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Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Blake Hinerman

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief

Big fan of sour skittles, iced lattes, and Celsius. Probably living off of all of them at the moment.

All content by Blake Hinerman
Final Blog

Final Blog

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
May 23, 2024

I started counting my lasts in July. Last StuCo camp, last journalism workshop, last lock-in, last first day, last exam, last semester, last UIL event, last award ceremony, and now this: my last blog. I’ve put writing this blog off just about as long as I could. Not because this story would be the...

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Junior Abigail Warren directs the band during the homecoming football Oct. 6. Warren placed 29th in the state for flute.

2 Band Students to Compete in TMEA All-State Band

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
January 29, 2024

After competing at the district, region and area band competitions, juniors Abigail Warren and Ty Gery advanced to the state level, placing 35th and ninth place respectively. The duo ranked in the top 1% of band students in the state, and will perform at the 2024 TMEA Clinic and Convention, one of the...

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How to Adult: Opening a High-Yield Savings Account

How to Adult: Opening a High-Yield Savings Account

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
November 15, 2023

While saving money may not seem important at such a young age, the key to building wealth is starting early. A high-yield savings account (HYSA) is an easy and advantageous way to begin making money on your stored money without any commitment and minimal risk. 1. Find a Bank Most banks offer...

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How to Adult: Paying Taxes as a Teen

How to Adult: Paying Taxes as a Teen

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
October 18, 2023

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Student council officers stand on stage at the High School Annual Conference after performing their skit.

Student Council Elected TASC State Secretary

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
April 25, 2023

After two months of planning and preparation for their campaign, councils from across Texas elected Legacy Student Council to the Texas Association of Student Councils (TASC) board on April 23 at the High School Annual Conference in Irving, TX. Junior Claire Carney will represent the group as the...

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eReaders: The Future of Reading

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
February 13, 2023

Reading is supposed to be time away from the screen, but with the introduction of e-readers like the Kindle and Nook, users turn to the screen to read, too. The gratification that comes with turning pages in a physical book will never be replaced, however, reading on an e-reader comes with its own...

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Teens are about 1.5x more likely to be involved in a wreck than adults.

Teens, New Drivers More Frequently Involved in Auto Collisions

Jonah Pedroza and Blake Hinerman
January 23, 2023

Among teens, car accidents are the leading cause of death, accounting for over one-third of all teenage deaths. Whether it be an unlicensed driver behind the wheel, or a lack of attention to other drivers, teens are nearly three times more prone to accidents than adults over 20.  According to...

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Best First Cars Under $15,000

Best First Cars Under $15,000

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
November 7, 2022

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Ms. Smith assists students whose last names start with N-Sh and guides the English department and Library. She taught at an elementary and middle school before she joined the administration team at Legacy.

[Photo] Ms. Murrielisa Smith

Connor Whitfill, Staff Writer
October 17, 2022

Ms. Smith assists students whose last names start with N-Sh and guides the English department and Library. She taught at an elementary and middle school before she joined the administration team at Legacy.

Ms. Monajami works as the Academic Associate Principal, helping students with their transcripts and evaluating their course selections. Before her role as an AP at other campuses, Ms. Monajami taught English for 18 years.

[Photo] Mrs. Stephanie Monajami

Connor Whitfill, Staff Writer
October 17, 2022

Ms. Monajami works as the Academic Associate Principal, helping students with their transcripts and evaluating their course selections. Before her role as an AP at other campuses, Ms. Monajami taught English for 18 years.

With the Queen's recent passing, Hinerman writes about the difficulty of death, yet the comfort of remembering those lost.

Here One Day, Gone The Next

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
September 22, 2022

The Queen of England is dead. Her passing quickly made global news, flooding social media and news outlets with announcements and tributes to the late monarch. For some reason, every post I saw about the Queen was really sad to me, but I couldn’t figure out why. She wasn’t a close friend, relative...

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For the first time in school history, seniors are able to paint their parking spaces in a designated area near the MAC.

Seniors Allowed To Paint Parking Spots, First Time in School History

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
August 23, 2022

Though previously not allowed for various reasons, plans are underway for seniors to paint parking spaces.  “It came down to if this is something that the students want to do and it meets the requirements for the district, there's not a reason not to,” Dr. Stephanie Bonneau, principal, said....

