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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Lexi Ellis

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer

I am a Staff Writer for the Legacy newspaper, and I am also an officer in Legacy Key Club and NHS. email:

All content by Lexi Ellis
In the age of social media, almost every employer will check their staff's social media accounts. Here's the best way to clean up your social media to keep (or get) your job.

How to Adult: Cleaning Social Media For a Job

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
September 11, 2017

There are numerous (hilarious) incidents of people finding things on social media they weren't meant to see. Sometimes they aren't funny, but there's a difference between getting fired at a pizza joint and not being hired to a great career. Not all colleges look at social media profiles for admissions,...

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Lexi Ellis reviews The Melting Pot in Arlington, Texas.

Review: The Melting Pot

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
April 26, 2017

Beyond its dark glass doors lies The Melting Pot: a magical place of chocolatey mystery and wonder. When you first walk in, you are faced with a large, glass wine cellar and a smiling hostess that will lead you around the sharp turns and to an enclosed booth. The dimly lit restaurant has an atmosphere...

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Ed Sheeran's third studio album released on March 3.

Review: Ed Sheeran – ÷ (Divide)

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
March 19, 2017

Dear Ed, Since I know you read a lot of your own press, I wanted to leave a note, just in case. I hope you get to fill in your uncolored puzzle piece tattoo very soon. Please share a picture of it for me. If you’re impressed by this review, my email is on my staff profile. I miss you on Snapchat....

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It can be hard to stay optimistic these days. Use these steps to help you out.

How to Adult: Be An Optimist

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
January 30, 2017

Following these tips can be very difficult and will take a lot of willpower. Changing the way you think takes time and patience, but it will be worth having a happy brain filled with positive thoughts. It’s just like a diet — if you really want the results, you'll follow the program. Adding just...

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Review: Gaylord ICE

Review: Gaylord ICE

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
December 9, 2016

I love winter and the cold. Living in Texas only makes me appreciate it more. Cold days come few and far between, so they're a treat rather than a chore. I had been to the Gaylord Ice show a few times with my family as a kid, and I loved it. This year, my friend and I drove an hour to the four-star...

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President-Elect Trump: Now What?

President-Elect Trump: Now What?

Sara Gerges and Lexi Ellis
November 9, 2016

Donald J. Trump defied the political establishment on election night by being named the 45th president-elect of the United States. The billionaire businessman and inexperienced politician overcame 16 other Republicans during the primaries and was named the Republican nominee. Facing Democrat Hillary...

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Strength Through Struggle

Strength Through Struggle

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
October 11, 2016

My dad is 70 years old. People always say that wisdom comes with age.  This definitely applies to having older parents. They have already experienced much more of life than a younger parent. They act more lenient and you really learn to be more independent. Plus, they have some really interesting...

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Construction causes traffic delays to Newsom stadium and the MISD Natatorium.

Construction Delays Traffic to Newsom Stadium

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
September 2, 2016

Waking up at 4:30 a.m., senior Kaylin Martinson sleepily navigates the intrusive roadblocks to make it on time for swim practice at MISD Natatorium. Major construction on East Broad Street will interfere with traffic and the entrance to Vernon Newsom Stadium. To complete State Highway 360, Broad Street...

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The attendance office has many prom dresses, purses, and shoes to borrow for girls to look at for prom.

Free Prom Dresses Offered to Students

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
May 5, 2016

As the excitement of prom approaches, it can be stressful to find the perfect date, dinner plan, picture location and, most importantly, perfect dress. To relieve stress, Legacy offers free prom dresses, purses, and shoes to borrow for the big night. The dresses and accessories are donated by parents,...

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Teen II students organized Bronco B.O.L.D. (Bring Others Love Daily.)

Teen II ‘Takes a Stand, Lends a Hand’ with Bronco B.O.L.D. Week

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
April 5, 2016

During the week of April 3, sticky notes, clothespins and other items with motivational notes on them will be posted around the school. The campaign, Bronco Bold (Bring Others Love Daily), by Julie Daniel’s Teen 2 class, dedicates an entire week to spreading kindness and anti-bullying across the campus....

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Johnny Castle lifts up Baby Houseman in their iconic dance scene from Dirty Dancing.

10 Movies to View on Valentine’s

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
February 14, 2016

If you have a date, choose to spend the day with friends or just want to curl up alone with a tub of chocolate ice cream and heart-shaped cookies, check out this list and pick one of these heartwarming movies to watch this Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day PG-13 2010 On Valentine’s Day, the...

