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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Rebekah Rosenstein

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer

i want my bio 2 just be “Get crazy with the cheese whiz.” – Beck

All content by Rebekah Rosenstein
Zoe Menzel, 11, poses in front of a mural in downtown Mansfield.

Zoe Menzel: Across the Atlantic

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
October 25, 2017

As she walked into the fluorescent-lit classroom and sat in the nearest empty desk, she peered at all the unfamiliar faces and knew her nerves had no intention of giving her a break. Junior Zoe Menzel came to America from Germany as a foreign exchange student. She has never stepped foot outside of...

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Nyah Buckrham, 12, sings the national anthem at a volleyball game.

Nyah Buckrham: Call Backs

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
September 29, 2016

Senior Nyah Buckrham walks in the adrenaline-filled audition room both self-assured and self-aware. Confidence and tenacity course through her veins; finally the moment she has tirelessly worked for has arrived. Buckrham auditioned for the popular singing talent show, “The Voice,” on Dec. 12 of...

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Teachers Before Legacy

Teachers Before Legacy

Mr. Leonard Cousins passes by the JROTC room as he reminisces on his old days in the military. He remembers the long road it took to get to where he remains now as an assistant principal at Legacy. “The things I've learned in the Army have given me the foundation that I have today,” Mr. Cousins...

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Rebekah Rosenstein, 10,  talks about her experience at a Bernie Sanders Rally.

Extreme Slacker Syndrome

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
March 2, 2016

Slacker. Lazy. Procrastinator. All of these words have been hurled from the mouths of various friends, family, acquaintances, teachers, substitutes, the mailman and anybody who has ever met me. My study habits can be, and have been on multiple occasions, described as unseemly, inconsistent and just practically...

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Mattel released news about a new line of Barbies, called fashionistas that are intended to change the way people view the doll.  The new line includes dolls of all shapes, looks and sizes that were designed around being more accepting of body image. [Screenshot from Mattel]

The Doll Evolves

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
January 29, 2016

First released in March of 1959, Barbie has been a common household name in American history for decades. The iconic fashion doll’s recognizable characteristics have always been blonde hair, pale skin and an impossibly slim figure; not to mention the infinite number of clothes and accessories that...

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Core class final exams will be taken before the winter break in hopes that it improves testing scores.

Final Exams to be Taken Before Winter Break

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
November 2, 2015

Mansfield ISD’s semester exam schedule has undergone some changes, and students will now take their final exams for their core classes before the Christmas break, instead of after like previous years. Students will come to school and review during their classes on Monday, with the bell schedule...

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Mansfield Fire Rescue Raises Money Through Hold It 430

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
October 14, 2015

The Mansfield Citizens Fire Academy Alumni Association, an organization established in 2005 to support and raise funds toward non-budgeted items for the Mansfield Fire Rescue, have been trying to raise money to provide them with an Air Light Truck by starting the campaign Hold It 430. The Air Light...

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Special Education classrooms will soon have several cameras installed to monitor activities in the room.

Governor Mandates Cameras Installed in Special Education Rooms

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
September 16, 2015

Governor Greg Abbot signed a law that will require cameras in some Texas special education classrooms. The law, which will not take effect until the 2016-17 school year, requires cameras to cover all areas of the classroom except the bathrooms. It also states that parents have the right to view the...

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The Right Side of History

The Right Side of History

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
September 5, 2017

Sitting in my room, watching neo-nazis and white supremacists rally in America in the year 2017, I’m not just appalled; I’m disgusted. The “alt-right” held a Unite the Right march on Saturday, Aug. 12 to protest the taking down of a confederate statue. The march, held in Charlottesville, Va,...

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Not A State of Mind

Not A State of Mind

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
January 16, 2017

It’s not being sad. It’s not “feeling down.” It’s not the result of a bad day. It’s not a state of mind. It’s weeks spent in bed because the incredible physical exhaustion makes getting up impossible. It’s the guilt that accompanies letting the lack of motivation lead to abandonment...

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7 Things Less Painful Than Rihanna Curving Drake

7 Things Less Painful Than Rihanna Curving Drake

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
September 7, 2016

The 2016 MTV Video Music Awards was one for the books. Kanye West made a provoking speech, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj performed together to their new single and most importantly, Rihanna seemingly curved Drake on stage after presenting her with her video award. That time I broke my finger The...

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Mason Calloway, 9, returns the tennis ball to the opposing side.

