Freshman tend to always start off with the same reputation – “annoying.” Check out these tips to help save your reputation as a freshman and just maybe get you through the year.
When you see friend in the hallway, don’t freak out
Walking into school on the first day can be a nerve wracking experience, especially when students cannot find their friends. It can be an automatic feeling of relief to find your friends, so much comfort that students jump up and down, scream and make a huge scene in the one place they once were trying to blend into. On the first day this reaction can be socially acceptable, however, when it continues, the action turns from understandable to annoying. You need to remember when you show it, you need to act like a normal human being and not cause a huge commotion.
On the first day of school all freshmen need to bring: two pencils, two pens, three to four folders and if students want to be over-prepared, a pack of highlighters. Big bulky backpacks serve to be more of a nuisance rather than a utility. The first day of school does not require a whole lot of supplies because students will not know what exactly they need for each class until they go and meet the teacher.
ID Lanyards
Get a black or red lanyard. There’s no need to buy the stylish ones or the designed ones. Most likely at one time or another, students will lose it and then that was a waste of two dollars. Instead, take the free lanyard the school offers, and buy an extra one just in case you lose your ID or the lanyard breaks. Don’t worry about if it will match your outfits, since everyone has to wear them and they are meant to be fashionable.
Do Not Overdo Homecoming
Homecoming – the event every freshman looks forward too. Listen very carefully to what I am about to say – do not make a mum the size of your body. Trust me, if you make them that big, you’ll will get tired of wearing it half-way through the day. Also, for the sake of all teachers, students and other faculty members, do not put bells on the mums. Mums should be worn and can be great for making memories, however, they shouldn’t be heard. If students follow these simple rules, homecoming will be a fun event for everyone involved.
Where To Walk
Students have time to talk during passing periods, but with that comes the conflict of where to stand. Look around and see where a good spot to talk would be. Be aware that not everyone wants to stop and talk in between periods. On each floor resides an open space for students to stand and talk in between classes that is not a hallway. The middle section on every floor that has wide standing room was built just so people could talk. Do not be the person that prevents people from getting to class.
Be You
You’re out of the awkward middle school days. Just be you. You only have one high school experience. Don’t waste it being someone you’re not.