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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Justin Anderson

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer

Read my work, you’ll see why I’m here.

All content by Justin Anderson
Final Blog

Final Blog

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
May 16, 2024

A lot can change in four years. One day you’re a freshman learning and meeting your teachers on Zoom because of the Facui virus, some call it COVID-19, and the next you are writing a final signoff on a school newspaper you didn’t know existed until your junior year. Seniors of previous years used...

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Racing Through High School

Racing Through High School

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
February 8, 2024

When I was 13 years old, my dad asked me what I thought about racing cars. I didn’t know too much about cars, and I didn’t know what that entailed. I agreed to it not knowing how it would change my life and how it would help me get closer to my dad. When my dad first told me that my racecar...

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Mr. John Contreras, Facilities Associate Principal, talks with his secretary. Mr. Contreras will retire at the end of the first semester.

Contreras to Retire at Semester After 16 Years at Legacy

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
November 16, 2023

After opening the school in 2007 and serving as assistant principal for the last 16 years, Facilities Associate Principal John Contreras will retire at the end of the first semester. Mr. Contreras oversees the day-to-day operations of the building and manages student discipline for students with last...

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Max Dearinger, 9, plays on the field in the Sept. 21 game against Dallas Skyline.

Varsity Football Looks to Freshman Talent to Be Competitive in 6A

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
November 14, 2023

As the varsity football team fell to 2-7 after losing to Cedar Hill, the team eliminated their chance to go to the playoffs adding to the four-year drought. One factor many people don’t often think about, the player's training starts freshman year and they hone in their craft until they are good enough...

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Senior Jonah Pedroza prepares for a powerlifting meet on Feb. 16. Pedroza began powerlifting as a pastime during quarantine, and now competes at powerlifting meets throughout the district. [File Photo]

Bodybuilding, Weightlifting Gains Popularity Among Students and Staff

Davis Collier and Justin Anderson
November 8, 2023

Gallon water jugs, large arms, even larger legs. This is the average look for a bodybuilder, but no bodybuilder wants to look average. When walking around the hallways, students question what kind of work it takes for them to get this physique. When training consistently, women can expect to gain...

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Photo by Cederic Vandenberghe on Unsplash

Top Five Things to do During Spooky Season

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
October 23, 2023

It’s that time of the year again. Ugly costumes, a crisp, cool breeze in the air, gruesome makeup, scary stories that are not so scary- Halloween. Over the years things have changed with Halloween and everyone has now grown older and more mature. Now too old to trick-or-treat, here are some ideas to...

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Co-ed sports have remained controversial since their inception at the 1900 Olympics. Photo by Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

Co-ed Sports: Should they still exist?

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
September 12, 2023

Men and women competing in the same sports is nothing new, dating back to the 1900 Olympics. Back then it arose as a controversy, and today it remains a controversy. People have continued to debate this for a while, but now we ponder the question of if they should exist. No, they should not, and it’s...

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Cooper Axe, 11, does a handshake with a teammate before the Dec. 10 JV soccer game against Cleburne. [File Photo]

Cooper Axe: Growing Up on the Field

Justin Anderson, Staff Writer
January 10, 2023

At two years old, while Cooper Axe learned to potty train and perfect his English, he was also learning to play soccer. Junior Cooper Axe’s life is soccer, and he’s been competing for 14 years. “I feel when I play everyone gets a motivation to win and having to compete against teammates is something...

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