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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Jake Stacks

Jake Stacks, News Editor

Jesus. That’s pretty much it.

All content by Jake Stacks
The current zones for Mansfield ISD high schools are no longer feasible to accommodate recent population growth. Discussions about new plans have begun and will determine revised zoning areas. Courtesy Photo

In The Zone

Jake Stacks and Jazmine Necessary
April 24, 2018

A mother rises to have her voice heard at the attendance zone community meeting. Fear of her children attending four different schools in four years troubles and drives her to speak out with each of the new rezoning proposals. The school board faces a dilemma: have overpopulated classrooms at Legacy...

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Jake Stacks, creates names for the new high school being built in Mansfield.

8 Creative High School Names

Jake Stacks, News Editor
February 18, 2018

MISD is looking at and projecting future growth, which may result in another high school. While they do that, though, I decided to focus on what really matters about this new school: a kick-butt name and mascot. LegacyRidge High School Pegai Yes, the plural of flying horse is not Pegusi. Or Pegusus....

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The FCC will vote on a proposal to end net neutrality on Dec. 14. Here's what you need to know.

The Importance of Net Neutrality

Grant Baker and Jake Stacks
December 1, 2017

The Federal Communications Commission, spearheaded by Chairman Ajit Pai, will vote on a proposal to repeal Net Neutrality on Dec. 14. The proposal, if approved, will change the landscape of the internet, allowing Internet Service Providers (ISP) like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon to have free reign over...

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Freshman Dies in Shooting

Freshman Dies in Shooting

Jake Stacks, Grant Baker, and Lauren Hargrove
October 30, 2017

Freshman Makayla Davis died from a gunshot wound Oct. 28 on her family’s property. Fort Worth Police arrested former Legacy student 18-year-old Sebastian Ramirez-Barcenas and charged him with criminal negligent homicide in the death of Davis. Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office said Ramirez-Barcenas...

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Debbie Lane in front of Ben Barber undergoes construction from June 2017 to the summer of 2018. The construction impacts commuters traveling to Legacy, Ben Barber, and surrounding businesses.

Debbie Lane Construction Impacts Legacy Commuters

Jake Stacks, News Editor
September 5, 2017

High schoolers and early morning commuters cram together in long lines, rear view to rear view. The daily drive slows to a crawl as orange-vested workers scurry around, pouring and paving concrete and moving rebar. The construction on Debbie Lane in front of Ben Barber effects Legacy students directly,...

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Senior Zach Horn salutes during the Veterans Day parade on Nov. 11, 2016. Horn and the JROTC program traveled to the Army Nationals Drill Competition in Louisville, Kentucky, where they took 13th place in the nation.

JROTC Iron Broncos Place 13th in Nation

Jake Stacks, News Editor
April 12, 2017

For most Legacy students, Louisville, Kentucky is a long way from home. But the Iron Bronco JROTC program is right at home: this is the third year in a row that Legacy has competed at the national level. Legacy took 13th in the nation, of 1625 Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps programs, at the US...

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The Science Behind Success

The Science Behind Success

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
March 23, 2017

Shouts of encouragement ring throughout the natatorium, but the cool, chlorine-filled water rushing by her ears retains senior Haley Yelle’s focus. Her arms and legs pump, propelling her through lap after merciless lap, until, finally, she reaches the end of her event, touches the wall and comes out...

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The annual "Stop the Music" campaign for LUCK week will last from Feb. 13 to Feb. 24. The song, "I am your gummy bear," will play during all passing periods until students can raise $1500 for this year's LUCK week candidate, Angelina.

Gummy Bear Song Played During Passing Periods

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
February 15, 2017

Students aren’t the only things filling the halls during passing periods. Loud music blares over the speakers between classes, and only one thing will stop it: money. Music will play over the school sound system during passing periods for the next two weeks, or until the student body raises $1,500...

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Something Out of Nothing

Something Out of Nothing

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
January 9, 2017

Writing makes something out of nothing. It brings out something in each of us, and it can powerfully move minds. It can anger, amuse, belittle, build up. It’s an art form created with ink, graphite, or pixels, formed in the late nights, zero dark 30 mornings and the class before. Writing can be...

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After taking the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) last October, seniors Shane Boettiger, Eric Cyganowski, Joshua Hogue and Ethan Wikoff were recognized as Commended in the National Merit Scholar program.

