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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Benita Orie

Benita Orie, Staff Writer

Hi, I’m Benita. I’m a senior, and this year’s Yearbook Copy Editor. Read our online newspaper, please and thanks.

Life is amazing, it is what it should be.
All content by Benita Orie
Benita Orie

Final Blog: Benita Orie

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
May 24, 2019

From the moment I stepped foot into high school, I have looked forward to my last day of it. graduation. Now, I don't want to go. It's bittersweet as everyone says to look back on all of the memories. I have met and formed bonds with so many people and to depart from them after so long is way hard. I...

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Orlando Morales, 12, discusses how to set up a pep rally with a fellow Student Council member.

Juggling Jobs

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
February 8, 2019

As senior Orlando Morales trudges into work for another long shift as a host, satisfaction flows over him. He realizes he works not only for the money, but also for experience. He resembles what some would describe as a ritual; school in the morning, tennis in the afternoon, work at night and extra curriculars...

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Freshman Impressions of High School

Freshman Impressions of High School

Benita Orie, Yearbook Copy Editor
August 20, 2018

First-day anxiety plagues the minds of everyone resuming school in the fall. From what to wear, to how to ace that math class even after most people have warned against taking it. Yes, first-day anxiety- especially for incoming freshman. New changes to dress code, AP exams, class rank calculation and...

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Junior Lexus Ramos fills out the application for Student Body President.

Mady Walker and Lexus Ramos: Divided We Stand

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
April 4, 2018

As Student Council elections round the corner, probable candidates scramble to attend the mandatory meetings to get all the necessary information to run for office. Junior Lexus Ramos’s sweaty palms grip her application packet as she contemplates going for the position she has always wanted. Meetings...

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Sophomore Colleen Shaw dribbles down the court as she looks to a teammate to pass the ball to in the game against Red Oak.

JV Girls Basketball Celebrates Success Despite Low Numbers

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
March 5, 2018

Five girls. One dream. The ball flies down the court as the dedicated ballers sprint after it. Droplets of sweat whisk every which way, and the team of girls face their opponents head-on. Basketball, for some, remains a sport to show out in. For these girls, it ensures much more than wins, fame, or glory....

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Ms. Michelle Alamudun leads a Ladies of Legacy meeting on Jan. 26 during advisory.

Ladies of Legacy Discuss Makeup Tutorials

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
January 31, 2018

A sea of women pile into the quiet room of J-123. Tired, but eager faces fill the space, as more and more girls trudge in. Some arrive just on time, and some rush in with flushed faces apologizing for lateness after the meeting starts. During advisory, on Jan. 26, Ladies of Legacy held their weekly...

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Photo illustration of students passing through a doorway.

MISD Implements New Security System

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
May 1, 2019

Students arrive at school in the morning, and the doors are locked. Instead of walking straight in the building and to their classes, they stride to the right side of the door, pull out their school-issued ID, place it in front of a doorbell camera and wait for a green light to flash. The doors unlock....

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How To Adult: Traveling

How To Adult: Traveling

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
November 30, 2018

The world has much to offer, and what better way to reap its glory than travel. Traveling offers therapeutic benefits in addition to the fun-filled and thriller adventures packed in every country, city and continent. Wherever the destination, the mere experience of travel causes one to return back home...

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Social Media Misery

Social Media Misery

Brooke Johnson and Benita Orie
May 10, 2018

Sophomore Alex Sims unglues his eyes from his phone to listens to the teacher’s instructions. The classroom returns to silence and his eyes fall back to the small screen in his lap. Sims scrolls through Twitter as an empty feeling fills him– reminding him of the perfect life he doesn’t have.  Social...

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Benita Orie, writes about the morality of cheating.

Opinion: The Moral Dilemma of Cheating

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
April 18, 2018

I walk into a classroom full of students putting pencil to paper, completing a test or quiz. One by one, they rise from their desks with sighs of relief as they stroll to the teacher’s desk and turn in their work. The room seemed quiet upon entering. But was it really? Although not all students...

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Lost And Found

Lost And Found

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
March 26, 2018

I always wanted to be like everyone else. Wanting to fit in with the crowd made me join in on the drone-like world I saw around me growing up. No one ever stopped me. In fact they encouraged me to continue being the good little girl I was. I never got the chance to be me and find myself. My inner beauty...

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Senior Nathan Haslam reads the novel, Heart of Darkness in AcaDec.

Strength in Numbers: AcaDec Reflects on Competition

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
February 12, 2018

Numbers. Formulas. Operation signs. Reading Passages. Art. Music. Essays. Macroeconomics. Research. All things academic and then some. Seems like a lot but Academic decathlon competitors are trained to perfect most, if not all, of these subjects. Ten distinct events measure the academic brilliance of...

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Environmental Club Holds Biweekly Meeting

Environmental Club Holds Biweekly Meeting

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
January 18, 2018

As only a few students attend this week’s meeting, held in Ms. Michelle Fagan’s room, Environmental Club members pray this one begins their breakthrough. With only six avid members, the club seems to dwindle as the years go by. The door to the outside world slams shut, and the progression to a more...

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Kristen Bosecker, 12, looks at Twitter on her phone during class.

Music to the Next Level : Soundcloud Rap

Benita Orie and Sarah Akande
April 26, 2019

As he taps to the sound streaming from his headphones, he contemplates making a sound of his own. Sophomore Victor Rodriguez scrolls through Soundcloud during class and has a lightbulb moment – one that now shapes the way he views music. From the thump of a raw beat, to the studio and to millions...

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Durable Diets

Durable Diets

Summer Barakat and Benita Orie
October 5, 2018

In the summer after eighth grade, senior Bailey Bednar scrolled through Instagram as she prepared to go on vacation. She planned to wear a two-piece, but could not picture herself looking any good in the pieces she saw models pull off. She wished for a body like the girls she saw on social media.  Bednar...

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Student Council members throw up their L's in front of Globe Life Park in Arlington. StuCo members attended a state student council convention to learn how to better lead their peers and boost school spirit. Courtesy Photo

Student Council Visits State Convention

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
April 24, 2018

A thrilling aura filled the Student Council room as each member anticipated the annual student council conference. They piled into carpool and headed on their way to enjoy a weekend enriched with a leadership experience that will encourage them to deepen their hearts. This year’s student council...

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Amanda Ferguson and her family take a picture after a football game. Amanda was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer before school began, and was honored in Legacy's annual LUCK (Legacy United in Caring and Kindness) week, and over $10,000 were raised to help pay for bills and expenses. Courtesy Photo.

LUCK Week Recap: Over $10,000 Raised for Amanda Ferguson

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
March 29, 2018

Everything changed for her. Life will never be the same. However, we jumped at the opportunity to help. After a week’s worth of running about frantically to make sure everything fell into place, Legacy’s Student Council gave Amanda Ferguson and her family everything they hoped for. L.U.C.K. (Legacy...

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Grown-ish airs every Friday on Freeform.

Review: Grown-ish

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
February 16, 2018

Zoey Johnson, played by Yara Shahidi, stars in the all new American sitcom depicting the life of a teenage girl who finds her way through college. She takes on California University to “find herself.” Upon arrival, Zoey opens herself to all the worrisome aspects of college as they plague an anxious...

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Sophomore Stacie Morton sings with her classmates during choir.

Stacie Morton: Making State

Benita Orie, Staff Writer
January 24, 2018

Sophomore Stacie Morton takes her position in front of the judges. Nerves stir up butterflies in her stomach, but there’s no turning back now. She’s done this before and advanced to state. It’s time to do it at the final audition stage. Morton inhales a deep and wishful breath and lets her voice...

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