Hi! I’m Katelyn. You can usually find me at every Legacy event ever.
Juniors Logann Dunn, Claire Wisdom, and Macie Lindstrom pose at the end of their performance. Legacy Student Media broadcast students filmed the showcase at Classic Oaks Venue, instead of the MISD Performing Arts Center as originally planned.
Justin Crawford, 12, prepares to shoot a layup at the game against Timberview on Jan. 17.
Debate sponsor Howard Ritz explains a case file to a student during practice.
Post vs. Refugio. Refugio won the championship 28-7.
Senior Emily Murray slides down the snow slide with her little sister. (Katelyn Finch photo)
Emma Rea, 11, poses for picture.
Kylie Jennings, 11, and Alayah Wilson, 9, pose during their 2019 show, A Window to Our Souls.
Madison Phipps, 11, Holds up the L sign at the at the Black Out pep rally. (Katelyn Finch photo)