Four Recognized as Commended National Merit Scholars

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
October 18, 2016

After taking the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) last October, seniors Shane Boettiger, Eric Cyganowski, Joshua Hogue and Ethan Wikoff were recognized as Commended in the National Merit Scholar program. Each year, millions of juniors in thousands...

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Senior Michael Mitcheltree, 12, runs through the inflated Bronco wearing the new Under Armour uniform for a game against Crowley.

MISD Changes to Under Armour Contract

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
September 12, 2016

The air outside of the locker room is electric with the roar of a Friday night lights crowd, but inside the mausoleum of hard work and white walls, the screams of the fans of these athletes lessens to a static rumble. The Legacy football players themselves sit in silence or mutter to themselves, contemplating...

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Spheros allow students and teachers to experiment with robitic kits.

MISD Librarians Invite Teachers to Use Spheros

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
April 29, 2016

Every day during lunch, students can come in to the library and race Spheros, baseball-sized robotic balls controlled by apps, using bluetooth from a phone or an iPad. Jumps and races are set up and organized in the library where students like freshman William Sullivan use the bots for a midday brain...

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Open House will be held on Feb. 1 from 5:30-7:00 pm.

Reasons to Go to Open House

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
February 1, 2016

Open House: the annual showcase of all that a school does. But who really wants to go to school when you could be at home, the weight room, with your friends or almost anywhere else? We have compiled a list of reasons that could change your mind about attending this event. New Teachers New semester,...

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Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Pro: Armed and Vigilant

Jake Stacks and Major Melson
April 4, 2018

Absolutely. Specifically and strenuously trained educators who care more about the lives of their students than their own, who are willing to face the possibility of putting themselves in harm’s way to protect America’s future, can answer almost any threat. An armed presence on campuses maintains...

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Finding The Best in The Worst Year Ever

Finding The Best in The Worst Year Ever

Jake Stacks, News Editor
February 28, 2018

This year of pain began with lots of tears, and ended with one. I had never heard true weeping before. I had never heard my dad cry, actually, much less wail. His heart was breaking, and his whiskers were rubbing the tears between our cheeks. I remember the whiskers. He had answered the door at 3...

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The Abolitionist Society of Forth Worth protests abortion outside.

Anti-Abortion Protesters Target Legacy

Lauren Hargrove, Grant Baker, and Jake Stacks
November 9, 2017

Anti-abortion protesters have stood in front of Legacy’s Main Street entrance every morning. The protesters, exercising their First Amendment rights, have signs showing a graphic portrayal of the abortion process. The protesters organize and call themselves the Abolitionist Society of Fort Worth....

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MISD Earns Financial Integrity Award

Jake Stacks, News Editor
October 13, 2017

Mansfield ISD earned a superior rating in the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for excellent financial integrity. Superior, the highest rating achievable from FIRST, is only given to a select few. MISD maintains a 15-year Superior rating record, and this year changes nothing....

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Seniors Ashley Owen and Tiffany Vo cheer as Officer Aaron Rengal donates money to Key Club's Hurricane Harvey donation drive. Key Club, Student Council, Legacy's Nurses, MISD and Journalism teachers are all doing their part to help with Hurricane Harvey relief.

Help For Harvey: Opportunities to Soften the Storm

Jake Stacks, News Editor
September 7, 2017

Hurricane Sandy made American landfall 1,500 miles away. The Katrina destruction peaked when Legacy’s current oldest seniors were, at the most, six years old. But the newest country-shaking monsoon, Hurricane Harvey, provides high school students in our state with a unique opportunity and responsibility...

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Senior Clara Griepp performed in the Theater production of "It's A Wonderful Life." Griepp traveled to Austin to compete in the UIL State Theatrical Design competition.

Theatrical Designer Competes on Top Levels

Jake Stacks, News Editor
April 24, 2017

Because of her talent at designing and creating costumes for theatrical performances, senior Clara Griepp traveled to Austin to compete in a UIL Theatrical Design competition. The event prompts participants to build costumes for certain characters in a play. Besides UIL, Griepp designs and acts for the...

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Coach Burke leads a discussion in the weekly Future Christian Athletes  (FCA) meeting. Students meet in Coach Burke's room, I103, at 6:50 a.m. every Friday morning for devotional and donuts.

Morning Devotional

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
March 31, 2017

Walking into Coach Tracy Burke’s computer lab room, I am met by immediate greetings from the members of Legacy’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). “C’mon, Stacks, you know you’re fat,” senior Malik Babaa said. “Come get a donut.” As I ate the last sprinkles donut, the meeting...

