As neuroblastoma patient Brooke Hester watches the Legacy LUCK Week pep rally dedicated to her, and a smile appears. Hester has been battling cancer since she was an infant. Even though she is continually in and out of hospitals, Hester continues to keep a smile on her face as her battle with cancer continues.
On March 6th LUCK Week was wrapped up with a pep rally in honor of Hester. Hundreds of students attended and watched as games were played and various clubs performed. School administrators and teachers even got pied in the face, including Assistant Principal Mr. Cousins and Principal, Dr. Butler.
“I did it for the cause, not the enjoyment,” Butler said.
Although it was Mr. Cousins birthday, the pie didn’t take attention away from the special day. After getting pied in the face, the attending students sang “Happy Birthday” to Mr. Cousins.
“If it meant taking a pie in the face, it was worth it,” Cousins said. “Anything for the kiddos and the cause.”
The 2015 LUCK week marked the second for Student Council teacher Ms. Ausdenmoore. Although Ausdenmoore had only hosted LUCK Week once before, it appeared as if she had been organizing it pep rallies for years. LUCK Week 2015 raised over $10,285 for Hester’s medical and travels expenses.
“That is more than we have ever raised for any other LUCK Week,” Ausdenmoore said. “LUCK Week was a total success.”