In preparation for the start of online dual credit classes, junior Ethan Elston scrolls through his inbox of new emails that alert him of the current situation and changes to his classes.
TCC’s dual credit classes transitioned to start online classrooms as of March 23 until further notice that students may return to campus. Dual credit classes would continue throughout the second week of the break while MISD campuses were still closed.
“My teachers have sent emails and announcements to make sure that we stay up to date with all of their work,” Elston said. “They have been posting all of their work online and even recommending specific apps to help keep us organized.”
In the first week of the extended spring break, professors began to communicate with students on the continuation of their class amidst the COVAID-19 outbreak. Students such as senior Katelyn Pasierb have received notice from multiple dual credit professors on the new requirements of the class.
“You can definitely see the difference between high school and college expectations,” Pasierb said. “I do agree with the continued need to educate students and the TCC staff has been very communicative in conveying what they will need during this time of uncertainty.”
Pasierb’s professors have reached out to her in regards to the next few weeks. Some professors took the initiative to set up an online class in case students are unable to return to the classroom.
“I would say for most students who do not participate regularly online, this will be quite different and difficult to manage outside of the classroom,” Pasierb said. “However, with the help of MISD and TCC, I think that students can make the most of it.”
Many teachers and professors have made use of online learning tools such as blackboard and canvas to provide access to materials and assignments all year. The previous use of these tools will help the students have access to their learning materials.
“I think since we utilize blackboard and a lot of online resources already, the transition won’t be too hard,” Elston said.
Elston noted the biggest challenge of the adjustment would be the loss of easy access to teachers in more difficult subjects and the ability to communicate conflicts with the completion of an assignment.
“I believe MISD and TCC have done the best they can to help with the situation and ease the stress with our grades and everything,” Elston said. “If anything this has given me the opportunity to focus and study at home.”