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Teachers across the country have contemplated career changes because of the extreme increase in workload and off-the-clock time required to teach during the pandemic.

[Photo] Teaching Through a Pandemic: When Is It Too Much?

Abigail Morris, Staff Writer
May 9, 2022

Teachers across the country have contemplated career changes because of the extreme increase in workload and off-the-clock time required to teach during the pandemic.

Books can offer a great break from technology. Photo by StockSnap

Top 8 Books to Read Instead of Using Technology

Blake Hinerman, Features Editor
March 21, 2022

Though technology continues to integrate itself in many different aspects of life ‘disconnecting’ and settling into a good book continually proves to have great benefits in both personal and professional aspects of life. According to a study by the University of the People, reading for pleasure encourages...

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Mansfield ISD schools were closed for a 5-day period after a sudden increase in COVID cases and a lack of subs and teachers.

MISD Shuts Down Amid High COVID-19 Cases

McKenzie Canton and Blake Hinerman
January 17, 2022

  MISD schools and offices will reopen  Jan. 19, after a two-day shutdown that extended the MLK weekend. An uptick in cases of COVID-19 in students and staff across the district and lack of classroom substitutes and bus drivers prompted the temporary closure. This news came as a shock to some,...

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Blake Hinerman, staff writer, talks about his experiences with flying at a young age.

Looking Down From 30,000 Feet: A New View On Life

Blake Hinerman, Staff Writer
November 16, 2021

The clouds surround and engulf the plane as it soars through the sky. I look to my right to see dots that resemble large communities, and my dad, sitting in the left seat as he smoothly guides the bird through the air. This sight became increasingly familiar as my dad took my family to Florida and South...

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One of the multiple restrooms damaged. Each sink costs more than $1,000 to replace. Some supplies are on back order due to COVID-19.

TikTok Challenge Leads to Closed Restrooms, Expensive Damage

McKenzie Canton and Blake Hinerman
September 23, 2021

After a multitude of devious robberies or “licks,” from the school, Dr. Shelly Butler, principal, was forced to close most bathrooms throughout the school because of extensive damage. On Sept. 1, a Tik Tok user posted a video stealing a box of disposable face masks calling it a “lick.” (A...

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Student Council member, Casey Burkham, talks to a parent at the football game against Eaton High School.

Claire Carney: Leadership In A New Setting

Blake Hinerman
October 14, 2020

It’s not every day you wake up with a global pandemic closing schools, stores, sports and everything in between; despite these unforeseen circumstances, freshman class representative Claire Carney believes going back to school and navigating this uncharted territory will in turn bring us back to where...

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Early Voting Begins for Proposed Bond

Early Voting Begins for Proposed Bond

The Rider Online Staff
April 23, 2024
Early voting for the 2024 bond, initially approved by the board in January, began April 22. Voters will have the opportunity to approve the $777 million bond focused on maintenance and end-of-life upgrades for systems and equipment throughout the district at the May 4 election. Though the ballot language, as required by Senate Bill 30, advertises the bond as a tax rate increase, Mansfield ISD is able to fund the bond with no increase to the current tax rate, $1.1492 per $100 of appraised property value. As also required by Senate Bill 3o, the bond is split into five separate propositions based on the intent of the proposition, whether it be maintenance and replacement equipment, new technology, new construction, or stadium renovations.
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Key Club President Abigail Castro, 12, (center) works the registration and check-in table at Key Club's Warrior Run on Sept. 9. Key Club, along with several other clubs this year, has nearly tripled in size.

Campus Administration Focused on Increasing Student Involvement

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
December 19, 2023

When the 2:55 bell rings to leave, students load buses and fill cars while a group gathers in the cafeteria. After other students have left, these 35 Key Club members roam the school, recycling carts in hand, collecting recycling from each classroom.  In response to a decline in student involvement...

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The Sound of Freedom aired in theaters July 4, 2023, and grossed about $190 million after about three months on the screens. Photo by Angel Studios

We, God’s Children, Are Not For Sale

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
November 1, 2023

The summer 2023 movie season proved to be a successful season, with the “Barbie,” “Oppenheimer” and “Sound of Freedom” trifecta grossing over $2.4 billion as of Sept. 2023. Though vastly different, each of them addressed a seemingly taboo subject in today’s culture whether it be gender...

