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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Jordyn Folsom

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief

Hey, I’m Jordyn and I take too many pictures of my dogs, drink too much coffee, spend too much money I don’t have and watch too much Tik Tok. Aside from those minor flaws, I think I’m pretty rad if I do say so myself (:

All content by Jordyn Folsom
Senior Goodbye

Senior Goodbye

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Cheif
July 5, 2021

I’ve avoided writing blogs throughout my entire time on The Rider staff. I hate vulnerability. I hate feelings. I hate blogs. I hate COVID-19. But more than any of that, I hate people not understanding what this year has been like.  Since my freshman year, I aspired to be the Editor-In-Chief of...

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Senior Abby Ewing, right, performs with fellow theater students on stage in the PAC.

One Act Advances to Regionals, Stays Overnight Amid Pandemic

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
April 14, 2021

After finishing in the top three at district and top two at Bi-District for the UIL One-Act Play competition, theater will compete at the regional meet in Lubbock on April 17. Theater is one of the first school organizations to stay in a hotel since the pandemic.  “I’m not terribly worried about...

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Campuses await official word from district on exams and exemptions.

UPDATED: District Releases Exemption Requirements

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-in-Chief
December 4, 2020

UPDATE On Dec. 3, the district informed campuses of official 2020-21 exemption requirements. In contrast to years past, the requirements only pertain to grades and discipline.  In order to receive exemptions, students must maintain an 80 or above up until Dec. 11 as well as meet disciplinary expectations...

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Students can search their ancestors' names and where they lived on Ancestry.

Anderson Awarded Access

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
October 19, 2020

After applying for a grant in late September, history teacher Shelene Anderson won free access to three different databases on that allows anyone in the district on school Wi-Fi to learn about their family history. Anderson first came upon the opportunity online when researching her own...

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Opinion: MISD Should Keep Students Virtual All Semester

Opinion: MISD Should Keep Students Virtual All Semester

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
September 3, 2020

Despite the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the district, MISD schools will open Sept. 8 as planned. The school board should call a meeting to discuss pushing back the start date of school until all staff in the district test negative for the virus.  In an email sent to parents of Linda Jobe...

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Class of 2020 journalism senior spotlight.

2019-20 Journalism Senior Spotlight

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
May 17, 2020

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Fine Arts Uses FlipGrid

Fine Arts Uses FlipGrid

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
March 28, 2020

To give students a creative outlet while home during the COVID-19 outbreak, Fine Arts Chair Jeremy Ferman created a Flipgrid for any Legacy student or teacher to join and make a 90-second video.  “I hope that students will get a sense of community,” Ferman said. “People crave to be a part of...

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3 Influential Black Poets in History

3 Influential Black Poets in History

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
February 6, 2020

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MISD Offers Free SAT To Seniors

MISD Offers Free SAT To Seniors

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
September 4, 2019

Seniors can take the SAT for free Oct. 16 on MISD’s Day of Testing when they scan a QR code to register. The codes hang on doors, walls and in classrooms around campus. Students have until Sept. 12 to register.  “This opportunity opens the door for every student and expands college and scholarship...

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Jordyn Folsom

Not in Kansas Anymore

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
August 19, 2019

I used to think everything I grew up with would be all I would ever have. The tiny town in Kansas I called home for 12 years would have given me my first job at the small grocery store down the street. The gas station with the best pizza would have been a pitstop for late-night adventures with my best...

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Fans cheer at the last football game on Nov. 16. Legacy lost in the first round of playoffs.

Opinion: Students Lack School Spirit

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
December 18, 2018

Students lack school spirit. StuCo launched an app, they plan spirit days and pep rallies have changed – but few students participate. Students should embrace events planned instead of complaining about the lack of school spirit because they are the root of the problem. To start the 2018-19 school...

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Jordyn Folsom

Life On Autopilot

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
October 25, 2018

Every day I am consumed with thoughts that keep me up at night. Did my bedroom door click? I have urges to check the door each night, among other things. Nothing seems right unless I do it twice. When I wake up in the morning, I am in a rush to leave my room how I like it. My right leg bounces in class...

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Mckenna Collier 12

Up All Night

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
October 12, 2018

The flicker of the fluorescent lights help sophomore Kate Claburn keep her eyes open. School feels like a massive feat to her, and the five hours of sleep she got does not leave her rested enough for her day. Claburn sits up straight to stay awake as her head pounds and remains foggy.  “My head...

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Junior Saella Ware brainstorms project ideas for Enviromental Club.

Environmental Club

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
February 18, 2016

Club/Sport Environmental Club Why We Do It “I love helping the earth and making a positive change. I notice how many negative environmental factors dominate some parts of our world, and if we want to make a change, we have to start with ourselves. [Joining Environmental Club] was my first step.”...

