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The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

Covering the Bronco Nation.

The Rider Online | Legacy HS Student Media

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief, talks about the ending of high school.

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief

Feed me Chick-Fil-A, buy me a puppy or both and you’ll be on my good side forever.

All content by McKenzie Canton
McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief, talks about the ending of high school.

Final Blog

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
May 26, 2022

It seems like no one stays content in the season of life they’re in. As an 8-year-old I wanted to be 10 so I could hold up all of my hands when people asked how old I was, and when I turned 10 I wanted to be 13 so I could finally live as a teenager. The same goes for 16-years-old so I could drive,...

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The 4% starting pay and salary increase will go into effect during the 22-23 school year. The increase will not effect the current tax rate.

Mansfield ISD Increases Starting Pay, Veteran Salaries

McKenzie Canton, Editor In Chief
May 23, 2022

Mansfield district’s teacher's salaries will raise for the 2022-2023 school year. Superintendent Dr. Kimberley Cantu chose to help compensate teachers and all the work they accomplished this year.  “In order to retain quality teachers and staff, it is imperative that we recognize the hard work...

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Sophomore Abi Morris poses for a photo after being awarded her medal.

Journalism Student Wins 5th Place at State

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
May 19, 2022

Representing Legacy in a black t-shirt with the journalism logo printed on the front of it, sophomore Abigail Morris glanced over the crowded room of teenagers and advisors.  “I wasn’t really worried that much because I had written so many editorials already,” Morris said. “It was very crowded...

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Theatre: And Everything in Between

Theatre: And Everything in Between

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
April 1, 2022

Lights dim, the audience settles in their seats as theater students smile and laugh quietly backstage. Before they make an appearance junior Danny Wall takes deep breaths and begins the show. “I love it when a show just comes together after all of the work and effort that goes into getting the show-up...

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Varsity boys soccer plays against Kimball high school.

Finishing Four Years of Varsity

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
March 23, 2022

He heaves out a breath, a puff of air showing in the winter cold. Sweat freezes to his forehead and his teammate's hands feel cold against his back when they come over to give him pats of praise. Senior Mateo Murillo looks around the soccer field and realizes the pain that comes with playing for the...

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McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief, talks about the ending of high school.

Saying Goodbye

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
March 7, 2022

As a kid, I had sleepovers all of the time with my grandparents, Grammy and Popa. I thought of them as my second parents because they helped raise me and tended to my young parents who were hard working. At this point, I might have been six or seven and I stayed the night at Grammy and Popa’s which...

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Ms. Pamela Pinkerton, librarian, paints a bowl for the Souper Bowl on Feb. 11.

Teachers Paint Bowls In Preparation For SouperBowl

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
February 2, 2022

Tupperware filled with different colors lined the long black table in H103. Mr. Shane Skinner, one of the art teachers, wipes down brushes and welcomes teachers and administrators into his classroom of overflowing art. Pottery, figurines, posters, markers, aprons and paint supplies fill the space around...

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Mansfield ISD schools were closed for a 5-day period after a sudden increase in COVID cases and a lack of subs and teachers.

MISD Shuts Down Amid High COVID-19 Cases

McKenzie Canton and Blake Hinerman
January 17, 2022

  MISD schools and offices will reopen  Jan. 19, after a two-day shutdown that extended the MLK weekend. An uptick in cases of COVID-19 in students and staff across the district and lack of classroom substitutes and bus drivers prompted the temporary closure. This news came as a shock to some,...

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During book club, Ms. Danielle Panzarella sat in the hallway and discussed a book with some students.

Is a Teacher’s Job Hard?

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
December 17, 2021

The sun barely peeks over the three-story building as Coach Christopher McMullen pulls up to the school, taking a breath and preparing for the long day ahead of him.  “There is so much that goes on behind the scenes,” Coach McMullen said. “I thought it would be as simple as coming to school...

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Coach Rahn Smith teaches World History.

