Trump Should Handle Iran Without Violence

On Jan. 3 Trump ordered the assassination of Iran's military commander General Qasem Soleimani in an airstrike.

Photo by Photo by Chandler Cruttenden

On Jan. 3 Trump ordered the assassination of Iran’s military commander General Qasem Soleimani in an airstrike.

Amber Adams, Staff Writer

On Jan. 3 Trump ordered the assassination of Iran’s military commander General Qasem Soleimani in an airstrike. The airstrike came from the US and was green-lighted by President Donald Trump. Trump claimed he ordered the airstrike to stop the war between the two. Now Iran wants revenge.

Soon after Soleimani’s death on Jan. 8, Iran fired 22 missiles at two US airbases in Iran. As of now, there are no reported casualties, only minor injuries. Tensions between the US and Iran escalated and many Americans worried about war.

Trump handled this situation immaturely and didn’t consider the consequences it would have. The 22 missiles Iran launched at the 2 US airbases didn’t cause any casualties or major injuries, but they could have seriously hurt the many American soldiers stained in Iran. 

Although Trump got rid of a very powerful influential military leader in the Middle East, he could have handled things without taking someone’s life. The reason for Trump’s assassination of Soleimani was for possible future attacks on the US but if he would just come to an agreement and make peace no one would have to get hurt or die.

Trump’s go-to solution is death and things don’t have to always be solved in death. They both could have made an agreement and solved the tensions between each other. Peace and communication, unfortunately, aren’t one of Trump’s strong qualities.  

Trump needs to find better ways to deal with conflicts with other countries. Peaceful approaches are the best approaches. Trump’s attack on Iran’s military leader could have been prevented and Violence isn’t always the answer.