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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Ashley Bow

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor

I am a section leader in band and an editor for this wonderful newspaper. I can’t wait to have fun and make some new memories in my senior year!

All content by Ashley Bow
Final Blog: Ashley Bow

Final Blog: Ashley Bow

Ashley Bow, Personality Editor
May 7, 2018

I entered high school as someone who felt anxious during most social interactions and who constantly felt I had done something wrong. I had always functioned that way, and as far as I was concerned, I always would. As I continued through the year, I made friends with people who differed from me in that...

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Land of the Free (of Presidency)

Land of the Free (of Presidency)

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
January 25, 2018

Senior Carissa Chavarria sits in her AP Government class scrolling through her phone. She reads the final question on the Political Compass Test and hits submit to see where she landed on the spectrum. As expected, she’s an anarchist. In a time when extreme partisanship runs rampant, people call...

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Coach Gary Ferguson and his wife Amanda pose for a photo with members of the football team and other volunteers after leading a service project with First Methodist Mansfield's special needs department. Amanda received a diagnosis of a rare form of bone cancer in August before school started.

Fighting Fergusons: Coach’s Family Battles Bone Cancer

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
November 28, 2017

As this school year began, Coach Gary Ferguson dealt with more than a new class of freshman and waking up too early to get to school. After a summer full of medical tests and procedures, Coach Ferguson and his wife Amanda found out the verdict: osteosarcoma. Bone cancer. “You're always on the outside...

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Assistant band director Mr. Andrew Nance conducts the band class through their 2017 marching show, Immortal.

Mr. Andrew Nance: Moving to MISD

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
September 20, 2017

Breathe in and out. In, out. Mr. Andrew Nance stands in front of the band hall leading students through a rhythmic breathing exercise. In, out. In, out, done. He drops his arms and glances around the room before beginning the next part of warmups for the afternoon rehearsal. “As far as playing a...

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Antoine Briard, 11, works on a paper in class. Briard is a foreign exchange student from Paris, France.

Antoine Briard: Experiencing Something New

Ashley Bow, Personality Editor
April 28, 2017

Junior Antoine Briard takes a deep breath as he stepped off the plane. He hurries down to grab his luggage. When he steps outside the gate, he sees the “Welcome to Texas, Antoine” sign before he saw his new family, and a huge grin spreads across his face. He’s ready for his 10 month stay in...

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Leading the Silver Spurs

Leading the Silver Spurs

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 3, 2017

Senior Abby Lodrigues sits on the floor at Staley’s Dog House. Her friends sit in a circle with her, each one enraptured with their own three-day-old puppy. She smiles and brushes her puppy’s fur lightly as it rolls over. They gathered partly for the dogs and partly because they, the leadership team...

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An Entitled Generation

An Entitled Generation

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
January 30, 2017

We, as a generation, expect too much out of the world. We have grown up with the ideology that we will always end up succeeding and that we have the right to take the world. It appears to me, though, we have forgotten one very important thing: if the world is truly ours to take, we must still put out...

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, was released to Netflix on November 25

Review: Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
December 2, 2016

The long-awaited Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life aired over the holiday break on Nov. 25. Netflix pegged the four part season as being four seasons of change for the characters in the show. In my opinion, they couldn’t have been more accurate. To be completely honest, when I was opening up Netflix...

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Solving the Procrastination Puzzle

Solving the Procrastination Puzzle

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
September 28, 2016

After arriving home after another long day at school, junior Margaret Vo sets down her backpack in her room. She looks away from it and decides instead to spend the next hour on her phone watching YouTube videos and scrolling through Twitter. Finally, the guilt about her procrastination gets to her....

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STAAR EOC tutorials will be held on June 28-30 and July 5-7 at Summit High School in preparation for STAAR EOC retesting

STAAR EOC Tutorials Scheduled for Retesting Students

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
May 31, 2016

STAAR EOC tutorials will be held on June 28-30 and July 5-7  in preparation for STAAR EOC retesting. Tutorials will be held for the Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and US History STAAR EOCs during this time. Though not required, these tutorials are recommended to anyone who must retest for...

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Anu Oluwashina, 10, shares her experience of moving from London to Texas.

Anu Oluwashina

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 3, 2016

Two years ago, now sophomore Anu Oluwashina stepped off the plane at the airport. She and her family grabbed their bags and headed outside and into the heat of the day. She felt relief wash over her as she took in her surroundings. After a 10-hour flight, they had finally made it to Texas. “It was...