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Final Blog: Lexi Ellis

Final Blog: Lexi Ellis

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
May 30, 2017

I wish I had another year left of high school. I switched to Legacy halfway through sophomore year and knew no one. I felt like I was getting thrown into a tank of nearly boiling water. I'll never forget my first full day. My first lunch at Legacy was on a Wednesday when they were selling cookies,...

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Prom is Fine

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
May 3, 2017

Why do we do prom? We have a prom for the same reason we don't sit on the floor and live like cavemen. We are advanced. We have technology. We want to, and we can, so we do. It's like the capitol in The Hunger Games, they had lavish parties because it's fun and they wanted to and they could so they did....

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Community to Vote on $275 Million District Bond

Community to Vote on $275 Million District Bond

Sara Gerges and Lexi Ellis
April 25, 2017

The Basics of the Bond The Mansfield ISD Board of trustees accepted the Facilities and Growth Planning Committee’s recommendation to call for a $275 million bond for the school district. The funding would go toward the expansion of MISD through the building of new schools and the renovation of current...

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Ms. Dawn Groves, helps Rebecca Watson, 12, with a sewing project in fashion design class.

Fashion Design Sews It Up

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
February 21, 2017

A loud whirring sounds of the sewing machines came from Ms. Dawn Groves’ fashion design class. The sound almost drowned out her voice instructing the class. “Control the lever,” Ms. Groves said. Since this was the first project requiring the use of sewing machines, Ms.Groves walked around...

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BASIC met at the flagpole to pray before the day began.

Chatting About Christ

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
December 12, 2016

Walking into Ms. Stephanie Tempel’s classroom at 7 a.m., Brothers And Sisters In Christ (B.A.S.I.C.) members were already sitting around talking and patiently waiting for their president, senior Haleigh Carr, to begin the week’s devotional session. Carr begins the meeting by asking everyone if...

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During all lunch periods until Dec. 7, students can come by Key Club’s table located toward the front of the cafeteria near the StuCo store to purchase Holiday-Grams.

Key Club Sells Holiday-Grams

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
November 15, 2016

During all lunch periods until Dec. 7, students can come by Key Club’s table located toward the front of the cafeteria near the StuCo store to purchase Holiday-Grams. Much like Val-O-Grams, Holiday-Grams will be delivered during advisory the week before finals. “I would like to send them to a...

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Preparing for the SAT/ACT

Preparing for the SAT/ACT

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
October 26, 2016

College-bound students, like senior Kasie Haemker, often find themselves stressed out by the demands of high school. Haemker has experienced a particularly stressful senior year trying to balance college applications, SAT/ACT prep, homework, and extracurricular activities.  Colleges will accept...

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"Pieoneers" Haleigh Carr, Bailey Griffen, Makayla Dickman, Mia Williams, and Asher Stuart eat pie in the second floor AP office at their weekly Pie Club Meeting.

Meet the ‘Pieoneers’ of Legacy’s Newest Club

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
September 21, 2016

As one of the original eight members of Pie Club, known as the “pieoneers,” senior Mia Williams meets with her club every Thursday after school in the second floor AP office wth their sponsor Ms. Corina Pena. Every week, a different member provides the club with a homemade pie, utensils and milk...

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Senioritis Slows Seniors Down

Senioritis Slows Seniors Down

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
May 10, 2016

Senior year. Movies promise a fun and adventurous time with friends, but in reality, it can be very stressful and seemingly pointless to some students like James Bell. Seniors have already experienced three years of the repetitive cycle of high school: attending the same classes each day, going home...

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Kayleigh Gerlach, 11, played on a volleyball team as #5.

Kayleigh Gerlach

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
April 7, 2016

In Adana, Turkey, a town dangerously close to Syria, the perpetual war-zone in the middle east, junior Kayleigh Gerlach came home from school to find her mother watching an alert on one of the five available television channels. They were on lockdown. Gerlach has lived on a base for most of her life....

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Lexi Ellis, 11, explains the importance of rules and the negative consequences of not following them.

Rules Were Not Made To Be Broken

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
February 24, 2016

I should’ve experienced a fun day at Schlitterbahn enjoying ice cream, speeding down colorful waterslides, splashing around in the wave pool and soaking up the blazing Texas sun while burning my feet on the hot concrete sidewalks. Instead, I witnessed a traumatic event: the loss of my friend’s finger. The...

