As students come to the middle of the six weeks, parent-teacher conferences will resume. Conferences allow teachers and parents to communicate student’s progress in class. Parents can reach out to teachers through their MISD email if they need or want to make an appointment with one of their student’s teachers. Legacy’s official conference days will be on Thursday, Oct. 27 and Friday, Oct. 28 in the cafeteria. Thursday conferences with teachers will be from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday’s conferences will be held from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. If Thursday or Friday do not work with a parent’s schedule, alternate times can be scheduled during the teacher’s conference through Oct. 26. Since parents and teachers will meet on Friday, students do not have to attend school.
Parents coming up to the school for conferences should park and enter in the front of the school. If a parent parks in the back of the school or in the side lots, they risk receiving a ticket from campus police. Students should park in the back or the side. Yellow-lined parking spaces indicate staff parking. Parents attending must sign in on a parent conference log sheet once they arrive. Coach Keel believes these meeting really help students.
“These meetings are a way to work together with parents to get the students to be successful,” Coach Keel said.