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Responders from Mansfield Police Department, Mansfield ISD Police Department, as well as campus and district administrators were on scene immediately after the accident occurred. The student was transported to the hospital, where they are recovering in stable condition.

Student Hit Crossing Business 287

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
May 23, 2023

During advisory on May 19, a Legacy student crossing Business 287 Highway was hit by a car. The student was transported to a local hospital and is recovering in stable condition. District and campus administrators, first responders and campus police arrived on the scene immediately after the accident.  “There...

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eReaders have taken the book market by storm, but readers are unsure whether paperback books are still the best way to read, or if eReaders are really the future of reading. See The New Post's list of best eReaders. Photo by New York Post Composite

eReaders vs. Physical Books: Battle of the Bookstore

Blake Hinerman and Abigail Morris
February 13, 2023

With technology intertwined in every aspect of life, from virtual learning and online working, to communicating and socializing, the average person spends about five hours a day on their phone. More and more people are turning to books for entertainment and a pastime, but what's the best way to read?

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Keeping a New Years Resolution

Keeping a New Years Resolution

Blake Hinerman, Features Editor
January 9, 2023

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Stewart's red Jeep Liberty was hit broadside Nov. 10, 2021 on FM 917. Stewart spent 12 days in the hospital following the wreck.

One Year Later: Senior Recovers from Major Car Accident

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
November 10, 2022

Red and blue lights fill the scene, illuminating shattered glass and pieces of the red Jeep scattered across the road. Worship music plays from her phone in the nearby ditch as she is wheeled away on a stretcher. “The light turned green, I started driving, and then all of a sudden I saw these lights...

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Ms. DeGray supervises the fine arts and foreign language departments, but also assists with students whose last names start with Si-Z. Before she worked in Mansfield, she worked as the Department Chair in Everman. She also worked here as an AP Intern before her promotion to AP.

[Photo] Ms. Courtney DeGray

Connor Whitfill, Staff Writer
October 17, 2022

Ms. DeGray supervises the fine arts and foreign language departments, but also assists with students whose last names start with Si-Z. Before she worked in Mansfield, she worked as the Department Chair in Everman. She also worked here as an AP Intern before her promotion to AP.

As seniors look into colleges and begin the application process, it's important to consider all options when looking for devices for college.

How to Adult: Best Computers for College

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
October 12, 2022

HP Envy 13 (Intel i5, Windows 11) The HP Envy is arguably the best notebook for college students with an 11-hour battery life and starting price of $799. Its lightweight and intuitive operating system, paired with an incredibly bright and vivid display make it a good option for educational and personal...

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Top 5 Crumbl Cookies

Top 5 Crumbl Cookies

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
September 19, 2022

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The Mansfield ISD School Board named Dr. Stephanie Bonneau Legacy High School principal at the regular meeting on June 28.

MISD Names Dr. Stephanie Bonneau Legacy Principal

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
June 28, 2022

The Mansfield ISD School Board approved Dr. Stephanie Bonneau as Legacy’s new principal at its meeting June 28. Dr. Bonneau holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Texas, a Masters in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, and earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from...

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Dr. Butler works in her office. After nine years as principal, she plans to move to central administration. Her last last day at Legacy is June 24.

Dr. Butler Set to Leave as Principal in June

Leilani Fierro and Blake Hinerman
May 17, 2022

After nine years as the principal at Legacy, Dr. Shelly Butler will not return for the 2022-23 school year as principal but move to a central administration position. Her last day at Legacy will be June 24.  “We’ve done so much in the nine years I’ve been here, and I think it’s time for me...

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Sophomore Kadence Whitfill instructs the girls to hold their ribbons as they wait on the sidelines to perform at the football game on Oct. 15.

Varsity Drill Team Brings Back Traditions

Blake Hinerman, Features Editor
February 8, 2022

Looking in the mirrors lining the walls of the dance room, sophomore Keira Howard prepares for the halftime show at the varsity football game on Oct. 15, except this show holds a special meaning. Last year, the Spurs were unable to host their annual Mini Silver Spurs Clinic, an event where members of...

