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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

All content by Bella Modderman
Vital Vaccinations

Vital Vaccinations

Bella Modderman, Staff Writer
April 5, 2018

Soon-to-be college students have an abundance of planning ahead of them, including purchasing items to furnish their dorms or apartments, packing away their life into a few boxes, and, most importantly, vaccinations. Students living in close proximity dorm spaces with one, or more, students have a higher...

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Community service member plans meeting.

Community Service

Bella Modderman, Staff Writer
November 12, 2015

Club/Sport Community Service Where/How Often Do They Meet The Community Service class meets every A day during fourth block in Mrs. Esaili’s room. What People Think We Do “Well they think we go around, and do community service as far as the elementary schools and nursing homes, hospitals,...

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Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong

Bella Modderman, Staff Writer
March 19, 2018

The end of the school year approaches as my friends and I scramble to figure out where we’re attending in the fall, and I still can’t decide what to eat for lunch. People told me that my junior year would be my most difficult year of my high school career, but my second semester of my senior year...

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Intercontinental Anxiety

Intercontinental Anxiety

Bella Modderman, Staff Writer
August 29, 2017

Leaving home won’t ever be easy no matter how old you are. Abandoning everything never comes easy, and neither does starting a new life in a foreign country. Watching the only place you’ve been comfortable in for 14 years pass by you as you ascend into the distance rips you in two. Change becomes...

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Bella Modderman, lists items to keep from senior year.

What to Put in a Senior Time Capsule

Bella Modderman, Staff Writer
October 10, 2017

Senior year. The last year of firsts. The last year with your peers. The last year to make high school memories last a lifetime. Enjoying high school events comes easy, but remembering them months, even years afterwards, means cloudy memories of going out to eat at IHOP after a football game, instead...

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