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Norris, 10, poses in front of her tri-fold at The Center.

GT Student Competes in Independent Study Contest

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
May 20, 2021

After six months of research, planning and creating her GT Independent Study Project, sophomore Caroline Norris won runner-up at the district competition April 8. Out of 197 Gifted and Talented students at Legacy, Norris was the only student to participate in the Independent Study competition this year.  “I...

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Black Inspired Fashion Trends

Black Inspired Fashion Trends

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
February 4, 2021

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Meet the Teacher: Spring 2021

Meet the Teacher: Spring 2021

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
February 1, 2021

 "So far my time at Legacy has been met with extreme support, open arms and lots of smiles. The staff goes out of their way to see that I have what I need, especially my department. Honestly, it may seem like a challenge to others on the outside, but inside, my mind was already set to meet every...

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Sophomore Andy Gonzales completes his schoolwork virtually while simultaneously playing video games while all students were still virtual. Students returned to school in-person on Sep. 8.

Should In-Person Students be Allowed to Complete Class at Home?

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
October 27, 2020

As students are sent home to quarantine because of exposure to positive COVID-19 cases at school, some students have opted to "self-isolate" by completing their in-person classes virtually through TEAMS or by submitting their work by 12 a.m. on the day of class to be counted present in attendance. Other...

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Officials Quarantine Students After First COVID-19 Case

Officials Quarantine Students After First COVID-19 Case

McKenzie Canton and Jordyn Folsom
September 24, 2020

After four days of in-person learning, Legacy’s first COVID-19 case caused 39 students to quarantine for 14 days. It also caused confusion and questions for parents.  “We hadn’t had a positive COVID case,” Dr. Shelly Butler, principal, said about the case confirmed Sept. 11. “We were just...

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Made in Canva

Words to Know When Talking About COVID-19

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
March 15, 2020

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African Student Union performs at the Black Out pep rally. Tracy Adu (second from the front) danced during the event.

Tracy Adu: Journey Across the Pacific

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
February 18, 2020

As senior Tracy Adu boards her flight to America, she knows she will leave behind the convenience of vendors right outside her front door, the routine she maintained each day and the flavorful Ghanaian food. However, she also knows of the possibilities that await her in the United States.  In March...

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Key Club Meets For The First Time This Year

Key Club Meets For The First Time This Year

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
September 12, 2019

Students sign in as they file into Ms. Teague’s dim-lit room. Algebra teacher Ms. Gross greets members of Key Club before they take their seats in the crowded room. President Camila Brown stands at the front of the room, ready to begin her presentation. As soon as everyone sits down, Brown begins...

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Jordyn Folsom writes about school spirit during pep rallies.

How To School Spirit

Jordyn Folsom, Feature Editor
August 26, 2019

To make the most out of the high school experience, students need to show school spirit. Right now, students can hear a pin drop during pep rallies, StuCo spends money on activities students don’t participate in and the sports teams hardly have an audience. Here are five ways new students can show...

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Eboni Kinnel, 11, leaps during her performance with drill team at the varsity football game on Sept. 28.

Eboni Kinnel: Stretched Thin

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
February 4, 2019

Glitter flashes as the light shine down on the girls as they march onto the field. Each girl wears a smile on their red-painted lips as their perfectly done hair whips around their faces. Junior Eboni Kinnel stands up front with the other officers in her silver uniform that separates her from the rest,...

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Amara Shanks, 10, spends time on social media.

Social Media Empowerment

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
November 16, 2018

Little snippets of other people’s lives scroll down the screen as sophomore Kylie Jennings checks her Instagram feed. She grins and feels the excitement of the updates from her favorite show and sees new scholarships to apply for. “[Social media] keeps me in the loop,” Jennings said. “It’s...

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Former student Edison Grant (second from right) poses for a photo with other cast members on the set of the upcoming show Endlings.

Edison Grant: Small Screen Dreams

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
October 22, 2018

Fidgeting with his fingers, former student Edison Grant waits anxiously for the phone call to end. His mom presses the phone against her ear as his leg bounces up and down uncontrollably, prepared for bad news. A couple of his friends were already cast in TV shows and he longed for the opportunity too....

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Freshman Blaire Bussey reads music during her choir class.

Blaire Bussey: A Close Call

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
November 8, 2017

The midnight blue Suburban screeched to a halt in the middle of the residential street while the young blonde girl stared doe-eyed at the couple in the front seats of the vehicle. Their eyes held the same surprise as her own. She stood over her hot pink electric Razor scooter frozen in terror. Her heart...

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Sembree Yeary, 12, observes her peers during a debate meeting. Yeary will compete at state for debate on May 25-26.

