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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Maria Castillo

Maria Castillo, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Dear fellow students who have ventured onto this dusty website known as therider,

If you’re at all curious about who I am and what I do, which I know you’re probably not, continue on. This bio doesn’t happen to be my first go around, but it will sadly be my last. I am as surprised as the rest of you to be up here writing from the position of Assistant Editor, but here I am telling my story. I first came across journalism during my sophomore year, was moved up at semester to newspaper, and am continuing on this adventure until the end of my high school days. Yes, the time has been fun, but I must say it was a long and stressful road. Not only have I driven myself to be the best writer I can, but I’m also in many other activities. My time is consumed by swimming, cross country, track, gymnastics and art activities. Anything I do helps change how or why I do another, so it…ok, I’m just wrapping it up, this is all cliché terribleness and we’re done. It’s a wonderful life.

All content by Maria Castillo
Final Blog: Maria Castillo

Final Blog: Maria Castillo

Maria Castillo, Co-Editor-in-Chief
June 2, 2014

It all started out differently than I planned, but then again I don’t try to plan everything. Or maybe I do; I dunno, my daily schedule says differently. It’s difficult to describe my four years of focus in a place people call high school. It’s difficult to describe why I feel so drawn to stay...

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Jake Weith, 11, runs in the district cross country meet on Oct. 6.

Weith Runs from Last to First

Maria Castillo, Assistant Editor
November 1, 2013

Candy canes, cracker jacks, popcorn boxes - the cross country team has heard it all when it comes to describing the shorts they race in. Vertical red and white stripes mark the competitors as a different type of runner on the Legacy cross country team. For junior Jake Weith, the constant stares, snickers...

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Dr. Shelly Butler replaces Mr. Stewart as principal.

Dr. Butler Named Principal

Maria Castillo, Assistant Editor
July 10, 2013

One step inside the school and Dr. Shelly Butler already feels she's in the right place. Looking around the school, Dr. Butler observes the athletic departments, the fine art departments as well as the academic hall of Legacy. After analyzing such observations, Dr. Butler decides that this is the place...

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Sophomore Natalie Vontress won the junior class presidency in the previous elections.

Student Council Elections

Maria Castillo, Assistant Editor
May 25, 2013

The tie in elections for next year’s junior class president was all sophomore Natalie Vontress needed to decide to push harder for votes. On the day of elections, May 14, Vontress, along with other students running for student council positions in their next year’s class, created and posted stickers,...

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Freshman Deja Morehead runs past Coach Lacy Beckler during the Feb. 3 track meet.

Freshman Prepares to Take on Texas Relays

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
March 29, 2013

Trudging through the halls with water bottle in hand, freshman Deja Morehead continues to fill it up at each water fountain that she passes. Drinking as much as she can, Morehead prepares her body, as well as her mind, for the prestigious track meet her relay team will compete in the weekend of March...

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PTSA And Cook's Children's Teamed Up To Collect Toothbrushes

PTSA And Cook’s Children’s Teamed Up To Collect Toothbrushes

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
February 13, 2013

The Legacy Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) teamed with Cook's Children's Hospital in its annual toothbrush drive. The drive began Feb. 11 and will end Feb. 25. Organizers asked students to bring new, single-pack toothbrushes to the front desk of the school or any of their teachers. Departments...

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Senior Sarah Musselman sits next to her mother while signing with the University of Alabama.

Sarah Musselman

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
January 8, 2013

Dear Diary, Date: 10/27/2012 The college visits on the agenda are erased. The decision to go to the University of Alabama has been decided, and remains the perfect decision for a college. Having wanted to stay in the south, yet still branch out from the grasp of Texas, Alabama falls under the criteria....

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Sophomore Will Tullbane and junior Madison Yelle talk before their races at the Duncanville Invite on Sep. 6.

Brothers Deal With Difficulty of Father Coach

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
December 10, 2012

Strolling side by side, the two brothers walk into the chlorine aroma of the pool. Sophomore Will Tullbane, the older brother makes the first glance at the water, anxious about the grueling practice he has in store with his team that is coached by his father. Alongside his younger brother Nicholas skips...

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Junior Blake Wilson pitches for the Legacy baseball team.

Blake Wilson

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
October 11, 2012

There’s always a certain scenario in front of the homes of every family. A father and his son throwing around a baseball. The mother working hard in the kitchen preparing a meal. The young boy, only just now learning how to throw a ball, has no idea that he will one day play for the Legacy baseball...

