As 2016 comes to an end, you may find yourself among the 92 percent of people who did not maintain their New Year’s resolutions. Have no fear maintaining your new resolutions in 2017, because with the tips below, you can stop the cycle of continual failed efforts and establish the beginning of a new era, one in which you can make a resolution and successfully keep it.
Make Sure it’s S.M.A.R.T.
Use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. to assist you in selecting your new yearly goals. This goal-oriented acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-oriented. Before selecting your resolutions, ask yourself if it adheres to S.M.A.R.T. objectives. Using this acronym will assist you in avoiding common mistakes that cause failure. By being “smart” about your goals, it will make them more attainable and help your resolutions turn into a reality.
Develop a Plan of Action
Developing a plan of action will aid you in achieving your resolution. Make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself with the big picture – break down your goal into little steps by day, week, month and year. When you visualize your goals in small easy steps, it makes you more likely to achieve them.
Have a Support System
Starting a support system which consists of people like coworkers, friends, classmates, family or even teachers who want to see you succeed in achieving your goals will further motivate you to accomplish them. Confiding in your support system will help you become more instigated and persistent in order to overall help you follow through with your resolutions.
Reward Yourself
Recognizing your efforts by treating yourself every time you reach a milestone will further motivate you to continue pursuing your goals. Reward yourself with a day out with your friends, a shopping trip or even a trip to the movies.
Don’t Give Up
Many people begin to give up on their New Year’s resolutions as soon as mistakes arise. Instead of giving up when you make a mistake, acknowledge the mistake and learn from it. Focus on all that you have accomplished and have a positive mindset instead of losing your will-power. Starting your day off with a motivational quote and envisioning yourself accomplishing your goal will help you obtain a positive attitude and stick with your plan.