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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Billy Stevens

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer

Hey everyone, I’m Billy Stevens, and I’m a sophomore. This is my first year in newspaper. I don’t do much but sleep and watch Netflix, most recently Skins. I’m a staff writer so I’m just a slave in this whole newspaper operation. I’m just kidding. Only sort of. I like car rides with the windows down. I enjoy music, but, more importantly, I love Lana Del Rey. Follow me on Twitter @billy_stevens3, sometimes I’m funny on there. I really don’t like talking about myself, so lucky for both of us, my poorly constructed bio is over. Cioa.

All content by Billy Stevens
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AP Exemption Policy Reinstated

Billy Stevens and Talley FLowers
May 15, 2014

In order to get college credit, students are given the choice to take either TCC or Advance Placement (AP) classes. In the past, students who chose to take AP classes, pass the course and take the AP exam, are automatically exempt from taking the regular final for the class. A recent policy change required...

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Theatre performs second musical.

Urine for a Show: Musical Comes to Legacy

Billy Stevens and Madison Fountain
January 24, 2014

A tax on peeing, a daughter doubting her father and a young boy leading a revolution; all these blend together to create Urinetown the Musical. Legacy’s Drama Department presents its second musical in school history, Urinetown. This comedy, narrated by a little girl and corrupt cop, satirizes populism,...

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Members of the bass club participate in their first tournament of the 2013-2014 season.

Kyle Dragulski

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
November 7, 2013

Cast after cast, senior Kyle Dragulski fishes for his favorite, the largemouth bass, at lake Toledo Bend. He feels the freedom the water offers him, away from all his worries. The only thing on his mind is fishing. “Fishing gives me a sense of freedom that nothing else can,” Dragulski said. “I...

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Theatre teacher Jeremy Ferman takes a picture of the IMPORV team.

Mission: IMPROVable Ends Season

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
April 7, 2014

Mission: IMPROVable will host their last improv show of the season at the Legacy High School Performing Arts Center on April, 8. The troupe focuses on unscripted sketch comedy and, with the help of the audience, creates a comedic scene. Tickets cost $3 at the door and all proceeds go to the theater department. Senior...

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John Patterson, 10, and Shelby Griffin, 11, laugh on stage during Mission:IMPORVable.

Improv Set To Perform

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
December 5, 2013

Mission: IMPROVable will host an improv show at the Legacy High School Performing Arts Center on Dec. 16. The troupe focuses on unscripted sketch comedy and, with the help of the audience, creates a comedic scene. Tickets cost $3 at the door and all proceeds go to the theater department. The host...

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Darina Shilova, 9, rehearses a scene for Theatre 1.

Darina Shilova

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
November 16, 2013

Freshman Darina Shilova arrived at DFW airport at the age of nine filled with fear and misery. She walked through the terminal hearing a language she did not understand and writing she could not read. Shilova then made her way to the car and headed to her new home full of anguish. “When I first...

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Sophomore Bethany Ross started as a freshman on varsity basketball.

Bethany Ross

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
September 13, 2013

The basketball court lights up and the scoreboards set to zero as sophomore Bethany Ross takes her position as Regular Guard and gets ready. She hears the buzzer and springs to action dribbling the ball up the court, trying to give varsity an early lead in the game. “When I was younger I started...

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Want to Be Different, Just Like Everyone Else

You know who you are. Starbucks in hand, Uggs to match and the ever-present Vera Bradley wallet with car keys attached. This one’s for you. 1. Infinity Scarves: Both the style of scarf and the infinite amount. “I like that I don’t have to know any knots, they are so simple.” - A fashionable...

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Tounge trilling, freshman Austin Kiefer warms up his voice.

Austin Kiefer

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
December 10, 2013

Tongue trilling, freshman Austin Kiefer warms up his voice and gets ready to sing. Kiefer’s new single “Wonder” released on iTunes Nov. 22, 2013. His new song proves worthy by his fans who are crazy about his love story breakup song, with “Wonder” being his debut on iTunes, and his first chance...

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The Price of Partying

The Price of Partying

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
November 25, 2013

School, party, recover. School, party, recover. Senior John Jackson* knows this cycle all too well: going to school all week, partying Friday and Saturday night then recovering from the drugs and alcohol on Sunday. Engaging in dangerous behavior can lead to serious health problems, such as severe damage...

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Ferman goes over lines with students.

Legacy Theater to Present Fall Show

Billy Stevens, Staff Writer
October 3, 2013

Legacy Theater students will present “As You Like It,” a play written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500s, for the fall show, marking their first performance at The Center. It will show from Oct. 17 to 19, starting at 7 p.m. Ticket prices range from $5 for students to $7 for adults. “I...

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