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While fights on school grounds are no new phenomenon, aggression among teenagers has risen due to the isolation of the pandemic. Legacy will institute new policies to limit violence and disagreements on campus. Photo by  Rawpixel

Violent Outbursts Likely Result of Pandemic Isolation

Blake Hinerman and Mariah Hanlon
December 14, 2021

In response to parents’ continued concerns about the recent uptick in fights, Dr. Shelly Butler, principal, answered frequently asked questions in an email sent to parents Nov. 11. Dr. Butler noted between the start of the school year and Nov. 11 there were 18 fights at Legacy, about the same as the...

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Photo by Vectornator

Technology Becomes Essential To Distance Working and Learning

Blake Hinerman, Staff Writer
October 18, 2021

Since the steady increase of the use of technology in the classroom, it’s rare to go a day without a device in the hands of students, working through online worksheets, watching videos and lessons or creating interactive presentations. The Apple iPad truly revolutionizes device-based learning, integrating...

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Apple announces iPad mini, new iPhone and more at California Streaming event on 9/14. Photo by Mobile Syrup.

California Streaming: Apple announces new iPad, iPhone, more

Blake Hinerman, Staff Writer
September 17, 2021

Since the release of the original iPhone in 2007, Apple quickly became a leader in the consumer electronics industry. Apple gained recognition for its sleek, capable and reasonably priced electronic devices and now accounts for nearly 1.5 billion mobile devices throughout the world. Apple’s September...

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Apple News: What's new for your iPhone, more

Apple News: What’s new for your iPhone, more

Blake Hinerman, Staff Writer
October 13, 2020

If you missed today's Apple Special Event, here's some of the quick highlights.  HomePod Mini At $99, the HomePod Mini enters the race as a strong competitor with the Amazon Echo and Echo Dot. It presents a unique interface with different Apple products, including things like command to text, call,...

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Senior Keira Howard stands with her family at Senior Night during the Oct. 2 game against Cedar Hill.

Senior Drill Officer Balances Work, School, Dance

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
March 1, 2024

If she hadn’t seen the Silver Spurs dancing on their elementary school tour as she watched quietly from the audience, Senior Lieutenant Keira Howard wouldn’t be one of five officers dancing in front of each drill team performance. “I always wanted to be on drill team. The Spurs would always...

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The Mansfield ISD Board of Trustees will meet Jan. 26 to discuss a $777 million bond, following its proposal at the Jan. 23 regular meeting. Photo by Mansfield ISD Communications Dept.

Mansfield ISD Board to Discuss $777 Million Bond

Blake Hinerman and Katie Keating
January 26, 2024

[UPDATE JAN. 26: The Mansfield ISD Board of Trustees unanimously passed an order for a bond election to be held May 4 at its Jan. 26 special meeting.] Following the recommendations of the Long Range Planning Committee at the Jan. 23 school board meeting, the Mansfield ISD Board of Trustees called...

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The cost of books have increased about 7.7% over the past four years, making it more expensive than ever to buy books. Photo by BrewBooks on Flickr.

Where to Buy Books on a Budget

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
November 13, 2023

Books are expensive.  From limited edition and hardcover copies to even the run-of-the-mill paperbacks, the price of books increased 7.7% over the past four years. While the never-ending TBR and walls lined with bookshelves may be your dream, without some bargain book shopping, you’re more likely...

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The AP office near the StuCo store, formerly the attendance office, underwent renovations this summer, and now houses Mr. Contrares, Ms. Fields and Ms. Lass.

Counselors, APs Move Offices in Hopes of Better Serving Students

Blake Hinerman, Editor in Chief
September 29, 2023

Counselors and assistant principals partnered together this school year to better serve students and parents. With the change, students can access their counselor and assistant principal in the same suite. Mr. Greg Owens, AP Intern, expects the change to provide better service and easier access to administrators...

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As students returned to school after the pandemic, teachers contested with technology in the classroom and shortened attention spans in students. Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Student Attention Span Decreases as Screen Time Increases

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
March 4, 2023

Nearly three years after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the habits formed during isolation continue to influence lives today. From COVID testing the second a sniffle comes, to living life through a screen, the effects of the pandemic continue to impact the daily lives of students and teachers...