Understanding the Social Emotional Learning Lessons

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
December 10, 2021

The Texas Legislature now requires elementary schools to include a Social Emotional Learning curriculum to give support for students’ emotional development. MISD expanded the requirement to all middle and high schools.  Math teacher, Ms. Sara Kamphaus uses Social-Emotional Learning in her advisory...

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Landri Hargrove, 12, gives blood on the Carter Blood Care 'Blood Bus.'

Students Donate Blood Amid National Shortage

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
December 6, 2021

Senior Ashlyn Liukonen breathes in and out as the needle pricks the inside of her elbow crease. The needle punctures the vein and soon enough blood trickles through the tube and settles in a vile. She continues to squeeze her puffy stress-ball and watch the red liquid flow out.  Student Council hosted...

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At the MISD Center for the Performing Arts, Annali Hollinger, 12, and Caelan Campagna, 11, perform "Meadowlark" from the musical, "The Baker's Wife."

Theater Hosts ‘All Together Now’

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
December 2, 2021

Gathering in the Dr. Jim Vaszauskas Center for the Performing Arts at eight o’clock, all five Mansfield high schools sit in the auditorium with sleepy eyes and morning voices. Conversations of excitement pass between students as directors congregate on the stage. Mr. Jeremy Ferman, Legacy’s Theater...

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London Laurence, 9, hits the ball at the match against Crowley on September 28. Tennis won the match 19-0.

Tennis Advances to Area Playoffs

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
November 12, 2021

Tennis placed second in the district and made it to the area round of playoffs, though, unfortunately, their competition stopped there. Senior Tatum Sikes has played tennis for Legacy since her freshman year.  “I’m really proud of the team we had this year,” Sikes said. “A majority of our...

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McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief, talks about the ending of high school.

What It Takes To Be A Leader

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
November 3, 2021

It took me a long time to figure out I love leadership positions. Beforehand, there were people in my life that made me feel inferior and small or I sabotaged my own potential by not putting in enough effort. Though there are many reasons as to why I didn’t realize my love of leadership, I now understand...

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Different Blood; Same Family

Different Blood; Same Family

McKenzie Canton, Editor-in-Chief
November 1, 2021

Blank four walls conceal a young, 16-year-old girl holding a tiny baby in her arms. Nurses and doctors come by to check on them occasionally but eventually, they come in to ask for the baby. The little girl with closed eyes and yawning lips, swaddled in a blanket, leaves her biological mother to join...

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Samuel Ramirez, 9, and other JROTC members walk in line to the cafeteria on Oct. 6, during modified lockout procedures. Legacy went into a modified lockout during the active shooter incident at Timberview High School.

Legacy Responds to Timberview Shooting with Modified Lockout Procedures

McKenzie Canton and Blake Hinerman
October 7, 2021

During an active shooter incident Oct. 6 at Timberview High School, Legacy went on a modified lockout securing all 64 exterior doors from anyone entering and exiting campus and not allowing students to switch classrooms. Because of the gunman’s social connections to Legacy, staff and administrators...

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Students dance on the dance floor

Red Carpet Ready

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
September 25, 2021

The parking lot piles in with cars as students line up in the back of the school awaiting their red-carpet moment. Girls appear taller in their heels and their sparkling dresses shine every time light catches on them. Their dates stand close dressed in solid-colored suits with ties wrapped neatly around...

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One of the multiple restrooms damaged. Each sink costs more than $1,000 to replace. Some supplies are on back order due to COVID-19.

TikTok Challenge Leads to Closed Restrooms, Expensive Damage

McKenzie Canton and Blake Hinerman
September 23, 2021

After a multitude of devious robberies or “licks,” from the school, Dr. Shelly Butler, principal, was forced to close most bathrooms throughout the school because of extensive damage. On Sept. 1, a Tik Tok user posted a video stealing a box of disposable face masks calling it a “lick.” (A...

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StuCo poses for a picture in celebration of Hello Beautiful

Hello Beautiful Week Holds a Deeper Meaning

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Chief
September 21, 2021

Smiling new faces opened the second full week of school on Aug. 30. Students waltzed in with floral prints on clothing items as student council members, like freshman Linzi Martin, welcomed them into the building.  “When I started doing Hello Beautiful Week it was a perfect way to help and bring...