JV Tennis Reflects on Season

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
March 7, 2016

Freshman Mason Calloway set his sights on the tennis ball coming toward him, lined it up with his racket and swung, hitting the ball straight across the net. A feeling of exhilaration washed over him and a smile crept across his face. Calloway plays on the JV tennis team, along with 12 others. Chad...

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Tanning Time

Tanning Time

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
February 2, 2016

Heart beating steadily, muscles relaxed, she lays under the soft blue lighting of the tanning bed. The silent, sweet serene atmosphere of the enclosed space fills her up with warmth and reassurance. Senior Bailey North represents the 29 percent of high school girls who have used indoor tanning devices,...

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Silly Bandz were the accessory of choice for many kids after their creation in 2005.

10 Classic Childhood Toys

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
January 11, 2016

Birthdays, Christmas, Easter and all other gift-receiving opportunities meant one thing when you were a child - new toys. If you attend high school right now, you probably played with or wished for these toys as a child in the 2000s. Hot Wheels Looking back, if you were a die-hard fan of Hot Wheels,...

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Rebekah Rosenstein, 10,  talks about her experience at a Bernie Sanders Rally.

Stance Importance

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
October 28, 2015

Abortion remains one of those topics people tend to avoid stating a clear opinion on just because of the controversy, and sometimes politicians can be the worst when it comes to this. When choosing who to vote for in an election, I think one of the most important things people can research about the...

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Rebekah Rosenstein, 10,  talks about her experience at a Bernie Sanders Rally.

Bernie For President

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
September 29, 2015

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders officially announced his bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination on May 26, 2015. I view this as ultimately a positive thing, and him winning the election would break several barriers, both political and social. Sanders, who served as an elected official...

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Lookbook: Jacora Johnson

Lookbook: Jacora Johnson

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
February 16, 2017

Junior Jacora Johnson always dresses with an air of confidence. Her style can best be described as spontaneous but with a purpose. She wears bright, vivid colors and isn’t afraid to show her lively personality through her clothing choices. How would you describe your style? “I would kind of describe...

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Kendall Catalon, 12, runs the ball in the Legacy vs Cleburne game.

Q&A With Quarterback Kendall Catalon

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
December 2, 2016

How has the season been so far? “It’s been interesting because a lot of people doubted us, our coaches and staff the whole season, but we found a way to overcome adversity and keep moving forward.” Can you go more in detail on your arm injury? “I fell on my left arm wrong and got my X-ray...

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Rebekah Rosenstein, 10,  talks about her experience at a Bernie Sanders Rally.

We Will Bern You

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
March 30, 2016

On Saturday, Feb. 27 in Grand Prairie, Texas, I did the unthinkable. I, a native born-and-raised Texan attended the political rally of a self-described socialist who claims to be pro-choice, pro-legalization-of-marijuana, pro-universal healthcare and basically every Republican’s worst nightmare: Bernie...

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Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
February 23, 2016

The limitations of human rights are often called into question when the concept of abortion is brought up. Abortion is a heavy topic, as it highlights the question of if our bodies are truly our own, and if we really do have free will. It provokes the discussion of who is deserving of rights and why....

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A puppy on Team Fluff stands on the turf, almost ready to begin the game.

Review: Puppy Bowl XII

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
February 12, 2016

While February 7, 2016 might've been the day of Super Bowl 50 for some people, for others it meant only one thing - Puppy Bowl 12. Created by Animal Planet and first airing on February 6, 2005, the 120-minute-long Puppy Bowl is an adorable equivalent to the Super Bowl, which airs the same day. The Puppy...

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Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump ahead of the Iowa caucus. (Creative Commons)

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
January 20, 2016
Former Governor of Alaska and 2008 vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin officially
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Various "memes" hang on a board in the cafeteria.

Students Create Board of Memes

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
October 29, 2015

Walk into the cafeteria and you are now greeted by a cork board riddled with the widely loved and understood pop culture sensation: memes. Some may have noticed this new addition to Legacy, and many have even participated in the upkeep of it. Containing classics such as Nicolas Cage, Pepe, and Doge,...

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Rebekah Rosenstein, 10,  talks about her experience at a Bernie Sanders Rally.

Abstinence or Ignorance

Rebekah Rosenstein, Staff Writer
September 30, 2015

Texas public schools are everything but straightforward when it comes to educating their students on sex. I believe in the vitalness of sex education and that the abstinence-only speeches teachers give in the classroom just do not cut it. The lack of information given on this subject distresses me, as...

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