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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Madison Mondon

Madison Mondon, Features Editor

I’m Madison and I am a senior. I am also the Features Editor. I spend my free time sippin’ on haterade. ‘Call Me Maybe’ will forever be my jam.

All content by Madison Mondon
Bradley's Battle with Cancer

Bradley’s Battle with Cancer

Madison Mondon, Features Editor
February 25, 2013

Sitting on their couch, junior Allison Bradley and her sister, senior Rebecca Bradley, tried to take in the news their dad, Gene, just told them. The sisters felt a sense of foreboding at the thought of having to watch their dad battle testicular cancer for the third time. In 2005, doctors diagnosed...

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First Class Seats

First Class Seats

Madison Mondon, Feature Editor
September 18, 2012

After countless hours spent on Craigslist, Dena Schimming, Teen Leadership teacher, finally found what she has searched for all summer - airplane seats. Over the summer, most teachers prepared for the new school year by rearranging desk, putting up posters or making new rules for the class. Mrs. Schimming,...

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Yearbook Senior Ad Sales End Oct 3

Yearbook Senior Ad Sales End Oct 3

Madison Mondon, Staff Writer
September 22, 2011

The deadline for purchasing senior ad in the yearbook is October 3.  [order form]  All ads are full color. Students can make checks or money orders to Legacy High School Journalism. Cash cannot be accepted. Checks returned because of insufficient funds may be resubmitted with an additional $30...

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MISD Cancels Facebook Page

MISD Cancels Facebook Page

Madison Mondon, Staff Writer
May 6, 2011

After reaching out to parents, students, and the community through the use of the MISD Facebook page, the school district decided to shut it down. Instead of providing a way to communicate with the community, the Facebook page became a forum for people to bicker, talk bad about staff members, and...

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Invisible Children Club To Hold Change Drive

Madison Mondon
November 8, 2010

On Mondays after school, Catherine McGuinness waits for students to come to her room so she can begin the Invisible Children club meeting. “Invisible Children finds ways to educate people about the situation in Uganda,” Mrs. McGuinness said. “We also take any opportunity to help Uganda.” In...

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Teachers Utilize Technology

Teachers Utilize Technology

Madison Mondon, Feature Editor
January 11, 2013

With the innovations in technology, school officials have incorporated a variety of programs and devices into lessons. In classes such as ESL and Partners in Technology, the use of electronics has proven beneficial to students. Students use Promethean Boards, computers, iPads and other devices to supplement...

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Getting A Late Start And Different Schedule

Getting A Late Start And Different Schedule

Madison Mondon, Staff Writer
August 1, 2012

For the 2012-2013 school year, MISD has approved a new schedule, which will save the district money since their funds have been cut. The new schedule consist of eight blocks a day lasting 45 minutes each. The school day, will also start at 7:25 a.m. and end at 2:55 p.m. “It will take a little bit...

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From Citizen to Soldier

From Citizen to Soldier

Madison Mondon, Staff Writer
September 22, 2011

After arriving at Fort Jackson in South Carolina in June, senior Veronica Castro loaded onto a bus with others. Once the bus arrived at its destination, drill sergeants were yelling at Castro to get into formation. For the next 10 weeks, Castro will transform from ordinary citizen to soldier of the United...

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Caleb Jones

Madison Mondon
March 8, 2011

After five days at church camp, freshman Caleb Jones has transformed into a completely different person. Jones has discovered God and what he wants to be when he gets older, a youth minister. God “I want to be a youth minister. God called me to do that over the summer while I was at youth camp....

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Sisterly Love

Madison Mondon
December 16, 2010

Junior Baylee Gray wonders about her cultural background, what she will look like when she gets older and who her birth parents are. These questions will remain until she turns 18 and she will finally have the chance to meet her biological family. Baylee and her sister, sophomore Kolbee Gray were...

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Summer Ends: Schedules Distributed This Week

Madison Mondon
August 9, 2010

Classes start back from summer break on August 23. Students can pick up schedules this week. [see schedule here] “To pick up your schedule you will need to bring a current, within the last 30 days, water bill, electric bill, or a rent lease,” counselor Dana Railsback said . Students will also...

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District Admin to Disable FaceTime, iMessage

District Admin to Disable FaceTime, iMessage

Madison Mondon and Dini Wyatt
October 26, 2012

Because of the misuse of iMessages on district iPads, district administration will remove usage of iMessage and FaceTime from student iPads. “iMessage has been a constant distraction in the classroom,” Principal Des Stewart said. “The sole purpose of the iPads is for educational use.” Senior...

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LBTV: Are You a True Bronco?

LBTV: Are You a True Bronco?

Madison Mondon, Broadcast
October 26, 2011

Teachers and students of Legacy take on questions to test their true Bronco spirit.  

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LBTV: SAT Preparation

LBTV: SAT Preparation

Madison Mondon, Broadcast Staff
September 30, 2011

See how to get ready for the SAT.

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Laura Torres

Madison Mondon, Staff Writer
September 6, 2011

Junior Laura Torres steps onto the field, mentally preparing herself for the game. With the bright lights all around and the cheering crowd in her ears, Torres prepares for a win. Best friends “Elizabeth and Dylan are my best friends. Even though Dylan is my boyfriend he is still my best friend....

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Private to Public Transition

Madison Mondon
January 21, 2011

Happy to be out of her above-the-waist plaid skirt and white blouse, junior Erin Winterhalter walks into first block class only to see the faces of strangers. This was her first day of public school. Winterhalter has encountered many changes since she started coming to public school. For instance...

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Samantha Rogers

Madison Mondon
November 22, 2010

Sophomore Samantha Rogers jams out to her iPod before every softball game with her best friend Alyssa, preparing for another win. Softball “Softball keeps me focused and it gives me something to do. It makes me set high goals for myself. I love the bond that I have with my teammates. Through softball...

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