Kamryn Hannigan, 12, performs at the opening night of Eurydice. Theater put on the show Oct. 3-6.
Michael Cooper, 11 and Clyde Davis, 12, dances in front of 7-Eleven. Stuco received $711 at the grand opening of their newest location.
Kaitlyn Skelton, 10, works on her IPad in Mr. Szostek's 2nd period class. Skelton has a severe peanut allergy.
Adam Hoffman rehearses Stars and Stripes Forever with the Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony before the spring concert. The Bronco Band's new marching show is entitled "Man vs. Machine." (Conner Riley Photo)
Matthew McCoy, 11, poses for a picture. He demonstrates a certain eating disorder where a person works out more than they eat.
Brent Lawhorn, 9.