A soft melody plays over the announcements, making students tune in to see why. As the song fades out, the voice of junior Kathryn Pedroza replaces it.
“You’re late- you’re late for a very important date,” Pedroza said. “Come to the ball on Nov. 4.”
Pedroza referred to the second annual NHS Bronco Ball, scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 4 in the Legacy cafeteria. Pre-sale tickets will cost $10, and at-the-door tickets will cost $15. NHS decided to host the Once Upon a Dream themed dance after the success of last year’s Sadie Hawkins inaugural ball.
“It was a big hit last year, and we’re hoping to raise funds for the literacy focus this year,” Pedroza said.
The NHS will provide students in selected MISD elementary schools with a book to keep at home. To this end, NHS members decided to offer a $5 maximum discount to the at-the-door tickets to any student who brings a children’s book to donate. Bronco Ball Committee member senior Tiffany Vo feels this provides an easy way to provide for a charitable cause.
“We thought of literacy because reading is the most important, central theme that everybody should know,” Vo said. “We want to motivate kids to read for fun.”
The dance will have multiple attractions. This year, NHS decided to provide a new DJ as well as a photo booth and free food. As well as providing students a fun time and helping give money to a worthwhile cause, Vo feels that the ball will help school atmosphere.
“School spirit- we need more of that. And it’s helping a good cause, which I think people need to be more selfless,” Vo said. “It’s fun, and you get to be with friends.”