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The Origin of Love

The Origin of Love

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
March 1, 2017

Love confuses people, especially us English speakers. It could almost fit into George Orwell’s newspeak, where certain words take other words under their wings, thus eliminating the meaning and emotion behind those words. For example, in newspeak, a central symbol in Orwell’s book, 1984, old words...

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Living Church in Mansfield will hold a worship service on Friday, Jan. 20. All MISD students are invited to attend.

Living Church Hosts Worship Night

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
January 20, 2017

The lights go down as the Living Church youth band begins to sing and play. Senior Bailey Griffin stands onstage with her microphone in hand and sings to Jesus. Her fellow Christians in the audience raise their hands and praise along with her, and the youth-led worship service kicks off. On Friday,...

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Missions is Not

Missions is Not

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
October 25, 2016

I have always wanted to have the opportunity to start my testimony in front of a church with the first line of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song. Since that might be slightly frowned upon, and I’m not supposed to cause a brother to stumble, I suppose I can settle for doing it in writing. So,...

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Ultimate frisbee players jump for the frisbee during a game.

Ultimate Frisbee As A UIL Sport

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
September 20, 2016

There’s a moment in my sporting career that I consider defining. I have simply deemed it “The Catch.” No, it was not an Odell for the football win (never have I ever ran a wide receiver route), nor was it a leaping home run steal. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt it if The Catch is totally forgotten...

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Find a campsite and explore the outdoors this summer. Photo used with permission by Justin Kopp

Five Best Places to Camp Around Texas

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
May 30, 2016

I tend to judge the success of a weekend by the disgusted look on my parent’s faces when they get that first whiff of their son after I come home from a camping trip. If I don’t smell like campfire smoke, lake water, and dirt, then I haven’t tried hard enough. That is the joy of camping: being...

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Jake Stacks explains the message he heard at the Harvest America Event.

Harvest America

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
March 23, 2016

There’s an old saying surrounding Cowboy’s stadium: the hole in the roof is there so God can watch His favorite team play. I don’t know about my Father’s NFL preferences, but I know that God showed up on March 6th for the Harvest America crusade. Two of my brothers in Christ (both Summit Jags,...

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Review: Church Clothes 3

Review: Church Clothes 3

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
January 29, 2016

Christian Hip-Hop artist Lecrae has received love from fans as well as criticism from some in pop culture. Now, with the unannounced release of his latest mixtape, Church Clothes 3, he has surprised loyal listeners and critics everywhere. After his release of “Anomaly” in 2014, the rap icon announced...

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Superintendent Dr. Jim Vaszauskas meets with Legacy students to discuss safety, security, and their school. The discussion ranged from the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, to a Legacy walkout, to the district's response to past security threats. (Tori Greene photo)

Superintendent Meets With Students to Discuss Security

Jake Stacks, News Editor
March 21, 2018

Superintendent Dr. Jim Vaszauskas traveled to Legacy to meet with students on March 9, and as the meeting neared, students congregated around the doors of the PAC. The doors were locked, and the theater was secure. But what about the school? In light of the Parkland shooting, Dr. V visited Legacy...

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Grant Baker and Jake Stacks, discuss different celebrities who would make a good fit as president.

15 Celebrities Who Could Run for President in 2020

Grant Baker and Jake Stacks
January 18, 2018

[DISCLAIMER: This list is 100% satire (and poorly done at that). TheRiderOnline does not endorse or support any of the following people to run for President. It's a joke.]   Following the events of the 2016 election, where “outsider” Donald Trump won despite never having held public office,...

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Senior Grant Johnson runs the ball in the first football practice of the year. After practice, Johnson and his teammates had the opportunity to eat a meal, but until students take the job over, athletes will not be able to have this extra fuel after workouts.

Students Feeding Champions: Meal Program Allows Students to Help Athletes

Jake Stacks, News Editor
November 1, 2017

Students have the unique opportunity to lend a hand to athletes by serving food after school. Be A Champion, the managing company, prepares and delivers the meals, but lacks distributors. Students who want to hand out meals will earn nine dollars an hour for lending their time to help Legacy athletic...

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While Hurricane Irma affected the mainland United States, it also devastated the island of Puerto Rico. PR is only 100 miles long by 35 miles wide.

Hurricane Irma: Picking up the Pieces

Jake Stacks and Ryland Mallett
September 25, 2017

Senior Yibran Franco pressed the phone to his ear, and listened to the dial tone uncaringly reach out across the Gulf of Mexico. His dad picked up, and Franco listened again, this time to his father lovingly telling him that they are alright. After Irma, Franco’s family in Puerto Rico simply had a...