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Administrators Assure Safety Protocols after Gun Found at Ben Barber

Administrators Assure Safety Protocols after Gun Found at Ben Barber

McKenzie Canton, Editor-In-Cheif
August 31, 2021

After Ben Barber Innovation Academy campus police alerted Legacy police officers on Aug.18 about a gun on Ben Barber’s campus, administrators stress the importance of established safety measures. Police apprehended the student in the parking lot and charged him with a felony. Administrators now reaffirm...

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Had COVID-19, Now What?

Had COVID-19, Now What?

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
May 25, 2021

Sitting at the dining room table, junior Isabel Lara glanced around at her sick family. They intended to eat a nice Thanksgiving meal together, but as they each took a bite, the tasteless turkey did no justice. With coughs, sneezes and positive COVID-19 tests, they endured one of the weirdest Thanksgivings...

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Taking Home the Gold Seal

Taking Home the Gold Seal

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
May 18, 2021

Senior Micah Donathan grins at the picture that glows brightly on her screen. Space next to her artwork occupied a gold ribbon with a score of 5 placed above it.  “It’s so crazy to me to think about it because I didn’t expect that at all,” Donathan said, “but I’m really grateful.” Art...

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MISD Participates in Book Drive

MISD Participates in Book Drive

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
May 17, 2021

After awarded top ten in youth leaders across the country, fifth-grader Orion Jean continues his strive for kindness. Already allowed to serve children with over 600 toys and 40,000 meals, the young student wants to give more to those in need.  Jean hopes to spread kindness with children again with...

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Freshman Luke Batson swings the bat on home plate at one of the games

Bringing Home a New Rule

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
April 21, 2021

Freshman Luke Batson swings his bat, making contact with the ball and watching it soar over to right field. Rejoicing in his hit, Batson reminisces on the idea that he never has to miss out on another game.  “Being quarantined even if I wasn’t sick would be very frustrating,” Batson said. “I...

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Elmore's takes a picture of one of her earring sets to eventually post on Instagram.

Paige Elmore: Molding a Business

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
April 16, 2021

Art comes in all forms for everyone. For senior Paige Elmore creates her art comes in the form of earrings.  “I love creating accessories so that people can travel with them anywhere,” Elmore said. “My projects aren't like other art in the way that they don't sit at home collecting dust.” Elmore...

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Wild Ride

Wild Ride

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
March 29, 2021

Noises of all kinds floated out of the stables as senior TJ Huff made his way around the barn. His boots crumbled the hay beneath him as he made his way to his heifers. They greeted him with soft moos as he checked on them, all the while thinking about what happened in the past few months.   “How...

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Canton writes about the lack of reciprocation in her friendships this past year

The Cutoff

Mckenzie Canton, Staff Writer
March 25, 2021

Friendships have always had a big impact on my life. I’m the oldest on both sides of my family, the oldest cousin, oldest niece, oldest granddaughter and oldest sibling. In my family, I have an awkward age contrast that makes me question where I’m allowed to sit at the dinner table — the adults...

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Cast Members of Spoon River Anthology sit on the edge of the stage together

Staying in Action

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
February 23, 2021

Lights dimmed in the house as they grew brighter on stage spiked in colored tape. Cast members crowded backstage, whispered with excitement because their time had come. The camera sat up on a ledge in the seats with the flash of red light, the stage in view, ready for a performance. “This year we...

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Molina poses for a picture with her mom and sisters.

Joining the Battle

McKenzie Canton
February 8, 2021

Scribbling over the lines in red crayon in her coloring book, Gabby Molina laid on her stomach while Dora the Explorer played softly on the TV above. Little did her two-year-old mind know, a couple of feet away stood her angry aunt, saddened father and pained mother as they discussed the heart-wrenching...

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Students prepare for the first day of in-person classes at Legacy.