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Varsity Girls Compete in Texas Relays

Varsity Girls Compete in Texas Relays

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
April 22, 2012

The heat reverberates from the track, each runner fully aware of how this might affect their race. The relays are lined up with every school having their own lane. Legacy’s first girl steps onto the track and waits for the gun to blow. When it does, all the runners take off, starting the 4X400 meter...

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Hungry for The Hunger Games

Hungry for The Hunger Games

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
February 15, 2012

The Hunger Games, a movie set for released on Mar. 23, 2012, has become a popular trend for teens to talking about. Based off a book trilogy, The Hunger Games follows the life of Katniss Everdeen and her changing from working for the government, to playing their games to create a show. However, these...

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Event Prom-ises Dresses to Teens

Event Prom-ises Dresses to Teens

Maria Castillo, Co-Editor-In-Chief
March 5, 2014

Sequins, tulle and much more goes on a prom dress. With bodices made of rhinestones and skirts made of fluff, the dress can get pricey. For those girls who can not afford such pricey gowns can find a much better deal during Legacy High School’s Bronco Glamour Prom Nite Give-Away. Legacy’s Prom...

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Policy on Food in Class

Policy on Food in Class

Maria Castillo and Alanna Zaskoda
September 9, 2013

Administration has increased enforcement of the policies relating to food and drinks in the academic wings of the school. In order to preserve the campus, students are no longer allowed to eat and drink in the halls. Those caught with food or beverages in these halls must throw it away. "This is a...

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Students Elect Class Officers

Students Elect Class Officers

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
May 30, 2013

The tie in elections for next year’s junior class president was all sophomore Natalie Vontress needed to decide to push harder for votes. On the day of elections, May 14, Vontress, along with other students running for student council positions in their next year’s class, created and posted stickers,...

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Cranshaw Receives Acting Scholarship

Cranshaw Receives Acting Scholarship

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
May 1, 2013

Weeks have gone by, and now senior Christina Cranshaw has found herself given the opportunity she has dreamed of for years. Cranshaw received a large scholarship for her talent in performing to Santa Fe University of Art in New Mexico. After working with her director Jeremy Ferman for the weeks leading...

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Freshman Edith Carter recalls the fear that she possessed three years ago; panic for new things, new people and a completely new life.

Edith Carter

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
March 7, 2013

Stepping onto new soil at age 11, freshman Edith Carter recalls the fear that she possessed three years ago; panic for new things, new people and a completely new life. Three years have passed and Carter has already observed how much she has changed in just that amount of time from leaving her hispanic...

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Community Learns How iPads Affect The Classroom

Community Learns How iPads Affect The Classroom

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
February 8, 2013

On Feb. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., 65 guests including superintendents, board members, community members and administrators, will attend Mansfield Independent School District’s iPad Summit. The goal of the iPad Summit will be to show how the ipads have impacted instruction, how they’ve impacted...

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Fuel Charge: Cost Of Gasoline Impacts Student Drivers

Fuel Charge: Cost Of Gasoline Impacts Student Drivers

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
December 21, 2012

Everyday senior Eli Bell jumps into his 2006 F150 to drive to school. After school, he drives 11 miles to get to the Nike Outlet in Grand Prairie to work. Once Bell gets off the clock, he drives 11 more miles home. That’s a total of 22 miles just to work and school, not to mention other places Bell...

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Fall Festival to Take Place Oct. 27

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
October 27, 2012

Every fall, Mansfield has a Fall Festival that takes place near the end of Oct. This year festivities begin at 5 p.m. on Oct. 27 at Vernon Newsom Stadium. At the stadium there will be food, fair games and a local band playing. A cooperative effort coordinated by the Mansfield Police Department, the...

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Swim Team Races to First Victory of the Season

Swim Team Races to First Victory of the Season

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
October 12, 2012

On Tuesday, Oct. 9, Legacy’s swim team clinched their first win of the season. Both the girls and boys team finished first in a dual meet against Trinity High School. There were numerous first, second and third place finishes in each event by the Broncos. “All of our swimmers stepped up, including...

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Prepping for Prom

Prepping for Prom

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
May 1, 2012

Sophomore Madison Fountain peels through each rack, clawing at silks and fabrics that hang in various colors. She’s searched for hours for that certain something, and finally finds the floor length, dark purple gown that she’s accidentally fallen in love with. Prom has been a traditional occasion...

