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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Mariah Hanlon

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer

I’m Mariah, I’m the oldest of five and I write because I don’t have to do the dishes for my small army of a family if I’m doing school work.

All content by Mariah Hanlon
2013 Ring Bearers, Reese Mallett and Lincoln Schroeder pose for their picture

Homecoming Crown Bearers All Grown Up

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
October 21, 2022

Eight years ago, two tiny first graders walked across the football field to deliver the homecoming king and queen their crowns. This year, they walk the halls as sophomores. During the Homecoming in 2013, sophomores Reese Mallett and Lincoln Schroeder participated in the homecoming court procession...

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The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test is administered to students across the district in the last semester of school. Among other tests, the STAAR test measures student success throughout a certain course. Photo by TEA

Opinion: Standardized Testing Does Not Benefit Students

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
May 25, 2022

STAARs, exams, & finals, oh my! Schools use standardized tests to evaluate and record student progress, and program effectiveness and measure student achievement. Every spring, high school students balance preparations for STAAR EOC testing, SATs, AP exams, finals, and staying on top of routine...

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How To Adult: CPR Basics

How To Adult: CPR Basics

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
May 2, 2022
CPR is an essential skill in life to learn, especially going into the medical field. CPR is simple, though it varies for adults and infants. Basic CPR can save one's life when administered timely and effectively.
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Ms. Amy Veselka creates pieces of 2D Art to help relieve stress. She hopes art can also be a therapy for student's stress.

Ms. Amy Veselka: Therapy Through Art

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 26, 2022

Originally, Ms. Amy Veselka attended Tarrant County College (TCC) then transferred to the University of North Texas (UNT) and wanted to major in interior design. After taking art classes, she decided to switch her major to art. She wanted to teach art because of one of her TCC art professors, Dr. Macanthony. “He...

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Art by Art Teachers

Art by Art Teachers

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 26, 2022

At school, Legacy art teachers walk their students through projects and work to showcase student talent, but after school the teachers facilitate talent of their own.

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Mr. Shane Skinner began molding pottery more than 20 years ago. He now creates pottery in his spare time as well as in his ceramics class.

Mr. Shane Skinner: Storytelling Through Ceramics

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 26, 2022

Mr. Shane Skinner started teaching as a sixth-grade teacher in Arlington when his principal asked if he would be interested in the open art teacher position at the school. He accepted the position and continues to teach art twenty years later. Currently, Mr. Skinner teaches Art I, Art II, Ceramics, Sculpture,...

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Ms. Pamela Dietrich has art featured in several local galleries. Her art is inspired by pop culture and modern trends.

Ms. Pamela Dietrich: Pop Culture With A Twist

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 26, 2022

Ms. Pamela Dietrich teaches Art I and Art III and IV Drawing, and in her free time she paints. Multiple galleries and museums display her work like the David Leonardis Gallery, the Kettle Gallery and the Howard Finster Vision House Museum.  “I have always wanted to be a famous artist,” Ms. Dietrich...

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Ms. Spencer O'laughlin enjoys many different art forms, including photography, digital and physical art, as well as pottery and glass blowing.

Ms. Spenser O’loughlin: A Legacy in Art

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 26, 2022

While attending Summit High School, Ms. Spenser O’loughlin decided she wanted to teach art classes after meeting her art teacher with who she remains in contact. Then, she earned a bachelor's degree in fine arts and art education at UTA. She teaches Art I, Art II, and photography classes.  “I...

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Unique mediums allow artists to create visual interest and dimension within their art pieces.

Unique Mediums To Use On An Art Project

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 25, 2022

From sticks and leaves to hundred-dollar paints, there are endless art mediums or things to make art with. Artists normally are drawn to conventional mediums like watercolor, acrylic and oil paints, but using unique mediums help art stand out. Nature Artists like Andy Goldsworthy and Robert Smithson...

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Junior Janie Gamble painted on bubble wrap to submit to the VASE competition.

Students Advance to State-Level Art Competition

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 20, 2022

In February, 43 students submitted their artwork to the Texas Art Education Associations' annual Visual Art Scholastic Event (VASE). After ranking top 10% of the art scoring perfect fours, the maximum, 11 students will travel to San Marcos on April 29 and 30 to compete in the state VASE competition....

