot of girls who don’t have boyfriends are gonna be like ‘ah, I don’t wanna ask a guy,’” Shanahan said. “We thought money would reel people in.”
Overall, members of NHS want students who attend the Bronco Ball to have a good time.
The goal of the dance is to allow all students to have a fun time at the inaugural event.
“We just want everyone to have fun and come out and enjoy the dance,” Bao said. “We just really want a lot of school spirit and support.”