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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Luke Bellinger

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer

Hi, my name is Luke, I’m constantly tired, my back hurts, and I write stuff. Read the stuff I write below.

All content by Luke Bellinger
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Month is celebrated every year in May. Photo by Cater Yang on Unsplash

Best Restaurants to Celebrate Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
May 24, 2023

Asian-American and Pacific Islander Month is upon us and it is time again to celebrate all things AAPI. Every city in the United States has some form of Asian/Pacific Islander community with its own rich history and culture. I’m lucky enough to grow up as an Asian-American with a reasonably diverse...

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Seniors applying for financial aid navigate the struggles of applying for FAFSA and TASFA aid programs. Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Seniors Face Rising Tuition Costs, Financial Aid Confusion

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
April 6, 2023

Seniors graduating this year are entering higher education with some of the highest tuition prices in history. Even adjusted for inflation, the cost of tuition has increased by 355%, according to Some incoming college students turn to college loans to pay for tuition, and usage of...

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An Ode to Ranch Market

An Ode to Ranch Market

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
January 16, 2023

If you drive north past the corporate office buildings in Irving and brave the five-over-one apartment complexes of Richardson, you will eventually arrive at a magical place called Plano. Growing up as a Chinese-American, my story is similar to many others, and almost all of those stories revolve around...

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Coach Greg Gober now coaches at Legacy after working in the business industry for many years.

Coach Greg Gober: Teaching, Managing, Coaching

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
December 13, 2022

It’s 7:25 a.m. Basketball Coach Gregory Gober stands in the hallway greeting his students as they enter his classroom. The barren brick walls are livened by inspirational posters dotted throughout the room. He walks to his standing desk in front of the apathetic class and begins explaining the daily...

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Birthday Blues

Birthday Blues

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
October 20, 2022

It’s 8:40 pm, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022. I get home after an hour of driving practice and silently step toward the kitchen. I am fatigued, after eight hours of school, three hours of work, and an hour of driving. A 90-page packet lies in front of me. I look up a recipe on my phone: “Chocolate Cake...

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Students have rights protected by various laws. What are they? How can students utilize them? Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash.

Student Rights: What are they, and how can I use them?

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
October 5, 2022

You. Have. Rights. Though they aren’t taught in most classes or discussed among students, you have rights. If you feel that a teacher or administrator has treated you unjustly, be aware of the rights that you have. You have far more power than you realize, so here are some of your rights, and the decisions...

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Why Texas is the Best Place to Live

Why Texas is the Best Place to Live

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
May 22, 2023

I love living in Texas. From the unpredictable weather, to the random ice storm, or weeks of triple-digit heat in the summer, Texas really provides an escape to anybody who enjoys sitting in their own sweat in the extremely hot, yet also humid and overcast climate. Summer is here!..or at least it will...

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Mansfield ISD announced a new innovation academy opening inside of Summit High School in August 2024. The P-TECH Academy will provide students with the opportunity to graduate high school with a Programming I certificate.

Mansfield ISD Announces P-TECH Academy to Open August 2024

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
April 27, 2023

In Fall 2024, a new Early College program will open at Summit called P-TECH. Students from across the district may enroll full-time in the four-year P-TECH program which will primarily teach computer programming through TCC Dual Credit Courses. Dr. LeighAnn Tamplen, MISD CTE Director designed the...

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Sophomore Jacob Hillis discusses "The Resting Place" in book clubs weekly meetings after school every Thursday.

Book Club Brings Together the Reading Community

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
January 11, 2023

Book Club is smaller than most clubs. Only three or four people congregate at one time, and they describe their meetings as sporadic and often sidetracked. But this small group, bound loosely by the pretense of reading books, has formed a bond. Senior Sadie Wilson runs the book club because she wanted...

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How to Adult: Applying for Health Insurance

How to Adult: Applying for Health Insurance

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
November 18, 2022

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Different voter suppression tactics include gerrymandering, making it more difficult to make an impact with your vote in diverse communities. Photo by Texas Civil Rights Project

Voter Suppression: A Growing Issue in Texas

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
November 8, 2022

Voter suppression is taking place across this state. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines voter suppression as “any legal or extralegal measure or strategy whose purpose or practical effect is to reduce voting, or registering to vote, by members of a targeted racial group, political party, or religious...

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My Place in Journalism

My Place in Journalism

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
October 6, 2022

Hi! My name is Luke, and I am a staff writer for The Rider Online. I joined Newspaper halfway through the fourth week of school with literally no experience in journalism, so I'm definitely in over my head. As for why I’m doing any of this, I joined for a few reasons, some of which are more self-serving...

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Final Blog

Final Blog

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
May 22, 2023

Splash. I remember keeling over laughing in my J1 class when Mr. Mallett told a story about when one of his students started an article with the word “splash”. It’s been a long school year—significantly longer than my last. I’ve done a lot this year—I think. It’s been a while since the...

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Mr. Howard Ritz talks to his debate students after school on Sept. 3, 2022. Because of his contributions, the debate continues to be competitive, even after the schools move to 6A.

Ritz to Retire at End of Semester

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
May 5, 2023

Every third Saturday at 6 a.m., Debate Coach Howard Ritz and his debate team pile onto a school bus. The students — all dressed in suits and formal attire — prepare to show up at a rural high school and argue with other sleep-deprived students for eight hours. For eight hours, Mr. Ritz sits in various...

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Losing My Language

Losing My Language

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
April 5, 2023

When I was eight years old, I won third place in a poetry competition, when I recited an emotional poem about a deposed emperor. The first and second place winners were teenagers, so I’ll always be proud of that poetry competition. Sadly, I don’t remember much else from that day, other than the bad...

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Opinion: New Exemption Policy Incentivizes Students to Attend School While Sick

Opinion: New Exemption Policy Incentivizes Students to Attend School While Sick

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
December 28, 2022

For the 2022-2023 school year, Mansfield ISD no longer allows COVID-19 sick days to be considered “excused absences” for test exemptions. For students to be exempt from a final test, they cannot have more than two absences, which include absences caused by COVID-19. However, the school does not allow...

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The Gay-Straight Alliance meets every Wednesday after school in the library.

GSA Resumes Meetings for New School Year

Luke Bellinger, Staff Writer
November 2, 2022

Approximately 30 people gathered in the library. It’s chaotic at first, but the students at the front call everyone to attention. The attendees have different backgrounds and appearances, but most share one thing in common—they identify as queer. They gather at a meeting of Legacy’s Gay-Straight...

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