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Five Starter Plants for the Aspiring Crazy Plant Person

Five Starter Plants for the Aspiring Crazy Plant Person

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
April 11, 2022

Growing indoor plants comes with many benefits such as stress relief, cleaner air and simply sprucing up a room. A study published in the National Library of Medicine noted a connection between caring for plants and “reduced physiological and physiological stress.” Not only can house plants improve...

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Children of Legacy: Freshmen Join Parents At School

Children of Legacy: Freshmen Join Parents At School

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
February 28, 2022

Freshmen born the same year as Legacy opened joined their parents who also work at school. These freshmen spent many years at Legacy with their parents before attending this school year. Proud parents of the freshmen enjoy recognizing their children walk the halls, laugh with their friends at lunch...

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In class, Diane Greytak teaches Heba Joudeh, 11, how to pet and feed the service dogs. Therapy dogs visit classrooms Mondays to help relieve stress and anxiety.

Therapy Dogs On Campus Reduce Student Stress

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
February 3, 2022

Dogs make life better. And science proves it. Organizations like the Organization for Autism Research and Purdue University explore the benefits of therapy dog treatment for children on the Autism Spectrum. Ms. Jinna Danser teaches the FALS class and arranges for therapy dogs to visit her classes...

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Coach Michael Keel now serves as the data/instructional specialist, while Ms. Courtney DeGray moves to an interim assistant principal position.

Staff Transition Roles As Second Semester Begins

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
January 14, 2022

This semester, coach Michael Keel transitioned from teacher to the position of data/instructional specialist. The previous data/instructional specialist, Ms. Courtney DeGray moved to an assistant principal position. Data/instructional specialists assist the principal with the ‘administration of...

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Both guys' and girls' restrooms throughout the school are closed for maintenance. Various bathrooms will remain open while resolving the issue.

Student Restrooms Closed Due to Repairs

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
January 13, 2022

Students struggled to find unlocked bathrooms this week. Students clogged the middle restrooms, which usually remain unlocked, with feminine products, so maintenance closed down the facilities to make repairs. Administrators opened alternate restrooms (at the ends of the halls) for students to use when...

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While fights on school grounds are no new phenomenon, aggression among teenagers has risen due to the isolation of the pandemic. Legacy will institute new policies to limit violence and disagreements on campus. Photo by  Rawpixel

Violent Outbursts Likely Result of Pandemic Isolation

Blake Hinerman and Mariah Hanlon
December 14, 2021

In response to parents’ continued concerns about the recent uptick in fights, Dr. Shelly Butler, principal, answered frequently asked questions in an email sent to parents Nov. 11. Dr. Butler noted between the start of the school year and Nov. 11 there were 18 fights at Legacy, about the same as the...

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Conversation Topic Ideas

Conversation Topic Ideas

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
November 15, 2021

We’ve all been there sitting around at a holiday celebration with friends and family, and no one can think of anything to say. Avoid the uncomfortable silence with some inventive conversation topics. Thankfulness During the holiday season, we spend time with friends and family, and we often reflect...

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Senior Zak Kime swims the butterfly technique for the meet.

Swim Competes at San Angelo Invitational

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
November 9, 2021

Freshman Yasmina Allen, one of four JV swimmers invited to the San Angelo Invitational meet on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30, qualified for the meet during the Arlington ISD Invitationals on Oct. 16 by swimming the 100-meter freestyle in under 1:12. At the Mansfield ISD Natatorium, swim meets consist of...

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The Cookies Are Back

The Cookies Are Back

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
October 18, 2021

Every Wednesday and Friday, the PTSA sells cookies in the cafeteria. Moms involved in PTSA and FALS students all help bake the cookies. For $1, students can buy a bag of two freshly baked cookies. The money from sales pays for PTSA sponsored events, such as teacher appreciation week, senior scholarships...

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Realities Of Mental Health and Therapy

Realities Of Mental Health and Therapy

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
September 25, 2021

I started to struggle with mental health in seventh grade. My family started fostering my three youngest brothers in October, and in November doctors diagnosed my dad with cancer. I struggled with thoughts that I wasn’t good enough, or am a burden or my family would be better off without me. After...

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Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters

Mariah Hanlon, Staff Writer
September 22, 2021

In previous years, students didn’t think twice if they noticed stickers decorating ID cards, even if teachers frowned upon it. Now, new state law requires stickers on the back of student IDs. In June, the Texas Legislature passed a bill requiring public schools to print the suicide hotline numbers...

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