In the spirit of election time, we’ve decided to overanalyze data and show Legacy through facts and figures. Usually we avoid this type of analysis since personality speaks louder than words, but demographics can show character as well. Statistics show trends in student population and highlight underlying reasons for those trends.
Ethnic Diversity
Ethnic Diversity
Most students at Legacy are classified as white, and Hispanic students form the largest minority with Black students forming the second largest minority.
The racial distribution at Legacy demonstrates a national geographic trend. People of Hispanic ancestry are concentrated in the southwest United States, and the largest African American population is in the southeast. Tarrant County falls near the physical center of the country, and so the three most common ethnicities in America meet and are reflected in Legacy’s demographics.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Although nearly a quarter of Legacy’s students receive free or reduced lunch, three times that percent get free or reduced lunch at the state level.
Free or Reduced Lunch
County and State Data found at
Student to Faculty Ratio
The student to faculty ratio at Legacy is about 14:1.
1,966 students are enrolled for the school year, fewer even than in 2007 when Legacy opened. Enrollment peaked in 2009 and has decreased each year due primarily to redistricting, emigration and student transfers to Frontier and Lake Ridge.
Class Distributions
Typically, the size of a graduating class will shrink as the grade level increases because of dropouts, early or late graduations and transfers. For instance, most high schools can expect to host a larger freshman class than sophomore class and a larger junior class than senior class.
At Legacy, however, seniors constitute the largest body of students besides freshmen. This anomaly occurred because younger students with less of an attachment to Legacy were more likely to transfer to Lake Ridge than seniors with connections established over three years. The freshman and sophomore classes are also smaller than usual because underclassmen zoned to go to Lake Ridge did not have the option of staying at Legacy like juniors and seniors who were zoned to go to Lake Ridge.