The announcements are ineffective and need to be reformed if they are to be beneficial to the faculty, staff and students.
Students and staff need the announcements to stay informed of current events happening around school. To have a unified body communication is essential, yet Legacy relies on an outdated and inadequate system to keep their students informed.
Announcements are often ignored by students and teachers, and simply cannot be heard. Without communication, the school community’s ability to function is impeded. School spirit days and special events students could take part in go unnoticed when there is not an reliable way to keep them informed. As individual students become more distant from the general population, the relationships that make Legacy so unique begin to erode away. If large amounts of the population become detached and do not take part in school functions that unite the student body, then Legacy will lose all traces of its individuality.
Most clubs and extracurricular activities are advertised through the announcements, and students rely on them to get the attendance needed to support the function. Without an adequate system to recruit members many clubs will never have the ability to fully form. This will cut down on the diversity of activities, and students who are talented in things that are not offered during the regular school days will be cheated of a chance to bond with people who share similar interest and talents. The way the announcements are presented must be improved upon if diversity in activities offered and student involvement is to continue to rise.
Although it could be a difficult process to implement a different style of spreading news to the faculty and staff, it is essential if Legacy is to continue to mature. Legacy is full of school spirit because of its unique student body that is united in everything it does. To nurture these relationships that are necessary to Legacy’s growth, a new system must be put into place that will continue to unite the student body. Or teachers and administrators must force students to listen.
To continuously have a strong and united community it is up to administration to always be improving on the methods used to inform faculty, staff and students. Administration needs to reevaluate the system currently used, and decide upon ways of improving communication. If everyone continues to ignore the situation, then failure to improve and grow will be imminent.