Debater Advances to State UIL

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
April 27, 2021

Following the UIL district and regional competitions, one academic competitor advanced to state. Senior Sembree Yeary placed first in the Lincoln Douglas debate, earning her a spot at the state meet on May 25-26.  “I honestly didn’t have high expectations because there haven’t been many people...

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The AcaDec team poses for a picture after their competition.

AcaDec Wins Scholarships

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
March 29, 2021

After a long year of virtual competitions, the Academic Decathlon team persevered and won $300 scholarships for each member of the team at the state meet. For senior Patrick Reyna, winning the scholarship means that the team’s hard work paid off.  “Missing out on getting to travel to state this...

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Honoring Legacy Veterans

Honoring Legacy Veterans

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
November 10, 2020

As Americans all over the country celebrate Veteran's Day with their military relatives, it's easy to forget that these brave men and women also serve in our schools. Here are the veterans at Legacy that you should remember as we celebrate those who sacrificed themselves for our country:   Assistant...

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President Donald Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden run against each other in the 2020 election.

A Glance at The 2020 Presidential Candidates

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
October 26, 2020

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As of Oct. 30, remote students were expected to log on to TEAMS in order to be counted present.

District Allows Students to Use TEAMS When Home Sick or Quarantined

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
October 5, 2020

Following complaints and concerns made by parents to the school board regarding the lack of instruction for quarantined students, the district decided to allow quarantined and sick in-person students to attend class via TEAMS. For Principal Shelly Butler, the biggest challenge is maintaining communication...

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Meet the Teacher 2020

Meet the Teacher 2020

Jordyn Folsom, Editor-In-Chief
September 3, 2020

Jimmy Alcorn, Assistant Principal "The pandemic creates a dynamically shifting landscape of district needed positions and how to respond as quickly as possible to filling those needed positions. The awesome Principal, Dr. Butler, the administrators, and teaching staff have received me warmly and been...

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How to Adult: Dealing With COVID-19

How to Adult: Dealing With COVID-19

Jordyn Folsom and Zach Planche
March 19, 2020

The threat of the COVID-19 virus has prompted schools across the country to cancel classes to prevent contamination among students. Mansfield ISD prolonged students’ spring break for three weeks, but that does not mean more time to go out with friends or family. Here is what to do and what not to do...

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StuCo to Host Veteran's Day Lunch

StuCo to Host Veteran’s Day Lunch

Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
November 5, 2019

In acknowledgment of Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11, StuCo plans to host a luncheon on Friday, Nov. 8. Students are encouraged to bring their military family members to have lunch in the Legacy cafeteria. To sign up to attend, students can fill out this form, or scan the QR code in the downstairs offices...

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Folsom writes about the final Avenger's film, Endgame

Review: Endgame

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
August 30, 2019

No Spoilers! To bring the much-loved Marvel’s Avengers movies to a close, Endgame takes viewers through a whirlwind of emotions. With so many ups and downs, the entire theater gasped, laughed and even cried as the lives of America’s favorite superheroes unfolded—— on screen. Endgame provided...

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Puffs of the Unknown

Puffs of the Unknown

Jordyn Folsom and Madison Palmer
April 17, 2019

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Black Friday Survival Guide

Black Friday Survival Guide

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
November 22, 2018

Black Friday- the chaotic day Americans depend on for deals. Mass crowds flock to the stores, moms pull hair over Barbie dolls and the injured leave in ambulances. To survive this day, people need to prioritize their safety. Pepper Spray Spicy-hot spray in a convenient can? Yes please. Pepper spray...

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Image used with the permission of Flickr

Movie Review: The Nun

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
October 22, 2018

Unlike the other films in The Conjuring Universe, The Nun’s story does not derive from a true story. Writers, James Wan and Gary Dauberman, based this horror movie on a mythological demon named “Valak.” While Lorraine Warren does share her memories of visions of the demon in her home, fiction makes...

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Jordyn Folsom writes about her favorite tunes.

Review: Legacy Students’ Favorite Songs

Jordyn Folsom, Staff Writer
September 17, 2018

Everyone listens to music and some of us cannot go through the day without it. A favorite song or just something random on the radio changes the mood. Music puts people in their feels and means different things for everyone. These top ten songs should have a place on every student’s playlist. “Nonstop”...

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Jillian Wolny stretches a football players leg during the game against Wichita Falls.


Jordyn Folsom, Features Editor
November 13, 2015

Club/Sport Trainers  Why We Do It  “I’m going to college to be an athletic trainer and because of the family, I’ve made through it. I’ve met some of my best friends here.” Taylor Young, 12  Time/Days/Where We Meet Fourth period and after school for sports practices.  What Other...

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