Figuring it Out

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
January 26, 2021

Gleaming under the fluorescent lighting, freshman Sydney Keck takes diligent steps to her first-period class. She searches for the pathways to each of her classrooms as she makes it to class on time. After months of learning and testing out the waters, she understands her place at school and finally...

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Canton writes about the lack of reciprocation in her friendships this past year

Goodbye 2020

McKenzie Canton, Feature Editor
January 15, 2021

We survived one of the most mentally straining years in history. 2020 became a domino effect for disaster with wildfires covering the earth, the fright of a possible World War lll, COVID-19 and quarantine, influencer deaths, a chaotic presidential election, riots and movements. All of them took place...

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Students working on classwork from home have higher failure rate than in-person learning modes. MISD has offered was for failing students to redeem credit.

Virtual Learning Leads to High Failure Rates

McKenzie Canton and Nina Banks
December 15, 2020

The high school failure rate has risen to an all-time high in Texas with 62% of students failing one class and 54% of students failing two or more classes.  In general, when school administrators offered the option of virtual learning, students who chose online mode of learning lacked the quality...

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Seniors Daniel Orona and Alexandra Saenz walk during the pre-game homecoming ceremony. The homecoming game was Oct. 23.

Leaving In Love

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
December 2, 2020

Paper passes between students with their large science books on the table, Alexandra Saenz, now a senior, peeked around to look at the boy who caught her attention across the room. A subtle glance here and there, all the way to eighth grade when they both began getting to know one another. What they...

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Students Vote For First Time

Students Vote For First Time

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
November 9, 2020

As senior Brandon Schuler walked up to Kennedale Library, he took into account how powerful this felt, a first-time voter in the midst of a significant election. Schuler waited patiently in line for almost 20 minutes and once his turn came up, he took a bold step to adulthood and voted. Then with a sticker...

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Administrators try to enforce social distancing guidelines during lunch through assigned.

Opinion: Students Should Respect New Lunch Protocols

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
November 4, 2020

Since in-person school reopened in September, Legacy prepped their building in all areas to accommodate students and covid protocols. With that said, the cafeteria appeared refurbished with assigned seating and plexiglass shields.  At the beginning of school, students were given certain seating arrangements...

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Senior Hannah Brantley completes her school work from her bed when all classes were virtual at the start of the school year.

Opinion: In-Person Students Should Be Allowed to Complete Work Virtually

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
October 27, 2020

When the school year started, school protocols looked different than in previous years. The biggest difference was the ability to stay home and be counted present as if you were at school could be an option for students who wanted to take a day off.  As of now, it comes easy for students to sleep...

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Canton writes about the importance of adapting to the changes in our day-to-day lives.

Why We Do What We Do

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
October 5, 2020

With the return of in-person learning, guidelines remain in place to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Normal rules have changed to fit the new standards for the safety of every student, teacher, and faculty staff member, in an attempt to slow the spread of the disease.  Masks The...

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Canton writes about the lack of reciprocation in her friendships this past year

A Little Bit of Kindness

McKenzie Canton, Feature Editor
October 5, 2020

Not a day goes by that we don’t hear about COVID-19, racial injustice and the wildfires. We sit at the table only to embark on political conversations, as women protest in the streets for the issues they face and we watch social media become a place of hate and conflict.  For months in quarantine,...

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With expectations to care for five younger siblings, Alejandra Jacquez, 12, struggles to balance school and family duties.

Working Overtime

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
September 29, 2020

A loud sound erupts the silence that flows through the house. Senior Alejandra Jacquez rolls over to her other side to turn off the buzzing coming from her alarm. She gets out of bed to prepare for the long day ahead of her. With clothes thrown on and breakfast prepared, Jacquez prepares herself for...

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How to Adult: iOS 14 Update

How to Adult: iOS 14 Update

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
September 26, 2020
With many new features to design your home screen exactly as you want to see it, make sure your phone is updated to iOS 14. Updates also make sure your phone is running smoothly and efficiently and keeping all your information secure.
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Officials Quarantine Students After First COVID-19 Case

Officials Quarantine Students After First COVID-19 Case

McKenzie Canton and Jordyn Folsom
September 24, 2020

After four days of in-person learning, Legacy’s first COVID-19 case caused 39 students to quarantine for 14 days. It also caused confusion and questions for parents.  “We hadn’t had a positive COVID case,” Dr. Shelly Butler, principal, said about the case confirmed Sept. 11. “We were just...