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Anthony Peterson, 11, performs at the winter sports pep rally  Jan. 29

Band Members Make All State

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
February 4, 2016

Junior Jacqueline Lum jumped slightly as her mom excitedly pushed a phone at her during her birthday party. When her eyes adjusted and she read what was on the phone she freaked out as well, even calling her previous band director and her brother to tell them the good news: she made state. “I was...

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Men of Tomorrow students look over classwork in Mr. Brown's English class.

Men of Tomorrow Hopes to Create Brighter Future for Students

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
January 20, 2016

Junior Wesley Parker sits in his English classroom, doing work and talking quietly with his group. This class differs from other English classes though. It’s Men of Tomorrow, an all-male group designed to teach students both their English curriculum and other skills they will use after their educational...

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Heaven Conner

Heaven Conner

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
October 19, 2015

Junior Heaven Conner sits in the dim lighting of the Prophet Bar counting the minutes until she gets to perform. She considers all the things that could go wrong with either herself or the band, getting slightly nervous. After all, there are lots of risks to performing live. She pushes the nerves away...

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Members of the 12th line of Legacy's Drill Team, the Silver Spurs, bow as a part of their football game performance. This team's final performance will take place on April 21, and will usher in a new age: the 13th Line.

Silver Spurs End Year with Spring Show

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
April 19, 2018

After a year of working on dances for football games, competitions, and the Winter recital, the Silver Spurs will perform their spring show on Saturday, April 21 at 7 p.m. at The Center. This will be the final performance for the 11th line of Silver Spurs, bringing mixed feelings for senior Lindsey Blakely. “It’s...

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MISD changed product contracts from Dr. Pepper to Coca-Cola after reevaluating cost and benefits with both companies. Vending machines, concession stands and athletic programs will all be required to use Coca-Cola products.

MISD to Switch to Coca-Cola Machines

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
December 8, 2017

[UPDATE] After nearly two months without soda machines on MISD campuses, the Coca-Cola machines have arrived. This gap occurred because, before installing new machines, Coca-Cola resourced the number of machines needed and surveyed all MISD campuses to ensure they provided the best number of machines...

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Seniors Tiffany Vo and Shianne Davis prepare lemonade for the second NHS Bronco Ball.

NHS Hosts Bronco Ball

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
November 10, 2017

Pulsing lights. Pounding music. The only thing that could have made the room more stereotypical would have been a large punch bowl. At the 2017 Bronco Ball, students filled the dance floor as the music changed. Turning to each other, they laughed and moved to the sounds of V.I.C. and Cupid. Students...

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Starting Sept. 1, new laws go into affect in Texas.

7 New Texas Laws

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
September 5, 2017

Beginning on Sept. 1, bills passed in the Texas House and Senate and signed by Governor Greg Abbott during 2017 became active. This list provides a brief description of seven of these laws. Texting and Driving [HB62] Officially effective, House Bill 62 prohibits the use of a phone to text for all...

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Senior Austin Bernal practices alongside his fellow cadets.

2016-17 Extracurricular Wrap-up

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
May 26, 2017

Throughout the year, extracurriculars excelled in competitions on the state and national level. These were some of their individual achievements. Aca Dec The Academic Decathlon team moved on to the state level of competition this year. At the competition, junior Elliot Reed earned a bronze medal...

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Senior Jacqueline Lum practices her show choir routine after school. The show choir practiced every Tuesday after school from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. as well as during their eighth period class.

Show Choir Ends Season on a High Note

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 9, 2017

One final note rang out in the silent auditorium. Senior Ericka Eidson stood on the stage and smiled toward the audience before breaking character and exiting the stage with her fellow choir members. Backstage, they spoke to each other in hushed excitement. As they prepared to get their props off of...

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Katelin Criswell, 12, performs with the color guard during a Friday night football game.

Wrapping Up The Season

Ashley Bow and Hannah Shaffer
January 26, 2017

After the final five-minute show of their season, the color guard remain still and spread out across the football field. Their chests rise and fall rapidly, but they continue to hold their poses until the taps of a snare drum signal them to gather their things and exit the field. As guard walk off the...

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The Problem With Perfection

The Problem With Perfection

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
October 18, 2016

Perfection -- it seems like everybody expects it and nobody knows how to achieve it. Most people strive for it with perfect hair, perfect grades, perfect personality and the list goes on and on. It can be so easy to forget no one can actually achieve perfection. Nevertheless, we must learn to accept...