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Lexi Ellis, ranks top moments in Spongebob history.

21 Spongebob Moments to Soak Up

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
May 4, 2017

Spongebob’s relevance in teenage culture is undeniable. Most teens (and young adults) who watched the show frequently use the show for examples, jokes or talking points in everyday conversation. Spongebob has also been used as a rich resource for memes. If memeing was like farming, Spongebob episodes...

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Legacy will host their annual prom on May 6 at Globe Life Park

Legacy Hosts Annual Prom at Ballpark

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
May 3, 2017

On May 6 from 7-11 p.m., students can enjoy a night of dancing at the Jack Daniel’s Club at Globe Life Park for the price of $85. The DJ is currently taking song requests on Instagram. To request, comment a song on their Instagram post of the Legacy logo. Their accounts are @highschoolhype and @bowtiethedj....

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Breaking News: Real or Not

Breaking News: Real or Not

Lexi Ellis and Felicity Veliz
March 8, 2017

With social media being one the most influential sources of information distribution throughout the world, junior Mackenzie Mohr refuses to believe everything on the screen. Misinformation rapidly spreads on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Comments and personal opinions are often mistaken for...

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Staff Writer Lexi Ellis explores the different holidays others celebrate.

‘Tis the Holiday Season

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
December 18, 2016

Because America can be considered a “cultural melting pot,” we see a little bit of everything. Americans predominantly celebrate Christmas during the holiday season, but many other holidays are celebrated mainly based on religion, culture and preference. Check out the list below of the other holidays...

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Anna Jordan & Lexi Ellis explain the world's most famous conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy Theories Revealed

Lexi Ellis and Anna Jordan
December 6, 2016

In our technologically advanced society of communication, messages and ideas can spread quite rapidly, especially the outlandish ones. Conspiracy theories/theorists can be taken skeptically, seriously, as jokes or as a form of pure entertainment. It all depends on how you view it. Faked Moon Landings With...

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Lexi Ellis, 12, gives five movies to watch coming out in 2016 and 2017

5 Upcoming Movies This Fall/Winter

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
November 8, 2016

With Oscar season approaching at the end of October through December, viewers can expect the most highly anticipated and high quality films to be released. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - November 18, 2016 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, originally written by J.K. Rowling as a...

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Hashtag your pictures with #LegacyTrueHalloween for a chance to win.

The Rider Hosts Costume Contest

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
October 11, 2016

With the impending season of spookiness, The Rider Online will host a costume contest. This year, Halloween falls on Monday, Oct. 31. To submit your costume in the contest, post your photos on Twitter or Instagram no later than 8 p.m. on Halloween with the hashtag #LegacyTrueHalloween. Make sure...

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In the Texas heat, wearing sunscreen is a must to avoid serious sunburns and an increased risk for cancer. (Photo used with permission by Robert S. Donovan via Flickr).

10 Summer Do’s and Don’ts

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
June 24, 2016

Our 54 days of summer vacation amounts to 1296 hours not filled with classes, homework and tests.  As hard as you may try, you can not prevent school starting again, but you can make sure what you do this summer will be memorable and fun. Check out what to do and what not to do to make this summer count. Do Wear...

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The Silver Spurs practice for their upcoming jazz performance.

Varsity Silver Spurs Jazz It Up

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
April 11, 2016

In the warm, muggy P.E. gym immediately after school, the varsity Silver Spurs stand in formation, ready to clean up their jazz competition routine to the song “Burlesque.” Even during practice, the team maintains uniformity. All the dancers wear matching light pink shirts adorned with blue anchors,...

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Have a bonfire with a few friends over the break for a different atmosphere, make s'mores and have good conversation.

8 Spring Break Boredom Busters

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
March 14, 2016

Spring break’s warm weather and relief from school often leaves students counting down the days until summer. Though a copious amount of people flood the airports during spring break, parents and some students still have work and other activities to do at home. If you stay at home over spring break,...

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6 Ways To Spark Creativity

6 Ways To Spark Creativity

Lexi Ellis, Staff Writer
January 25, 2016

January can be the perfect month to celebrate new, refreshing contributions to our world, which would be so dull without the ingenuitive minds of great creators and inventors like Thomas Edison, or artists such as Picasso. Everyone wants to leave their own special mark on the world. Make yours this creativity...

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