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James McMasters

James McMasters

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
February 21, 2012

A herd of people form around senior James McMasters watching to see if he can do it as he fiddles with his three by three Rubiks Cube. Only he knows how quickly he can solve it, but no one else realizes how fast. With a slight snicker, he concludes the final turn of the cube, finishing in fifty-five...

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Fire Forces Student to Start Anew

Maria Castillo, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 30, 2014

After the destruction of her home on Dec. 6, support for junior Maegan Hammill began with a small crowd gathered in Super Target, chatting away about clothing, makeup and school supplies to buy. Consisting of roughly seven girls and their parents, they conversed about the material items a teenage girl...

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What Winning Really Means

What Winning Really Means

Maria Castillo, Assistant Editor
October 21, 2013

A cross country runner usually has a tall figure, but I am far from this. Someone asked me once how I paced so fast when I’m so short, containing a body more suitable for a sprinter. I simply replied with “hardwork.” Now, looking at what I’ve accomplished this past season, readers may expect...

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Staff writers discuss safe habits during the summer.

Summer Safety

Maria Castillo and Kyle Manning
June 6, 2013

In the fall people worry about the flu and hay fever. In the winter there are worries of getting colds and more of the flu. In the spring allergies begin to make an appearance, and, in the summer, people worry about sunburns and insects. Sun protection and insect bites, such as mosquitoes with West...

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Sophomore Garrett Moore and Junior Kyle Dragulski race the 110 meter hurdles at Legacy's annual track meet.

Garrett Moore Advances To State Track Meet

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
May 7, 2013

The Legacy boys' track team will take Garrett Moore to the State Track meet on May 10 at UT Austin. Moore will travel alongside senior Victoria Johnson and junior Bree Stone to the Austin competition. “I am really excited,” Moore said. “Most people at my age don't even get to go to state.” Moore...

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Prom Tickets Go On Sale

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
March 22, 2013

Legacy's 2013 prom will be held on May 4 at the Hilton in Downtown Fort Worth from 7 to 11 p.m. Ticket sales priced at $70 began on March 19 at the bookkeeper's office. The price raises to $80 starting in March 25, and it will increase to $90 on April 1. Students who sold suckers and chocolates for their...

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Swim and Dive Season Wrap Up

Swim and Dive Season Wrap Up

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
March 1, 2013

Senior Sarah Musselman experienced the last of her high school diving days this past season. With four years of accomplishments under her belt, Musselman finished her high school career with her best season, avoiding any injuries. Musselman dove for Legacy when the school began in the 4A region,...

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Maria Castillo - Staff Writer

What Love Really Is

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
February 7, 2013

My First Love When in intermediate school, I remember being egged on by all my peers to kiss the boy I was “dating” (more or less talking on the phone with) at the time because that was the big deal. I was not about to let this challenge go. I planted a big ‘ol juicy kiss on that boy because of...

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Senior Rylie Morrison jumps to block a shot from an Arlington opponent on Dec. 4.

Athlete Adjusts to Different Coaching Styles

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
December 13, 2012

The number three has much significance in the life of senior Rylie Morrison. It’s followed her from her old school in Oklahoma City and now determines the position she plays when out on the basketball court. Morrison qualified for the varsity girls basketball team. Morrison plays the position known...

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Key Club Prepares to Help Community

Key Club Prepares to Help Community

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
October 24, 2012

“Feliz Navidad,” senior Cynthia Garza said to an ecstatic young child last holiday season. Handing over the small, neatly wrapped package sent an overwhelming amount of emotion through Garza. She watched the smiling child take the present with shaking hands. Every winter, Key Club, as well the...

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"Just Cure It" T-Shirt Sales Exceed Expectations

“Just Cure It” T-Shirt Sales Exceed Expectations

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
October 2, 2012

She tapped the end of her pen on the desk, contemplating different ideas for the design of the upcoming project. Finally, senior Jacy Hinkle, along with the Teen II class, decided upon using the Nike logo as their inspiration toward the design of the 2012 Pink Fest T-shirts. “I had no idea it would...

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Musselman Dives Into Regionals, State

Musselman Dives Into Regionals, State

Maria Castillo, Staff Writer
February 23, 2012

Junior Sarah Musselman hears her name called. She walks to the podium to receive her first place medal in the one meter diving competition with a score of 440.05 points, while the girl in second received 391.45 points. Musselman hears her friends and family cheer as she steps up to the first place spot...

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