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StuCo greets students in the front entryway

First Day Jitters

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
September 14, 2020

Tile floors shine, hallways swept clean of rubbish and teachers hang their last decorative pieces in their classrooms, every heart longing for the arrival of the students. After four weeks of online learning, students came back with backpacks shoved on and masks on faces. Each person rode up to the school,...

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Made in Canva

Mask Haul: Convenient Places to Find Face Coverings

McKenzie Canton, Features Editor
August 31, 2020

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Sivong and her twin sister pose in the ACA parking lot before their eighth grade graduation.

Going Public

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
May 13, 2020

As the sun rose, breakfast sat on the table and ironed uniforms were laid out on the couch for sophomore Jadyn Sivong. Backpacks weighed down by books and folders were slipped on in a rush. She heaved a quick sigh and walked out the front door to leave for another day at her charter school, Arlington...

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Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

6 Sources To Stay Informed About COVID-19

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
March 26, 2020

As this season of life lulls over our heads, it can be difficult to find accountable resources. However, relax, find some food, then sit and take in some good reading for information you don’t want to miss. It’s important to understand which credible sources are worth taking a look at. Overall...

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An anonymous man blows smoke after vaping in the sunlight. Courtesy photo by Daniel Ramos on Unsplash.

Puffs of Poison

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
January 31, 2020

Puffs of flavored smoke surround a group of boys and girls as they lounge in the afternoon behind an unwatched building. Taste buds tingle when they inhale the vapor, and their lungs consume it with every breath. Sophomore Brian Joe* envelopes himself in the crowd and gulps down another cloud of nicotine,...

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Physics Students Launch Rockets

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
November 15, 2019

Laughter consumed the room as paper rockets soared through the air and fell helplessly back to the ground. Ms. Lowry, physics teacher, strolled between lab tables and she commented kindly on student’s rocket decorations and styles.  Students sat at their lab seats and hot glued their rolls of paper...

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The Beginning of Best Friends

The Beginning of Best Friends

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
October 25, 2019

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Fifth and sixth graders stretch at the Legacy Theater Camp. Legacy students hosted the camp in the summer.

Theater Students Play in the PAC

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
October 23, 2019

“Did anyone see a particular moment for Orpheus?” Theater Arts teacher Ms. Fortune said to her quiet Theater I class.  A few hands shot into the air as Fortune paced the white tiled floors at the front of the room. Students in all grades paid attention to their spunky teacher. Her curly, bright...

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Immersed In The Unknown

Immersed In The Unknown

Brinley Koenig and McKenzie Canton
September 23, 2019

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Ms. Alissa Alfaro works with students on an assignment. Alfaro is one of 32 new teachers this year.

Legacy Welcomes New Teachers

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
September 19, 2019

This year, 32 new teachers joined the faculty at Legacy.  It marks an opportunity to get to know some of the fresh faces here at Legacy. Mr. Scott Parlin, Geometry Teacher Where Did You Come From? “I came from South Grand Prairie where I was the head basketball coach, then I was at South Arlington...

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Show choir rehearses for upcoming show.

Show Choir

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
November 12, 2015

Club/Sport  Show Choir  Why We Do It  “Show Choir is in of itself, a story. We have a show that tells a story that people can relate too more often than not. We use music to influence people's emotions.” Austin Wright, 12 Where/How Often Do They Meet   They meet every Tuesday in the...

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Margaret Vo rings the Key Club bell to start the meeting. (Ellie Brutsche photo)

Key Club

McKenzie Canton, Staff Writer
November 12, 2015

Club/sport  NHS Why We Do It  “NHS is about intentionally investing in yourself and the community not only academically but also in service, leadership, and in character. As a chapter, we really focus on getting out into the community and making an impact in any way we can.” Isabella Estes,...

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