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JROTC practices their routine in the parking lot.

JROTC Places in Denton Invitational

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
October 3, 2016

Senior Natelyn Beggs sits in the auditorium of Denton High School anxiously awaiting the announcements of rankings from the competition from earlier. The silent room as announcements begin. Students from various schools go up to the front of the room to receive the trophies for their respective schools....

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Kaitlin Phipps, (left), 11 stands in a valley in Palm Springs.

Kaitlin Phipps: Slight Detour

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
September 12, 2016

Junior Kaitlin Phipps knew she would not be coming back to Texas very soon. She passed her flight ticket to the attendant before walking up to her plane with only her carry-on bag. Phipps was nervous for the flight since it was her first ever plane ride on her own. With a deep breath, she settled into...

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New Club Shines Pawsitive Light on Controversial Issues

New Club Shines Pawsitive Light on Controversial Issues

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 10, 2016

Sarah McQuaid stands in the front of a classroom brimming with students. She walks silently to the light switch and clicks them off, quieting the students. Heading back to her spot next to the screen, she takes a breath and greets the students who have arrived at the second ever meeting of Paws Crossed....

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Author's Club

Author’s Club

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
February 19, 2016

Club/Sport Author’s Club Where/How Often They Meet They meet on every other Thursday after school for about an hour. What People Think We Do “It’s hard to say how others think, but maybe laborious. Writing 200 pages doesn't seem that fun to other people I guess,” Nathan Haslam, 12 What...

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Theater Students Build Addams Family Set at The Center

Theater Students Build Addams Family Set at The Center

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
February 1, 2016

Sophomore Jisella Ayalla walked precariously around a corner to place the pile of wood she was holding onto moving trucks. This wood was used in the play Tarzan which had been put on at the Center for the Performing Arts earlier that week. That play wasn’t her reason for being there that day, though....

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Frequently washing hands cuts down on common winter illness such as the flu.

Practicing Healthy Hygiene

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
December 11, 2015

Sophomore Laurin Mendelsohn stands in her kitchen ready to make cookies with one of her friends. They wash their hands and begin to bake. After mixing the ingredients, they place the dough onto the cookie sheet to put into the oven. To Mendelsohn, all of these steps were obvious, but there was one step...

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After her Ben Barber session in the afternoon, Meghan Simoneau, 10, works on AP World History homework in the cafeteria.

7 Steps To Success

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
September 21, 2015

With extracurricular classes and busy schedules, many people don't do the things they need to do to succeed. Check out these tips to make sure you accomplish what you want to this school year. Do Your Homework Homework often makes up a good chunk of the overall grades. Finishing it can be the difference...

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The LHS Walkout Twitter account which was used to plan the April 20 walkout.

Walkout Planned for April 20

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
April 11, 2018

Junior Katy Thomas scrolls through her Twitter feed lazily when she sees an interesting post. She stops to read and immediately DMs the account to ask about it. A few quick messages and she has decided. She will give a speech at the student walkout April 20. “The fact is something has to change,”...

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Coach Mike Young talks to prospective bowlers during try outs on Oct. 5. The Boys' varsity bowling team place second at the regional round and qualified for state.

Boys’ Bowling Team Rolls Into State

Ashley Bow, Personality Editor
March 22, 2018

It took a moment to sink in. The teammates stood in shock for a split second before erupting into cheers. The Varsity Boys Bowling team made state, an important achievement in the perspective of senior Devon Rivers. “The feeling of winning was overwhelming,” Rivers said. “It was relief and excitement...

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With this comprehensive how-to, learn what credit is, why it matters and what you can do to improve it.

How to Adult: Credit Scores

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
November 13, 2017

Understanding the basics of credit scores and credit reports have become an integral part of adult life in America. From the biggest to the smallest charges on a credit card, payment history factors into whether a person can get that new car or afford the downpayment on a new home.   What...

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Senior Brooke Bussey prepares for last year's NHS Bronco Ball. The second annual Bronco Ball will have a fairytale theme and will be held on Saturday Nov.4.

Bronco Ball Enchants Legacy

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
October 30, 2017

A soft melody plays over the announcements, making students tune in to see why. As the song fades out, the voice of junior Kathryn Pedroza replaces it. “You’re late- you’re late for a very important date,” Pedroza said. “Come to the ball on Nov. 4.” Pedroza referred to the second annual...