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The Rider Online Celebrates 6,000 Published Stories

The Rider Online Celebrates 6,000 Published Stories

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
November 16, 2022


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AQR Students Host Carnival

AQR Students Host Carnival

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
November 4, 2022

After learning about probability in Mr. Clifford Frederick’s Academic Quantitative Reasoning (AQR) class, students hosted the AQR Carnival on Oct. 24 and 25. At the carnival, groups of students planned different carnival activities, like cornhole and ring toss, to demonstrate their knowledge of...

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Ms. Bible helps students with the last names that begin with I-M and double checks to make sure they each enroll into the right courses. She originally taught Pre-Calculus for 13 years in Oklahoma and worked as a math coach in Midlothian ISD.

[Photo] Mrs. Ashleigh Bible

Connor Whitfill, Staff Writer
October 17, 2022

Ms. Bible helps students with the last names that begin with I-M and double checks to make sure they each enroll into the right courses. She originally taught Pre-Calculus for 13 years in Oklahoma and worked as a math coach in Midlothian ISD.

Legacy is the third largest high school in Mansfield ISD, about 100 students less than the largest high school.

[Photo] Student Population Growth: Too Many Students, Not Enough Space

Bryanna Owens, Staff Writer
October 4, 2022

Legacy is the third largest high school in Mansfield ISD, about 100 students less than the largest high school.

Top 5 Crime Shows to Binge

Top 5 Crime Shows to Binge

Blake Hinerman, Features Editor
September 7, 2022

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Senior Andrew Taylor catches the ball in the state semifinal game against the Friendswood Mustangs. The Broncos fell short, losing 4-2.

Varsity Baseball Finishes Season at State Semifinals

Blake Hinerman, Assistant Editor
June 9, 2022

There’s something special about the rattle of noisemakers, lively cheers of fans and rhythmic chants that fill the stadium under the heat of the Texas sun. After a 32-9 overall season and a first state championship appearance, the varsity baseball team ended their season with a 4-2 loss against the...

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Senior Finn Morton uses a projector to help teach Music Theory to Acadec.

Integrating Technology in Class

Blake Hinerman, Features Editor
April 3, 2022

From the integration of technology in the classroom to more student-centered learning, teaching witnessed dramatic changes over the last several decades. Mr. Howard Ritz, 70, taught for 25 years, 11 of them at Legacy. He teaches Debate and Speech classes, and sees the drastic differences in teaching...

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Social media has become widely popular throughout the pandemic as a way to reach different groups. Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Student Organizations Use Social Media to Promote Events, more

Blake Hinerman, Features Editor
February 4, 2022

Small snippets and highlights of others’ lives scroll past in a seemingly endless loop as the world of social media continues to expand and evolve. More recently, social media became a tool for organizations and corporations to reach and engage with their target audience, whether that be a group of...

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Photo by Micheal Voroshnin on Unsplash

Top 5 Christmas Towns in Texas

Blake Hinerman, Staff Writer
December 13, 2021

Hometown holiday celebrations across the state do not disappoint, with family-friendly displays, decorations and lights illuminating towns from Dallas to Houston. Before the holiday season ends, take a quick road trip to some of the best destinations in the state to see the beauty that lies deep in the...

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Samuel Ramirez, 9, and other JROTC members walk in line to the cafeteria on Oct. 6, during modified lockout procedures. Legacy went into a modified lockout during the active shooter incident at Timberview High School.

Legacy Responds to Timberview Shooting with Modified Lockout Procedures

McKenzie Canton and Blake Hinerman
October 7, 2021

During an active shooter incident Oct. 6 at Timberview High School, Legacy went on a modified lockout securing all 64 exterior doors from anyone entering and exiting campus and not allowing students to switch classrooms. Because of the gunman’s social connections to Legacy, staff and administrators...

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Stuco Adviser, Kenna Canvar discusses pantry items with Sudent Body President, Catherine Walworth

Student Council Opens Bronco Pantry

Blake Hinerman, Staff Writer
August 26, 2021

After Senior Class President Chase Brantley and Student Body President Catherine Walworth recognized a need for students and Legacy families experiencing extreme situations, student council members began work on a solution to help students when they need it most. The Bronco Pantry will serve as a lifeline...

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