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MISD has purchased activity buses for the 2017-201 school year. These buses are safer and more comfortable then regular school buses, and will be available for student group usage for long trips. Creative Commons.

MISD Purchases Activity Buses

Jake Stacks, News Editor
May 22, 2017

The district has ordered 12 activity buses for student to use in the upcoming 2017-2018 school year. These 42-seaters will provide an alternative mode of transportation for sports teams, organizations, and student groups who would otherwise be forced to travel long distances in a yellow-dog school bus....

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Legacy will host Put It Down, Save A Life to educate students about the dangers of distracted driving. Students will get to experience some of the effects of distracted driving, as well as hear personal testimonies. (Photo via Creative Commons)

PIDSAL Reveals Dangers of Distracted Driving

Jake Stacks, News Editor
April 4, 2017

A screeching roar. A sudden smack. A deafening siren. A face awash in pulsing light. A sterilized ER. A somber grave. For nothing more than a simple message or a stupid drink. Put it Down, Save a Life, abbreviated as PIDSAL, is a program that raises awareness about the dangers of drunk or distracted...

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Find six new ways to celebrate a week off school

Six Ways to Spend Spring Break

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
March 9, 2017

Finally. We’ve been waiting since Christmas. MLK day was cool, President's day was great, but neither can come close in length or in anticipation to a week of respite: Spring Break (Duh duh duuuhhh). There are so many things to do, so let’s not waste a day.   Go Camping Time to...

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Senior Austin Bernal and his fellow cadets practice after school for the upcoming competitions. The Iron Broncos won Grand Champion out of 21 competing schools in the Fifth Brigade during the fifth annual Brigade JROTC Drill Championships in San Antonio on Feb. 4.

JROTC Advances to Army Nationals

Jake Stacks and Sara Gerges
February 9, 2017

The JROTC Iron Broncos Armed Drill Team earned Grand Champion out of 21 competing schools in the Fifth Brigade during the fifth annual Brigade JROTC Drill Championships in San Antonio on Feb. 4. The top five competitors in the competition advance to the Army Nationals Drill Competition in Louisville,...

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Staff Writer Jake Stacks explores the different ways countries celebrate Christmas.

Christmas on a Global Scale

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
December 25, 2016

Ahh, Dec. 25. The day celebrating gift giving, joy, family and the coming King of Kings. Christmas is celebrated by many different cultures all over the world, so The Rider has compiled a list of holiday traditions in other countries. Brazil: A traditional Brazilian Christmas begins with something...

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Coach Chris Melson talks to players on the sideline of a home game. Melson's bother also coaches high school football. (Brandon Bosecker photo)

Melson Brothers: Two Generations of Siblings Enjoy Football Together

Jorden Melson and Jake Stacks
October 6, 2016

In the fall of 1993, Coach Chris Melson and his younger brother Brandon got jobs coaching football at Ada Junior High. They spent their days teaching teenagers how to throw a spiral, catch passes and make tackles. Now, Chris Melson presides as Legacy’s Head Football Coach, and his brother Brandon works...

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Social Circles

Social Circles

Jake Stacks and Kendra Washington
July 23, 2016

As graduate Kelcey McKinley and hundreds of other students begin to trickle into the empty cafeteria, the silence slowly grows into a dull roar. Over the next three periods, the cafeteria will fill with sounds of raucous laughter, the smell of cheap chicken sandwiches, and thousands of teenagers banding...

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The City of Mansfield has mapped out the areas of growth of the city. (Courtesy Photo via the City of Mansfield).

New Developments Contribute to Growth in Mansfield

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
May 20, 2016

The area within the Legacy’s attendance zoning will be seeing major growth and construction in the next few years due to the city of Mansfield’s expanding economy and ever increasing population. The City of Mansfield has begun construction on three large neighborhoods near the southern edge of the...

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Devyn Hinds, 11, eats at Chipotle Mexican Grill during a debate spirit night to raise money for their trip to state.

Debate Qualifies for State

Jake Stacks, Staff Writer
February 26, 2016

There is a spring in the spirit of senior Breton Hawkins, who runs through the halls of Ennis High School with one thought on his mind: state. Racing into a classroom, he tackles and bear hugs his friend and debate partner, junior Ben Speigner, and tells him the good news. “I heard we were in first...

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