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Make choosing plans for the future less daunting with this guide to insurance

How to Adult: Insurance

Ashley Bow, Personalities Editor
August 28, 2017

Insurance tends to confuse young adults when heading into the real world. With it comes a long list of confusing words, a huge variety of types of insurance and different plans on each type. To help ease confusion, we’ve compiled a list of common terms and a brief description of a few types of insurance. To...

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Peyton McGee, 12, leads the varsity girls soccer team in a huddle after a win.

More Than A Soccer Team

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 22, 2017

The girls stood spread across the soccer field. Sophomore Ashley Perez waits anxiously for the soccer coach to punt the ball. As soon as she did, Perez and her team scramble to reach it. The ball soon made its way past the goalie and into the goal. A loud exclamation of “olay” rang across the field,...

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Senior Francisco Rodriguez plays chess after school in Ms. Sara Kamphaus' classroom. Chess club meets every Friday after school in Ms. Kamphaus' classroom.

The Real Pawn Stars of Legacy

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 1, 2017

Students file into math teacher Ms. Sara Kamphaus’ room at the end of the day. Some have come to retake tests or quizzes, but a select few have come for Chess Club. They go into Ms. Kamphaus’ cabinet and pull out the rolled-up chess boards and playing pieces. They pull some desks together on the...

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Five students explain their home traditions of the Christmas season.

5 Family Traditions

Ashley Bow and Kathryn Pedroza
December 22, 2016

Each family has their own way of hosting Christmas, so check out the few we decided to share. Madelyn Johnson, 12 “We hide this pickle ornament in the tree and whoever finds it gets a prize. My parents hide the ornament. It’s a stocking-type gift like a candy bar.” Some people believe that...

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NHS will host Legacy’s first dance, the Bronco Ball, November 5 in the cafeteria. Pre sale tickets will be available for purchase on Friday, October 14.

NHS Schedules Sadie Hawkins Bronco Ball

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
October 12, 2016

Senior Makayla Shanahan sits with Legacy’s National Honor Society Dance Committee at America’s Best Coffee to go over plans for the inaugural Bronco Ball. Sunlight streams in through the windows as they talk about ideas to make the dance more affordable and appealing to students. The meeting finishes...

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Family Background Affects Students

Family Background Affects Students

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
September 15, 2016

Sophomore Katy Thomas arrives home at 3:30 p.m after picking up her younger sister, Rachel, from school. She hurries down a hall to her room, shrugs her backpack onto the floor and kneels down to pet her dog who has been excitedly waiting all day for her to return home from school. She then leaves her...

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The Summer Seamless program helps to feed students who rely on school food during the school year. Mansfield ISD has various locations throughout the summer so students can get meals.

MISD Institutes Summer Meal Program for Students

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
May 13, 2016

For the second year, MISD will be providing a summer meal program to feed students who rely on school food during the school year. This program, known officially as the Seamless Summer Option, will be funded through the US Department of Agriculture.  Ms. Sondra Thomas, Assistant Director of Training...

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Sophomore Alexis Ouart surfs.

Alexis Ouart

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
March 1, 2016

Sophomore Alexis Ouart stood on her surfboard in the clear waters off the coast of Atlantis. As she was the only one at the resort she was staying surfing, many people watched as she easily glided along the waves. Ouart enjoys surfing, and goes to surf in places like this whenever she gets the opportunity....

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Author's Club members collaborate on a story.

Young Authors Learn to Pen Stories

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
February 3, 2016

Sophomore Morgan Richards sits in English teacher Lisbeth Bennett’s classroom after school. Other people sit in different places around the room, some typing on their iPads, others writing vigorously with pen and paper. They are in Author’s Club, a place for students who enjoy writing and would like...

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The Only One Club encourages members to be themselves in this safe environment. Rebekah Andrews founded the club to ensure that members would never feel like they shouldn't be who they are.

“Only One Club” Holds First Meeting

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
December 17, 2015

Sophomore Rebekah Andrews sits in front of room AJ111 during the first-ever meeting of the Only One Club on Dec. 15. She addresses all the new members with confidence, telling them that the goal of the club is to allow the members to have fun and be themselves. Andrews first came up with the idea...

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Because he lives in a military family, sophomore Jaeden Evens travels

Jaeden Evans

Ashley Bow, Staff Writer
October 1, 2015

Sophomore Jaeden Evans watches attentively as his teacher stands in front of the class explaining the difference between quantitative and qualitative properties. It may only be his second week at Legacy, but he is already beginning to get used to it. Evans is a member of a military family, so he often...

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